There’s No Such Thing as LITTLE

By LeUyen Pham ( Alfred A. Knopf – 2015 )

These things may look little: a fish, an idea, a snowflake. But what if that little fish was also brave? And that little idea was fantastic? And that little snowflake tlurned out to be unique in all the world? Bright, warm and endlessly inviting, the art and die-cut holes on each page will make you think twice about LITTLE means. >>> LeUyen Pham’s books in SHI collection.

次に述べるものは小さなものかも知れない:魚やアイデアや雪の結晶。でも、もし小さな魚でも勇気を持っていたらどうなる?些細なアイデアでも素晴らしかったらどうなる?そして、小さな雪の結晶でも世界に一つしかないデザインならその価値はどうなる? 聡明で、温かみがあり、次のページを開けたくなる素敵な絵と小さな型抜き穴が各ページについているこの絵本は、小さいことの意味を再考させてくれる。>>>SHIコレクションにあるLeUyen Phamの作品

Cherry Blossom and Paper Planes

By Jef Aerts, Illustrated by Sanne te Loo, Translated by Polly Lawson
(First published in Dutch in 2017. First published in English by Floris Books in 2019)

Adin and Dina are best friends. They laugh and play together planting cherry pits all around their village. Then Adin moves away to the city. Will Adin and Dina’s friendship survive the new distance between them? When Dina visits Adin in the town, Adin shows Dina to throw paper planes filled with cherry pits from the balcony of his apartment building. And then Dina starts to plant cherry pits again, even under the cold wind. This lyrical picture book with beautiful illustrations is a kind of modern fair tale of resilient friendship and the nature’s power, and the touching story shows the warmness of friendship as well as the magic of nature.


School Is Wherever I Am

By Ellie Peterson ( Roaring Brook Press – 2022 )

Is school only one place? Are there other classrooms? Different teachers? New lessons? In this charming, thoughtful picture book, author-illustrator Ellie Peterson explores learning, adventure, and the thousands of things you can discover outside a classroom – about the world, about your family, and about yourself. Because school is truly wherever you are.

学校って一つしかないの?教室は他にないの?他の先生はいないの?新しい科目は?この魅力的で考え深い絵本で、作者兼イラストレーターのEllie Peterson は、学びや冒険の意味を広げ、更には教室の外での世界や家族や自分自身の事など多くの物事に導いてくれる。なぜなら、学びは実際自分のいる所なら何処にでもあるのだから。

Smile, Sophia

By Skylaar Amann ( Feiwel and Friends – 2022 )

Sophia loves finding fussils and digging up dinosaur bones. But she doesn’t love the way all the grown-ups just want her to smile. What does smiling have to do with the very serious business of being a scientist?! She’ll smile when she has something to smile about! In this book, a young girl shows that being strong, and smart, and really good at what she does is more than enough-and if she smiles, it’s because she wants to! >>> In the last pages, found some explanation of words related with Sophia’s world and the paleontologist’s took kit.

Shophia は、化石を探したり恐竜の骨を見つけるのに土地を掘り起こすのが、大好きであった。しかし、大人達から、だだ笑いなさいと言われることは嫌いであった。真剣に仕事にとり組む科学者にとって、微笑みが何の役に立つのか?!嬉しくなる理由さえあれば、彼女は微笑むことが出来る。この絵本では、少女が意志の強さと知識欲と本当にやりたいことに熱中する喜びを描いて、心から嬉しい時に現れる笑顔を語っている。>>>巻末で、Sophiaの世界に関した言葉の説明と、古生物学者が持ち歩く道具が記載されている。


By Gabi Snyder, illustrated by Stephanie Graegin ( A Paula Wiseman Book – 2024 )

Sometimes today stretches way too looooong. Sometimes today passes in a too-fast flash. But a favorite today can last. It’s up to you to freeze the now and keep it – in your mind, in your heart, always. >>> On the last pages, found helpful instructions about mindfulness. >>>> Stephanie Graegin’s books in SHI collection.

時々は、今日という日が非常になが~~~い。時々は、今日という日が一瞬のように過ぎてゆく。しかし、特別な今日という日は、いつまでも残る。今という時を止めて心や魂の中に何時までも留めておくことが出来るのは、あなた次第である。>>>巻末にマインドフルネスに役立つ指導がある。>>>>SHIコレクションにあるStephanie Graeginの作品

A. Lincoln And Me

By Louise Borden, Illustrated by Ted Lewin ( Scholastic Press – 1999 )

Skinny as a beanpole and tall for his age, an awkward boy learns about Abraham Lincoln was called “gorilla,” “baboon,” and “backwoods hick.” Yet, along with big feet and big hands, Lincoln had a big heart and the great ability to keep a nation together. And what the boy learns as he studies Lincoln opens his mind to great possibility for his own future. A poetic story by Louise Borden and magnificent paintings by Ted Lewin introduce young children to a wonderful boy and a great president.>>>Louise Borden’s books and Ted Lewin’s books in SHI collection.

豆の支柱のようにひょろ長く、年齢よりも背が高い、自信のない少年が、アブラハム・リンカーンが、ゴジラとか、ヒヒとか、田舎者とか呼ばれていたことを知った。それでもリンカーンは、大きな手と大きな足だけでなく、大きな心の持ち主であり国民を一つにまとめる能力の持ち主でもあった。そして、その少年がリンカーンについて勉強すればするほど、自分の将来への大きな可能性を持てるようになった。詩的情緒豊かなLouise Bordenの話とTed Lewinの素晴らしい絵によって、一人の素敵な少年と偉大な大統領を紹介している絵本。>>>SHIのコレクションにあるLouise Bordenの作品Ted Lewinの作品

Imani’s Moon

By JaNay Brown-Wood, Illustrated by Hazel Mitchell (Charlesbridge – 2014)

Imani wants to touch the moon. She is eager to achieve something great, just like the heroes do in the stories Mama tells her each night. But how can a tiny girl soar so high in she sky? Day after day the other children tease and taunt her, yet Imani stays determined to reach the moon. Will little Imani ever find a way to make her BIG dream come true? With the beautiful illustrations and amazing story of backgrounding the Maasai tribe, this book encourages everyone to keep own dream.


Ruby and Lonely

By Patrice Karst, Illustrated by Kayla Harren ( Two Lions – 2023 )

Ruby’s got a problem. At school and at home, everyone is so busy all the time, and no one seems to notice her at all. Ruby finds herself kind of …lonely. But one day, while walking home alone after school, she decides to look at her problem from a new angle. She even gives it a name – Lonely – a seemingly small but significant decision that transforms her problem, and entire life, in the most surprising and extraordinary way. Join Ruby as she discovers her inner best friend in this relatable and heartwarming story. >>>Patrice Karst’s books and Kayla Harren’s books in SHI collection.

Rubyには問題があった。学校でも家でも、誰もがいつでも忙しくしていて、誰も彼女の存在に全く気ずいていないようであった。Rubyは、一人ぽっちであった。しかしある日、放課後家に一人で歩いて帰る時に、彼女の問題を今までとは異なる角度から見る決心をした。彼女は問題に「孤独」という名前さえつけた。それは実に些細なことではあったが、意義深い決心であった。なぜなら彼女の問題が姿を変えただけでなく、彼女の日常さえも変えてしまったのだ。この共感できる心温まる話の中でRubyが内なる友人を見つけたように、読者も引き付けられる絵本である。>>>SHIコレクションにある Patrice Karstの作品Kayla Harrenの作品

You Are a Beautiful Beginning

By Nina Laden, Illustrated by Kelsey Garrity-Riley ( Roaring Book Press – 2020 )

Inspired by this timeless adage, this book combines lyrical storytelling and lovely aart, blossoming into a celebration of self-love, friendship, and community. With delicate, evocative language and hidden depth, this meditative and magical picture book encourages readers old and young to discover their own endless potential.


Love, Violet

By Charlotte Sullivan Wild, Illustrated by Charlene Chua ( Farrar Straus Giroux – 2021 )

Of all the kids in her class, only one makes Violet’s heart skip : Mira, the girl with che cheery laugh who races like the wind. If only they could adventure together! But every time Violet tries to tell Mira how she feels, Violet goes shy. As Valentine’s Day approaches, Violet is determined to show Mira just how special she is.
