
By Trudy Ludwing, Illustrated by Maurie J. Manning  ( Tricycle Press – 2006 )                

Charlie is a boy who does stuff he shouldn’t, and after that he just says “Sorry!”. Jack wants to be friend with Charlie, but Jack is not comfortable to follow Charlie’s way. Telling examples of apology in daily fife, this is to make to think about real apology. Details of apology and suggestions are included in the end pages.



The Way I Act

By Steve Metzger, Illustrated by Janan Cain (Parenting Press Inc. – 2011)

This is the companion book to The Way I Feel, and to help children to recognize and appreciate their positive actions. Featuring 13 words with each practical explanation, different children show how to act positively with each word. Suggestions for parents are included in the end page of the book.


The way I feel の姉妹本であり、子ども達に学んで欲しい行動をまとめている。13の言葉を選び、それを具体的に解説し、異なる子ども達がそれぞれの言葉の意味する行動を示している。巻末には、親達への提案も掲載されている。

I am I                            

By Marie-Louise Fitpatrick (Roaring Brook Press ~ in 2006)

Two different boys insist Me-ism and destroy surrounding them, and finally they learn how to calm down. The author/illustrator uses very few words but shows powerful communication with pictures and the natural elements of earth, air, fire, and water. The thought-provoking fable is valuable to learn true communication, even for adult readers.



The red book   

By Barbara Lehman (Houghton Mifflin Company ~ in 2004)

This wordless book encourages readers to find own words. On the way to school, a young girl spies a book’s red cover sticking out of a snowdrift and picks it up. She opens the book and finds a series of square illustration showing a map, then an island, then a beach and finally a boy. He finds a red book buried in the sand, picks it up, opens it and sees a sequence of city scenes that eventually zoom in on the girl.

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By Toni Buzzeo, Illustrated by Sachiko Yoshikawa (Upsart Books ~ in 2013)

Mr. Dickinson’s students have opposing idea on how to do proper research. Mrs. Skorupski, school librarian, helps the forth graders on fact-finding mission by teaching them how to evaluate and cite their resources. She provides them her research tool “Website Evaluation Gizmo”.

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Be Polite and Kind                  

By Cheri J. Meiners, M.Ed., Illustrated by Meredith Johnson                                                   (Free Spirit Publishing Inc. ~ in 2004)

The colorful picture book spotlights behaviors that help kids get along with others. This is one of the series of ” the Learning to Get Along” and this book shows examples of being polite and kind  from children’s daily life at home and at school. Each book of the series ends with pages of ideas that parents and teachers can use to reinforce the concepts.


コミュニケーションに関する絵本である。英語の言葉”Thank you”等を何時どのように使うのかを、丁寧に絵本で説明している。言葉を発することの大切さを、英語を学ぶ子に教えてくれる。この絵本はタイトルの通りPolite やKindがテーマであるが、The Free Spirit “Learning to Get Along”のシリーズでは、この本の他に5つの別のテーマも取り上げている。巻末にはこの絵本の活用方法が、詳しく解説されている。

What James Said

By Liz Rosenberg, Illustrated by Matt Myers (Roaring Brook Press ~ in 2015)

When a little girl thinks that her best friend James has been saying bad things about her behind her back, she takes action in the form of the silent treatment. As they go about their days and James tries harder and harder to get her to talk to him, they both realize that true friendship surpasses any rumor….or misunderstanding.



Lots of Feelings       

By Shelley Rotner (Millbrook Press Inc. ~ in 2003)

A face can tell you what someone is feeling. In this expressive photo-essay, simple text and photographs introduce basic emotions happy, grumpy, thoughtful and more and how people show them.



Ring! Yo?

By Chris Raschka (Dorling Kindersley Publishing, Inc. – 2000)

Telephone conversation between 2 friends. “Yo!Yes?” is also Chris Raschka’s book.


多くの話題を巻き起こした“Yo! Yes?”と同じ作者でありイラストレーターである。親しみのある彼独特のイラストは、ほとんどのページが同じ男の子一人が電話で話をしていて、聞こえる言葉だけが書かれている。読者は、電話の内容が解らないもどかしさを抱かされるが、それが作者クリスの演出でもある。巻末には、相手側の顔と電話会話の内容例が出てきて、上手に言葉を交わしている。他の会話内容を作り出すゲームとしても活用できそうな絵本である。

The first drawing

By Mordicai Gerstein (Little, Brown and Company – 2013)                                             30 thousand years old cave painting was discovered in 1994 South France and footprints of eight years child were near by. This news inspired the author to tell imaginable story of a boy who successfully communicate with others by drawing images on the cave.

