The Lemonade Hurricane : A Story of Mindfulness and Meditation

By Licia Morelli, Illustrated by Jannifer E. Morris ( Tilbury House Publishers – 2015 )

Henry’s life can get busy – sometimes too busy. When that happens, Henry gets wild, tearing around the house like a lemonade hurricane. But his big sister Emma has an idea. Maybe just maybe, she can help her brother learn to be still. This charming story tells how mindfulness and meditation can help calm even a hurricane like Henry. >>> On the last pages, simple instructions show how you can do it, too!


Charlie Chooses

By Lou Peacock, Illustrated by Nicola Slater ( Nosy Crow – 2021 )

Charlie has a hard time choosing. It doesn’t matter if the choise is between flavors of ice cream, pairs of underwear, or whether to sleep with the lights on or off – the options are always overwhelming. In fact, it’s easier when Charlie doesn’t choose at all. Hawever, with Charlie’s birthday fast approaching, he is determined to choose the absolute best gift for himself: a dog! But with so many furry friends to pick from, how will Charlie choose who to bring home?

Charlie は、選ぶことが大変に苦手であった。アイスクリームのフレイバーであれ、下着であれ、寝る時に電気を消すか消さないかであれ関係なく、選ぶことはいつでも大変な仕事であった。実際、選ばずに済むことは、Charlie にとって大変楽であった。ところが、彼の誕生日が近ずくに連れて、Charlieは最も素晴らしい贈り物を選びたくなった。それは犬である。しかし、いろいろな犬の中から、家に連れて帰る一匹を彼は選ぶことができるのだろうか?

You are a Star!

By Michael Parker, Illustrated by Judith Rossell ( Walker & Company – 2010 )

When it’s time to sleep, the night sky might seem scary. But if you take a journey out of this world, past the moon, and throught the universe, you ‘ll discover millions of stars. Once bright fires in space, those stars grew so hot they exploded into tiny pieces that flew around and came to rest in the place where Earth began, where animals, trees, and fruits would someday grow. All living things have a little bit of stardust inside them, and so do you!>>> Found “Star Facts” on the last page.


Climb On !

By Baptiste Paul, Illustrated by Jacqueline Alcántara ( NorthSouth Books Inc. – 2022 )

When a young child reminds her dad about the hike they planned, her father hesitant. But as the two climb on , her enthusiasm is contegious. This book captures the wonder of the trail, the special relationship between a parent and a child, and the power of a shared experience.


Be Who You Are

By Todd Parr ( Hachette Book Group Inc. -2016 )

“Be who you are! Be proud of where you ‘re from. Be a different color. Speak your language. Wear everything you need to be you. ” Todd Parr’s bold messages and bright pictures encourage readers to embrace all their unique qualities. >>>Todd Parr’s books in SHI collection.

<自分自身でいいんだ。自分がどこの出身であれ誇りに思おう。色が違っていも良い。言葉が異なっても良いんだ。自分の好きな服を着れば良い。>作者からの力強いメッセージと鮮やかな色彩の絵が、一人一人の異質性を祝福したくなるように導いてくれる。>>>SHIのコレクションにあるTodd Parrの作品

Unstoppable Me

By Susan Verde, Illustrated by Andrew Joyner ( Farrar Straus Giroux – 2019 )

Here is a boy who just can’t sit still. His body needs movement in order for him to learn, explore, and find joy in his life. >>> With experience of the author’s own son and a former school teacher, she is inspired to write this story as a way of approaching this amazing exuberance from a different perspective. Susan Verde’s book and Andrew Joyner’s book in SHI collection.

じっと座っていれない少年が登場する。彼の体は、学ぶために、冒険する為に、生きる楽しみを味わう為に、じっとしては要られなかった。>>>作者自身の息子との体験と元小学校教師としての体験から、非常に活発な子ども達を異なる角度から観察した話を絵本にした。SHIのコレクションにあるSusan Verdeの作品Andrew Joyerの作品

When Charley Met Emma

By Amy Webb, Illustrated by Merrilee Liddiard ( Beaming Books -2019 )

Five-year-old Charley gets teased for daydreaming and drawing more than his friends. but when he meets Emma, who is physically different, he needs help remmbering that being different is okay. >>> On the last pages, there are advice from the author how your children to relate with a child or person with special needs.



By Jess Hong ( Creston Books – 2017 )

The book explains the word LOVELY with showing the visual diversity of humans in out world. It is a lovely book that presents the lovely in all of us.

私達の世界に住む多様なる人間を描きながら、Lovelyの言葉を説明している絵本。総ての人、一人一人が持つLovely を示しているLovelyな絵本である。

I Am Smart, I Am Blessed, I Can Do Anything!

By Alissa Holder & Zulekha Holder-Young, Illustrated by Nneka Myers ( Flamingo Books – 2020 )

It’s a new day, and Ayaan was woken up o the wrong side of the bed, where nothing feels quite right. What if he doesn’t know the answer at school? What if he messes up? But as he sets out that morning, all it takes is a few reminders from his mom and some friends in the neighborhood to show him that a new day is a good day because he is smart, he is blessed, and he can do anything!


Pass It On

By Sophy Henn ( Philomel Books – 2017 )

When something happens that’s terrific – a smile, a chuckle, a hum, or a hug – you cant’t help but feel a sense of happpiness and wonder. And isn’t the world a little nicer and your smile a little brighter when you share that feeling with someone else? In this jubilant picture book, the excitement of giving joy to others is on full display.
