A loving friendship between a young girl and an elderly woman spans the seasons as they plant seeds and harvest the bounty in a community garden alongside friends and neighbors. But as the last leaves fall, things change. A tender story about gardening, loss, and treasured memories- reminding us that hope springs anew.
Oscar is staying with his nana, as his mom has to go away for a while. He likes being with Nana in her apartment building, but he still misses his mom. One day, Nana has an idea, and together they carefully sow seeds—lots and lots of seeds! They water them and wait . . . and then the seeds start to grow and the flowers begin to bloom and there are plants everywhere. Luckily Oscar has a great idea for what they can do with the blossoms—share them! This brightly illustrated wordless picture book shows how each person can contribute to the spirit and vitality of a community.
Oscar は、母親がしばらく留守の間、世話をしてくれるNanaに預けられた。Oscarはアパートに住んでいるNanaを好きではあったが、やはり母親が恋しかった。ある日、Nanaは彼と一緒に種を蒔いた、しかもたくさんの種を次々と。二人で水やりをして種の成長を楽しみにした。そして、種が成長し花が咲き始め、たくさんの植物が茂った。幸いなことにOscarには、これらの花が咲く植物を満喫する方法を提供する素晴らしいアイデアがあった。それは近所の人たちにプレゼントすることだ! 文字がない明るく生き生きとしたイラストだけのこの絵本は、コミュニティーの精神と活力に誰もが貢献できる例を告げている。
Come on an amazing journey with fourteen young people as they grow from birth to eighteen, learning new skills, exploring new worlds, standing up for their own and others’ rights, and following their dreams. Created in consultation with young adults, this book features the insights they would share with their younger selves in a groundbreaking narrative that will inspire and empower readers of all ages and abilities to believe in themselves and follow their own path, especially during laugh times. >>> Steve Antony’s books in SHI collection.
There is music everywhere. But you must listen closely. A cat lapping milk. A motorcyclist speeding. Squirrels eating nuts. It is the music of life! Lenny, a music composer, is turning these everyday sounds into a symphony. Join him and his cat, Pipo, on a walk through the city at daybreak as he collects bits of sound and silence for inspiration.
A young girl feels lost after the death of her mother. Dad tries his best to manage everything alone, but things just aren’t the same. When they take a trip to their lake house, the girl longs to feel a connection to her mom, and so she takes out the small mouseboat that she and her mom built together. And somehow, in the wind and rain, protected by the mouseboat, she finds her mother’s love. A lyrical, soothing story about new beginnings, even in the darkest times, this book is a powerful tribute to finding your way home again. >>> Abigail Halpin’s books in SHI collection.
By Alvin Tresselt, Illustrated by Roger Duvoisin ( Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Books – 1988 )
When the first flakes fell from the grey sky, the postman and the farmer and the policeman and his wife scurried about doing all practical things grownups do when a snowstorm comes. But the children laughed and danced, and caught the lacy snowflakes on their tongues. All the wonder and delight a child feels in a snowfall is caught in the pages of this book – the frost ferns on the windowsill, the snow man in the yard and the mystery and magic of a new white world.
By Mark Pett & Gary Rubinstein, Illustrated by Mark Pett (Sourcebooks Jabberwocky-2011 )
Beatrice Bottomwell has never (not once!) made a mistake. She never forgets her math homework, she never wears mismatched socks, and she always wins the yearly talent show at school. In fact, the entire town calls her The Girl Who Never Makes Mistakes! One day, the inevitable happens: Beatrice makes a huge mistake in front of everyone! But in the end, readers (and perfectionists) will realize that life is more fun when you enjoy everything—even the mistakes. This picture book is one of growth mindset books for kids to promote self esteem. >>>Mark Pett’s books in SHI collection.
Beatrice Bottomwellは、決して(一度でも)間違えをしたことがない。彼女は算数の宿題を忘れたことはないし、左右異なるソックスをはいたこともないし、毎年おこなわれる学校のタレントショーではいつでも優勝している。実際に、町中の人たちが彼女を ”決して間違えをしない少女” と呼んでいる。ところがある日、取り返しのつかない事態が発生した。それは、Beatriceが大勢の人たちの目の前でとてつもない大失敗を起こしたのだ! しかし最後には、読者たち(そして完璧主義者たち)は、人生はあらゆることを、たとえ失敗であっても、受け入れる方が気が楽であることを知らされる。この絵本は、子どもたちの自己肯定の力を養ってくれる。>>>>SHIコレクションにある Mark Pett の作品。
By Annette Bay Pimentel, Illustrated by Magaly Morales ( Abrams Books for Young Readers – 2021 )
When Pura grows up and moves from Puerto Rico to Harlem in New York, she gets a job at the library, where she is surrounded by stories—but they’re only in English. Where is Señor Gallo? Where is Pérez the mouse? Where is Puerto Rico on these shelves? She decides to tell children the tales of her homeland in English and in Spanish. With lyrical words and lively illustrations from Magaly Morales, this picture bookcaptures the exuberant spirit and passion of Pura Belpré: celebrated storyteller, author, folklorist, and the first Latina librarian in New York City. A pioneer of bilingual storytimes, she welcomed countless new families to the library, formed cultural bridges in her community, and broke the rules by telling stories that weren’t printed in books— not yet. >>> On the last pages, found more information about Pura. >>>> Magaly Morales’s books in SHI collection.
“Let’s go walking down our street. Friends and neighbors here to greet. Oh so many folks to meet. We all are neighbors here. “ Come along with the characters featured in the beloved bestseller “All Are Welcome” and “Big Feelings” as they introduce a new friend to a community where everyone has a place and is loved and appreciated – no matter what. >>> Alexandra Penfold’s books and Suzanne Kaufman’s books in SHI collection.
[私たちの通りを歩いてみよう。ここでは友達や近所の人たちがみな挨拶をしてくれる。ほんとにたくさんの人たちに出会う。ここではみなご近所さんなのだ。]ベストセラーとなった”Alll Are Welcome”や”Big Feelings”の馴染み深い登場人物たちが、近所に引っ越引っ越してきた新しい友人をみんなに紹介しながら、新しい隣人にコミュニティーを紹介している。コミュニティーには誰にとっても心地よい居場所があることを知らせてくれる。 >>>SHIコレクションにあるAlexandra Penfoldの作品と Suzanne Kaufmanの作品。
By Sharon Robinson, Illustrated by E. B. Lewis ( Viking – 2010 )
Jackie Robinson is getting ready for his family’s first Christmas in Brooklyn- with a little help from Steve Satlow, a young baseball fan who lives two doors down. When the Robinsons first moved to Tilden Avenue, Steve’s family stood up against the prejudice of their neighbors to welcome the neighborhood’s first black family. Since then, the Dodger’s famous second baseman – and Steve’s baseball idol – has become his friend. When Jackie finds out that Steve’s family doesn’t have a Christmas tree, he sees the perfect chance to return the kindness they showed his family. But there’s something Jackie doesn’t realize: The Satlows don’t celebrate Christmas because they’re Jewish! Funny, touching, and true, this tale of Jackie Robinson’s first Christmas – and Hanukkah- in Brooklyn celebrates the unity of the holiday season. >>> This true story in 1948 written by Jackie Robinson’s daughter, and the author’s note is on the last page. >>>> Sharon Robinson’s books and E. B. Lewis’s books in SHI collection.
Jackie Robinson は、ブルックリン(ニューヨーク市のブルックリン地区)で初めて迎えるクリスマスの準備をしていた。Steve Satlowと言う野球大ファンで、近くに住む少年が彼を手伝ってくれた。Robinson一家がTilden通りに引っ越して来た時、この地区に初めての黒人家族が住むことを近所の人達は歓迎しなかったが、Satlow家族だけは暖かく迎えてくれた。それ以来、ドジャース球団の有名な二塁手であり、Steveの野球選手のアイドルでもあったJackieは、Steveの友人となった。そしてSteveの家ではクリスマスツリーを飾らないことを知ったJackieは、日ごろの恩返しをする絶好の機会と思いついたが、問題があった。それはSatlow一家がユダヤ教でありクリスマスを祝わないのである! 和やかで、感動的で、実際に起こったJackie Robinson のブルックリンでの最初のクリスマス、そしてハヌカ (ユダヤ教徒の光の祭り)は、ホリデーシーズンを祝うすべての人の気持ちを融合してくれる。>>>1948年の実話を書いた作者はJackie Robinsonの娘であり、巻末に彼女の言葉がある。>>>>SHIコレクションにある Robinsonの作品 と E. B. Lewis の作品。