When Grandpa Gives You A Toolbox

By Jamie L. B. Deenihan, Illustrated by Lorraine Rocha ( Sterling Children’s Books – 2020 )

You asked for a special house for your dolls, so what do you do when Grandpa give youfi a toolbox for your birthday? Definitely don’t launch it into outer space. Instead, try asking for help getting started, and with guidance and lots of practice, you might be surprised at what you can build. This clever story celebrates the virtues of hard work, sharing kindness, and bringing community together.>>>Jamie L. B. Deenihan’s books in SHI Collection.


I am You : A book about UBUNTU

By Refiloe Moahloli, Illustrated by Zinelda McDonald ( Amazon Crossing Kids – 2022 )

In South Africa, there is a belief called UBUNTU-the idea that we are all connected. No matter where we’re from, what we like to do, or who we are, a person is a a person through their connections to other people. With simple, lyrical text and charming artwork, this lively picture book is the perfect introducing to the concept of UBUNTU for young kids. A celebration of friendship and kindness, the book shows children the many ways that we are all one.>>> First published in South Africa is in 2020 and the title was “We are one”.

南アフリカにはUBUNTUと呼ばれる信念があり、これは私達総てが繋がっているという信念である。何処から来た人であれ、何をする人であれ、誰であれ、あらゆる人が人として互いに結ばれている。この絵本は、優しい軽快な言葉と魅力あるイラストで、子ども達にUBUNTUの紹介を解かり易くしている。友情と親切心を共有することによって、人類の一体化を謳歌している。>>>南アフリカで初版が出版されたのは2020年で、その時のタイトルは”We are One”。

Caveboy Crush

By Beth Ferry, Illustrated by Joseph Kuefler ( Abrams Books for Young Readers – 2019)

When caveboy Neander meets cavegirl Neanne, he’s head-over-heels crushed. She is short, she is hairy. She is perfect! Determined to win her over, he brings her gift after gift – each one grander than the last. But Neanne remains unimpressed. When Neander comes up with the grandest gesture of all, it’s Neanne’s turn to do some crushing. >>> Beth Ferry’s books in SHI collection.

石器時代の少年Neanderは、石器時代の少女Neanneに出合った途端に、すっかり恋に落ちてしまった。彼女は背が低く、髪の毛が豊かで、完璧であった!彼女を魅了する為に、彼は素晴らしいプレゼントをした。贈る度に、プレゼントは素晴らしいものになっていった。しかし、彼女は気にも留めてくれない。そして彼が気持ちを込めた最も素晴らしいプレゼントを作って贈ると、Neanneの方が彼に夢中になる番であった。>>>SHIコレクションにあるBeth Ferryの作品

Ravi’s Roar

By Tom Percival ( Bloomsbury Children’s Books – 2019 )

Ravi never minded being the smallest in his family until….one day, Ravi’s short arms can’t reach the monkey bars, he can’t find anyone during hide-and-seek. And he’s too little to ride the big slide. Ravi is so mad-so ferocious, roaring Tiger! Tigers can do anything they want! But who want to play with someone who won’t share or behave? Ravi is about discover something very important about voicing his feelings. >>>On the last page, found advices from the author. Tom Percival’s books in SHI collection.

Raviは家族のなかで一番小さかったが、気にしていなかった。ある日までは、、、Raviの手はモンキーバーにぶる下がるには短か過ぎたし、かくれんぼをしても誰も見つけられなかった。さらに、大きな滑り台に乗るには小さすぎた。Raviはおへそを曲げ、しまいには怒り狂ってライオンのようにわめきだした。ライオンなら何でも好きなことが出来る。でも、自分勝手で手のつけようもない子と、誰が一緒に遊んでくれる?Raviは感情を言葉にする大切さに気ずいた。>>>巻末に作者からのアドバイスがある。SHIコレクションにあるTom Percivalの作品。

Ruby Finds a Worry

By Tom Percival ( Bloomsbury Children’s Books – 2018 )

Ruby is a happy, curious, imaginative girl. But one day, she finds something unexpected : a Worry. It’s not a very big Worry at first. But every day it grows a little bigger…and the Worry is enormous and is all she can think about. But when Ruby befriends a boy she discovers that everyone has Worries, and not only that, there’s great way to get rid of them too. >>>Tom Percival’s books in SHI collection.

Rubyは、明るく好奇心旺盛で想像力豊な少女である。しかしある日、彼女はいつもとは異なることに気ずいた。それは心配である。はじめは大したことではなかったが、日に日に心配は大きくなり、やがてとてつもなく多くなって頭から離れなくなった。しかし、Rubyは一人の少年に会って、誰もが心配持っていることを、それを除く方法を見つけ出した。>>>SHIコレクションにあるTom Percivalの作品

Too Shy to Say Hi

By Shannon Anderson, Illustrated by Hiroe Nakata ( Magination Press, American Psychological Association – 2021 )

School is coming up and Shelli really wants to be less shy. At home, she relates more to her bashful pet fish who hides in his cave than she does to her outgoing dog, who wants to greet everyone in sight. Shelli wants to make new friends and meet new people, but she is just too shy to say hi. This book shows the readers how Shelli takes small steps toward overcoming her shyness. >>> On the last pages, includes a note about shyness and social anxiety.


The Don’t Worry Book

By Todd Parr (Hachette Book Group, Inc.‐2019)
” Sometimes you worry. You might worry when you have too much to do. Or when you have to go somewhere new.” Todd Parr’s kid-friendly text and pictures reassure readers that when you worry, there are many ways to feel better! >>> Todd Parr’s books in SHI Collection. 

” 時々君は心配になることがあるよね。君が心配になるのは、色々な事をしなくてはならない時とか、又は見知らぬ所へ行く時とかね。”Todd Parrらしい言葉で心配の対処方法を色々と教えてくれる。>>>SHIコレクションにあるTodd Parrの作品。 

Voices are not for Yelling

By Elizabeth Verdick, Illustrated by Marieka Heinlen (Free Spirit Publishing – 2015)

As every grown-up knows, yelling comes naturally to children. This friendly, encouraging book introduces and reinforces where and when to use an “indoor voice” or an “outdoor voice”. Simple words and vivid illustrations show the places and times for an indoor voice, the way people ask us to speak more quietly and situations when yelling might occur. >>> On the last pages, found a special section for adults offers activities and discussion starters, This book is one of “Free Spirits’s award-winning Best Behaviors” series. ”Words are not for Hurting” is also in the series.

大人が良く知っているように、子ども達はつい大声を張り上げてしまう。この絵本は”屋内の声”と”屋外の声”をいつどこで使うのかを解説し、教えてくれる。子ども達に解かり易い言葉と、明るいイラストが”屋内の声”を使う具体例を示し、大声が起こりそうな時や静かに話してほしい時の振舞い方を紹介している。>>>巻末には大人向けに、この絵本のテーマに関する練習や話し合いを進めるための指導書がついている。この絵本はF.S.出版社が受賞した”最良の行動を促すシリーズ本”の一冊。他の作品にWords are not for Hurtingもある。

My Heart is a Compass

By Deborah Marcero ( Little, Brown and Company – 2018 )

Rose’s heart is set on discovering something completely new. She just doesn’t know where to find it….So Rose sets off on a wondrous journey, bounding from one spectacular world to the next Her guides are a set of maps drawn from her own imagination and her heart’s desire to explore new and exciting worlds.


Are your stars like my stars?

By Leslie Helakoski, Illustrated by Heidi Woodward Sheffield (Sterling Children’s Books – 2020)

Picture the wonderful colors you see every day and imagine how others experience them. No matter where you live, all children gaze at a blue sky, bask in the warmth of a golden sun, dig in rich brown dirt, and stare at white glowing stars. But do you think all of us, everywhere, share the very same colors of the world? This gentle, poetic read-aloud book encourages young children to consider how color is experienced all over the world.
