Change Sings : A Children’s Anthem

By Amanda Gorman, Illustrated by Loren Long ( Viking – 2021 )

As a young girl leads a cast of characters on a musical journey, they learn that they have the power to make changes – big or small- in their communities, and most importantly, in themselves. In this stirring, much anticipated picture book, anything is possible when our voices join together. >>> The author, Amanda Gorman is a presidential inaugural poet in 2021 and an activist.

一人の少女の導きによって演奏仲間を一人ずつ増やしながら、皆で大小に関わらず地域社会の変化を、そして何よりも重要なことは自分自身の変化を生み出す力を学んでゆく。この感動的でワクワクさせてくれる絵本は、皆で力を合わせれば不可能なことなど何もないことを教えてくれる。>>>作者のAmanda Gorman は、2021年米国大統領就任式に参加した詩人であり、活動家でもある。

The Neighborhood Surprise

By Sarah van Dongen ( TINY OWL – 2021 )

Ms. Fig is moving to a retirement home. Koya and her neighbors want to be included in the preparation for a leaving party for their dear friend. They get to work, helping their parents make delicious vegan and vegetarian food for everyone in the neighborhood to enjoy. >>> On the last pages, Sara van Dongen explains about “Vegan” and “Vegetarian”.


I’m New Here

By Anne Sibley O’Brien (Charlesbridge-2015)
At their new school, everything is different…..Back in Guatemala, Maria knew the language. Back in Korea, Jin could read and write. Back in Somalia, Fatimah felt like she fit in. Now, in the United Sates, there are new words and new ways. But with a little support – and a lot of courage – Maria, Jin, and Fatimah begin to find their way.

新しい学校では総てが違っていた、、、。グアテマラにいた時は、Mariaは言葉が解っていた。韓国にいた時は、Jinは読み書きが出来た。ソマリアにいた時は、Fatimahは自分の居場所があった。しかし今、アメリカ合衆国に来たら、新しい言葉や新しいやり方を覚えなくてはならない。でも、ちょっとした励ましと、たくさんの勇気をもって、Maria と Jin と Fatimah は、新しい生活に挑み始めた。

The Seekers: The legend of the silver fox and the fire wolf

By HARI & DEEPTI (Alfred A. Knopf - 2019)
Mio and Nao are very different siblings. Mio believes in the tales of the Silver Fox and Fire Wolf and the connection their guardian spirits have to their village. Nao longs for adventure and to discover life outside the valley. When the river they relay on for so much begins to dry up, Mio and Nao each have their reasons to find the source of the drought. With a small band of villagers, they trek through grim landscapes under dark skies and encounter dangerous tests of loyalty to their home and their mission. >>> HARI & DEEPTI are a husband-wife artist duo from India. Known internationally for their specific papercut and backlit style. The explanation about their artworks of this book.

MioとNaoは、性格が全く異なる兄妹であった。Mioは、’銀色の狐と炎の狼’伝説を信じていたし、村の守護神である彼等の精神と繋がることを信じていた。Naoは村がある谷の外の世界に関心があり、外の世界を知りたかった。村の生活は総て川に頼っていたが、その川が干しあがってしまった時、MioとNaoは夫々に、干ばつの理由を追求する役目を自覚した。他の数名の村人と共に、彼らは暗い空の下多くの危険に遭遇しながらも、村を救う為に旅を続けた。>>>HARI と DEEPTI はインド出身の芸術家夫婦で、彼らの詳細なる紙切りと照明技術の調和が生み出す独特の芸術作品は、国際的にも高く評価を受けている。この絵本における制作の説明.

Keeping the city going

By Brian Floca ( Atheneum Books for Young Readers – 2021 )

This is a story of when the city shut down/almost shut down. Even when most people stayed in there were still some people outside: keeping our mail delivered, keeping our internet working, keeping our grocery store stocked, and keeping us safe. This book captured the people who kept the city going during the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, and what that meant to those of us who stayed home.


That’s not a daffodil!

By Elizabeth Honey ( ALLEN&UNWIN – 2011 )

When Tom’s neighbor, Mr. Yilmaz, presents Tom a brown bulb, he can’t believe it will flower. Mr. Yilmaz is an old gardener from Turkey, and shows Tom how to plant it and how to take care of it as it grows. It is the lovely story about an inventive boy, a kindly gardener, a growing friendship and the promise of a bulb. 

Tomの隣人であるMr. Yilmazから茶色い球根をもらった時、Tomはそれが花であるとは信じられなかった。Mr. Yilmazはトルコから来た年配の庭師であり、Tomにその球根を植えて, 成長する度に手入れの方法を教えてくれた。発想豊かな少年と、優しい庭師と、二人の友情が育ってゆく過程と、球根のもたらす約束が織りなす、ほのぼのとした心暖まる物語。

Thank You, Helpers : Doctors, Nurses, Teachers, Grocery Workers, and more who care for us

By Patricia Hegarty, Illustrated by Michael Emmerson (Random House – 2020)

The world is full of heroes, and we are thankful for evey single one! This celebration of helpers highlights the important jobs people do to keep us healthy and safe every day.


Pet Show!

By Ezra Jack Keats ( Viking – 1972 )

Archie has the perfect pet to enter in the neighborhood pet show: the stray cat that followed him home. It’s sure to win him a prize. But now it’s missing! What will he do if the cat doesn’t come back? Quick-thinking, Archie has a solution for everything – even a surprise las-minute entry for the pet show!


Apple Picking Time

By Michele Benoit Slawson, Illustrated by Deborah Kogan Ray (Dragonfly Books ~ 1994)

When it’s apple picking time, everyone has to help. The whole town knows they have only three weeks to get the fruit off the trees before it spoils. A young girl and her family spend a fall day picking apples with others from their small town. This is to celebrate family and community.


Common Threads : Adam’s Day at the Market

By Huda Essa, Illustrated by Mercè Tous (Sleeping Bear Press – 2019)

Adam and his parents spend an exciting day at the colorful and bustling market. But when a blue jay catches his eye, Adam can’t help but follow it. And then, he is lost in a sea of many people. Luckily in his sea of diversity, Adam is not alone. For every adult he meets is helping to get him back to his parents. Bright, colorful artwork and spare text open young reader’s eyes to the many ways we are all connected- from clothing to our communities.
