White Snow, Bright Snow

By Alvin Tresselt, Illustrated by Roger Duvoisin ( Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Books – 1988 )

When the first flakes fell from the grey sky, the postman and the farmer and the policeman and his wife scurried about doing all practical things grownups do when a snowstorm comes.  But the children laughed and danced, and caught the lacy snowflakes on their tongues.  All the wonder and delight a child feels in a snowfall is caught in the pages of this book – the frost ferns on the windowsill, the snow man in the yard and the mystery and magic of a new white world.



By Jeannie Baker ( Greenwillow Books – 2004 )

Little by little, baby Tracy grows. She and her neighbors begin to rescue their street. Together, children and adults plant grass and trees and bushes in the empty spaces. They paint murals over old graffiti. They stop the cars. Everything begins to blossom. In Jeannie Baker’s striking natural collages without text, an urban community reclaims its land. A drab city street becomes a living thriving neighborhood – a place to call home. >>>Jeannie Baker’s books in SHI collection.

赤ちゃんのTracy は、すくすくと成長した。彼女と隣人たちは、自分達の通りの手入れを始めた。子どもも大人も一緒になって、空き地に植物や木を植えて緑を茂らせた。いたずら書きは、壁画で塗り替えた。車に乗るのを止めた。総てが魅力的になった。制作者Jeannie Bakerの自然の素材を活用したコラージュで文字はない彼女独特の作品で、都会のコミュニティーが大地を取り戻す。単調な街の通りが、溢れる生命で活気ずいた環境に代わり、それこそホームと呼ぶにふさわしい場所に変わった。>>>SHIのコレクションにあるJeannie Bakerの作品

Recycling Day

By Edward Miller ( Holiday House – 2014 )

Oh no! Mean and nasty rats are taking over an empty lot that a group of burgs call home. The rats love two things: bullying the bugs and enjoying all the trash that’s piling up. Luckly, helps is coming soon. Volunteers will arrive on Recycling Day and not only drive away the awful rats, but explain all about how recycling works and why it’s a good idea. >>> On the last pages, found “Think Green”.

さあ大変だ!意地悪で汚いネズミ達が、虫達が住処にしている空き地に侵入してきた。このネズミ達は2つのことが大好きだ、つまり虫達をいじめることと、山と積まれたゴミを楽しむこと。幸いにも助け舟がやって来る。リサイクル・デーに、ボランティア達が来て悪戯なネズミ達を追い出すだけでなく、リサイクルの仕組みと何故大切なのかの説明をしてくれる。>>>巻末に”Think Green” (自然保護)の解説あり。

Let’s Go Outside!

By Ben Lerwill, Illustrated by Marina Ruiz ( Welbeck Editions – 2022 )

“Let’s go outside! Let’s find a big, sploshy puddle! Let’s run as fast as our legs can carry us!” Join a group of friends as they play together throughout the year in this joyful celebration of spending time outside every day.

<そとへゆこう!水たまりを見つけて遊ぼう!足が動く限りできるだけ早く走ろう!> 一年を通じて毎日外で過ごす楽しさを祝福する為に、この絵本の中の友達たちに加わろう。

When We Went Wild

By Isabella Tree, Illustrated by Allira Tee ( Ivy Kids – 2021 )

This is a story about how we can bring nature back. Nancy and Jake are farmers. They raise their cows and pigs, and grow their crops with machines and chemicals, just like as many farmers do. But their animals look sad. Even the trees look sad! One day, Nancy has an idea…what if they stopped doing all that, and just went WILD. >>> Isabella Tree is the author of “Wilding” and this is her first picture book for children. One the last pages, found the author’s note on ‘rewilding’.

この絵本は、自然を取り戻すための物語。Nancy と Jake は、農業を営んでいる。牛や豚を飼い、作物も収穫しているし、多くの農家経営と同様に器械や化学物質も使っている。しかし家畜たちは惨めであった。木々も惨めであった。ある日、Nancyは、ある考えが浮かんだ、、、今までのやり方を変えて,自然をそのままにしようと。>>>Isabella Tree は “Wilding”の著者。これは彼女の初めての子供向け絵本で、巻末には作者から「野生を取り戻す」ことについての 解説がある。

Dig Those Dinosaurs

By Lori Haskins Houran, Illustrated by Francisca Marquez ( Albert Whitman & Company – 2013 )

Discover the journey a dinosaur bone takes from the ground to a museum exhibit! Follow a paleontologist and his crew as they dig and rig those big dinosaur bones, and also can enjoy the repeating sound of main word on each process. >>> On the last pages, included up-to-date facts on fossils and how paleontologists work.


The Good for Nothing Tree

By Amy-Jill Levine. Sandy Eisenberg Sasso, Illustrated by Annie Bowler (Flyaway books – 2022 )

A tiny fig tree needs time to grow. But how much time? All four seasons go by…and there are no figs. The seasons pass again. Still no figs! Is the fig tree good for nothing? Or will extra time, care and love help the sweetest figs (and perhaps also a reluctant child ) grow and flourish? >>> In the Authors’ note on the last page, tells they inspired a parable from the Gospel of Luke (13:6-9), and they describe in this book about the value of giving all children time to grow at their own paces. 



By Peter Oswald ( Candlewick Press – 2020 )

In the cool and quiet early light of morning, a father and child wake up. Today, they’re going on a hike. Follow the duo into the mountains as they experience the joys of nature, overcome challenges, and play a small role in the survival of the forest. And when they return home, there’s just one more way to hold the day in their hearts forever. >>> No text in this book, but the illustration tells a lot.


Dear Earth… : From Your Friends in Room 5

By Erin Dealey, Illustrated by Luisa Uribe ( Harper – 2020 )

This picture book shows the monthly corresponding letters between the earth and elementary school children in class room 5. First of all, in January, the children write a thanks letter to the earth for all that the earth gives to our world, and ask what is their part to help the earth. Through corresponding letters, every month the children learn and awake to do new action to help the earth. >>> On the last page, the author explains more about Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, and Renew. Erin Dealey’s books in SHI collection.

この絵本は、5号室の教室で学ぶ小学生達と地球との毎月の手紙のやり取りである。まず初め1月に、子ども達は多くの物を提供してくれている地球に感謝の手紙を書き、地球を手伝う為に自分達の役目を尋ねた。毎月の手紙を通して、子ども達は学び新しい行動を起こすことに目覚めていった。>>>巻末で作者がさらに詳しく、Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Renewの説明をしている。SHIコレクションにある同じ作者の作品。 

Snow Angel, Sand Angel

By Lois-Ann Yamanaka, Illustrated by Ashley Lukashevsky ( Make Me a World – 2021 )

Claire has been surrounded by the deep blue waves of many beautiful beaches and the magnificent mountains of the Big Island, Hawaii, all her life but has never seen snow. And that’s what she wants more than anything. When her father drives her and her family to the top of Mauna Kea, she can’t help but be disappointed…it’s not the winter wonderland she’s always dreamed of. However she wonders if maybe she can delights in the special joys of winter with her family in her own way – right there, in the place she calls home. >>>Author’s note and Glossary are on the last page.
