Our World is a Family : Our Community Can Change the World

By Miry Whitehall and Jennifer Jackson, Illustrated by Nomar Perez ( Sourcebooks eXplore – 2022 )

There are so many reasons why people move to new communities. In this vividly illustrated and joyfully written story, explore some of the causes behind immigration and become inspired to welcome new faces into your neighborhood with love. With clear examples of how to be a food neighbor, this inspiring and diverse read is perfect for any family who wants to make a positive contributions to the world around you.>>>Miry Whitehall is the founder of Miry’s List.

新しくコミュニティ‐にやってくる人達には様々な理由がある。生き生きとした明るい色彩の絵と心温まる言葉で、移民の人達の事情を語り、愛情をもって隣人として迎える喜びを教えている。簡単明瞭にアドバイスを提示しているこの絵本は、楽しく安心できるコミュニティーを建設するのに、どの家族にも大いに役立つだろう。>>>著者のMiry Whitehallは、Miry’s List の創設者。

Brown : The many shades of love

By Nancy Johnson James, Illustrated by Constance Moore ( Cameron Kids – 2020 )

Mama’s brown is chocolate-clear, dark, and sweet. Daddy’s brown is autumn leaf or like a field of wheat. Granny’s brown is like honey, and Papa’s like caramel. In this loving and lovely ode to the color brown, a boy describes the many beautiful hues of his family, including his own- gingerbread.


Snow Angel, Sand Angel

By Lois-Ann Yamanaka, Illustrated by Ashley Lukashevsky ( Make Me a World – 2021 )

Claire has been surrounded by the deep blue waves of many beautiful beaches and the magnificent mountains of the Big Island, Hawaii, all her life but has never seen snow. And that’s what she wants more than anything. When her father drives her and her family to the top of Mauna Kea, she can’t help but be disappointed…it’s not the winter wonderland she’s always dreamed of. However she wonders if maybe she can delights in the special joys of winter with her family in her own way – right there, in the place she calls home. >>>Author’s note and Glossary are on the last page.


Glory on Ice : A Vampire Hockey Story

By Maureen Fergus, Illustrated by Mark Fearing ( Alfred A. Knopf – 2020 )

After years alone, vampire Vlad is ready to try something new, so he strolls into town. It’s not easy for him to find a right hoppy until he overhears the junior hockey team vowing to crush and destroy their rivals. Vlad immediately falls for the game, but he also quickly realizes that superhuman powers don’t mean much in hockey without a mastery of the basics. This is a story to celebrates teamwork, perseverance, and a love of hockey that will last a lifetime, even for an immoral being.


Planting Friendship : Peace, Salaam, Shalom

By Callie Metler, Shirin Rahman, Melissa Stoller, Illustrated by Kate Talbot          ( Clear Fork Publishing – 2021 )

When they meet on the first day of school, three girls realize they are different from each other – Molly is Christian, Savera is Muslim, and Hannah is Jewish. Through a class planning project, the girls’ friendship blossoms, and learn they are more alike than they thought. >>>Three women authors from the same faith traditions as the 3 girls in the story.


Measuring Angels

By Lesley Ely, Illustrated by Polly Dunbar (Frances Lincoln Children’s Books – 2008 )

When two school girls are given a sunflower seed, they argue and the little plant grows very badly. The teacher says “That sunflower is not happy”. So the girls make an angel to help the plant grow. A friendship develops between the two girls, as they learn to like each other, the little plant grows bigger and bigger.


Ravi’s Roar

By Tom Percival ( Bloomsbury Children’s Books – 2019 )

Ravi never minded being the smallest in his family until….one day, Ravi’s short arms can’t reach the monkey bars, he can’t find anyone during hide-and-seek. And he’s too little to ride the big slide. Ravi is so mad-so ferocious, roaring Tiger! Tigers can do anything they want! But who want to play with someone who won’t share or behave? Ravi is about discover something very important about voicing his feelings. >>>On the last page, found advices from the author. Tom Percival’s books in SHI collection.

Raviは家族のなかで一番小さかったが、気にしていなかった。ある日までは、、、Raviの手はモンキーバーにぶる下がるには短か過ぎたし、かくれんぼをしても誰も見つけられなかった。さらに、大きな滑り台に乗るには小さすぎた。Raviはおへそを曲げ、しまいには怒り狂ってライオンのようにわめきだした。ライオンなら何でも好きなことが出来る。でも、自分勝手で手のつけようもない子と、誰が一緒に遊んでくれる?Raviは感情を言葉にする大切さに気ずいた。>>>巻末に作者からのアドバイスがある。SHIコレクションにあるTom Percivalの作品。

Ruby Finds a Worry

By Tom Percival ( Bloomsbury Children’s Books – 2018 )

Ruby is a happy, curious, imaginative girl. But one day, she finds something unexpected : a Worry. It’s not a very big Worry at first. But every day it grows a little bigger…and the Worry is enormous and is all she can think about. But when Ruby befriends a boy she discovers that everyone has Worries, and not only that, there’s great way to get rid of them too. >>>Tom Percival’s books in SHI collection.

Rubyは、明るく好奇心旺盛で想像力豊な少女である。しかしある日、彼女はいつもとは異なることに気ずいた。それは心配である。はじめは大したことではなかったが、日に日に心配は大きくなり、やがてとてつもなく多くなって頭から離れなくなった。しかし、Rubyは一人の少年に会って、誰もが心配持っていることを、それを除く方法を見つけ出した。>>>SHIコレクションにあるTom Percivalの作品

Change Sings : A Children’s Anthem

By Amanda Gorman, Illustrated by Loren Long ( Viking – 2021 )

As a young girl leads a cast of characters on a musical journey, they learn that they have the power to make changes – big or small- in their communities, and most importantly, in themselves. In this stirring, much anticipated picture book, anything is possible when our voices join together. >>> The author, Amanda Gorman is a presidential inaugural poet in 2021 and an activist.

一人の少女の導きによって演奏仲間を一人ずつ増やしながら、皆で大小に関わらず地域社会の変化を、そして何よりも重要なことは自分自身の変化を生み出す力を学んでゆく。この感動的でワクワクさせてくれる絵本は、皆で力を合わせれば不可能なことなど何もないことを教えてくれる。>>>作者のAmanda Gorman は、2021年米国大統領就任式に参加した詩人であり、活動家でもある。

You Are Your STRONG

By Danielle Dufayet, Illustrated by Jennifer Zivoin (Magination Press, American Psychological Association – 2019)

With diverse characters and scenes featuring a range of different family relationships, this book shows kids that they will have help along the way to being strong and in control. Soothing and sweetly encouraging pages helps kids understand a range of emotions and highlights the benefit of developing inner strength and confidence in themselves. >>> Includes a note to parents and caregivers on the last pages.
