The Curiosities

By Zana Fraillon, Illustrated by Phil Lesnie ( Greystone Kids – 2021)

When the Curiosities choose Miro to nest on, he is led to discover all the marvels waiting in the shadows where no one else looks. Sometimes, though, the Curiosities can make Miro feel alone and invisible in the darkness. But maybe Miro isn’t as alone as he thinks…. Featuring gorgeous art inspired by Phil Lesnie’s Filipino heritage, and a gentle, heart-touching story from Zana Fraillon, this book is a nuanced portrait of neurodiversity, big emotions, and how differences can unite communities. It encourages us all to embrace and celebrate our unique inner worlds.>>>Phil Lesnie’s books in SHI collection.

その好奇心がMiroに宿った時、他の人達が見えない影の中に存在する素晴らしいものとの出会いを素直に受け入れていた。しかし、時々その好奇心は、Miroに孤独を感じさせ、暗闇の中に姿が消える感じを抱かせた。だが、彼が思うほどMiroは独りぼっちではないのかも知れない、、、Phil Lesnieがもつフィリピン人伝統の豪華な芸術性あるイラストとZana Fraillonによる優しいく心に響く言葉で繰り広げられる物語は、ニューロダイバーシティと大きな感情と調和あるコミュニティーを生き生きと映し出し、我々各自が持つユニークな内なる世界を受け入れかつ祝福することを勇気ずける。>>>SHIコレクションにあるPhil Lesnie の作品

A Day with No Words

By Tiffany Hammond, Illustrated by Kate Cosgrove ( Wheat Penny Press – 2023 )

This colorful and engaging picture book shares what life can look like for families who use nonverbal comunication, utilizing tools to embrace their unique method of “speaking”. The story highlights the bond between mother and child and lollows them on a day where they use a tablet to communicate with others, and it successfully normalizes communication methods outside of verbai speech and provides representation of neurodiversity and autism in a way that affirms and celebrates. >>> The author is an autistic mother of two autistic sons. In the last pages, found the author’s note.


Sir Tim is a Little Jealous

By Judith Koppens, Illustrated by Eline van Lindenhuizen ( Clavis Publishing Inc. – 2019)

Sir Tim and his friend Sara are going to the playgroud. “Hey, Look!” Sara points. “There’s Max.” And before Tim knows it, she’s gone. Sara and Max are playing on the swings and on the seesaw and they have a lot of fun! Aind Sir Tim? He feels worried. Doesn’t Sara like him anymore? Maybe he should do something to catch Sara’s attention? >>> Original book is published in Belgium and the Netherlands, 2018.

Sir Timと友人の Saraは、プレイグランドに一緒に行った。 「見て!」と Sara が指差し「Maxがいる!」と叫んだ。 Timが彼に気ずく前に、Saraは彼のところへ走っていった。SaraとMaxは一緒にブランコで遊び、シーソーに乗って、二人で大いに楽しんでいる。Sir Timはどうしたら良いのだろう? 彼は心配になってきた。Saraは彼のこと嫌いになったのかな? Saraの注意を引くために何かしなくてはいけないのかな?>>>この絵本の初版はベルギーとオランダで 2018年に出版された。

The Wishing Balloons

By Jonathan D. Voss ( Henry Holt and Company – 2022 )

Albert, a new boy, moved in to the neighborhood of Dot. Albert looked sad, even thought Dot wanted to play with him. And that night, Dot received a balloon tied to Albert’s hand writing note which said he wished to fly far far away. Dot wanted to make Albert happy, so she put her kite by his window. And then, she found another balloon with another his wish. This time he wished to have a dog. Dot put her stuffed dog by his window, and then she found the 3rd balloon tied to his big wish that his father came back to him. Finally she recognized that it was not necessary to make him happy, just stayed with him. She learned a powerful lesson about empathy, patience, and the joy of making a new friend.


Hands & Hearts : With 15 words in American Sign Language

By Donna Jo Napoli, Illustrated by Amy Bates (Abrams Books for Young Readers – 2014 )

Through the tender interplay between mother and daughter, readers will learns how to sign fifteen words, with help of instructive, yet playful sidebars. The cheerful beach scenes will appeal to both parents and children, who will enjoy this gentle introduction to same basic words in American Sign Language. The author and the illustrator have created a special gift unlike any other that reveals the bonds between mother and child. >>> Donna Jo Napoli’s books in SHI collection.

母と娘の愛くるしい戯れを通して、読者達はページ横の囲みから手話の15単語を学ぶことが出来る。ビーチで生き生き振舞う親子の光景は、アメリカ式手話の基本単語を楽しく紹介してくれ、親にも子どもにも役立つに違いない。制作者達は、この絵本を通して、誰もが抱いている親子の絆を素晴らしいプレゼントとして読者に提供している。>>>SHIコレクションにある、Donna Jo Napoliの作品

I am Okay to Feel

By Karamo Brown with Jason “Rachel” Brown, Illustrated by Diobelle Cerna ( Zando Young Readers – 2022 )

From Karamo Brown, American Television Host, and his son Jason Brown comes an empowering picture book that invites us to express – and embrace- our big feelings. This picture book celebrates full diversity of our emotions and provides gentle reassurance in thimes of stress and uncertinty. With expert-vetted back matter, this is a practical, loving framework for children and adults to talk about their emotions in a healthy way. >>>On the last pages, found “Resources and Activities”.

アメリカのテレビ・ホストであるKaramo Brown と彼の息子であるJason Brown によって、様々な感情を持ち表現することを励ましてくれる絵本が誕生した。この絵本は人間の持つ感情の豊かさを祝福し、ストレスや不安に襲われた時に解かりやく安心する術を提供してくれる。後付けに専門家による指導もあり、子どもにとっても大人にとっても実用的で愛情にあふれた構成で、健康的に感情について話し合いが出来る。>>>巻末に「資料と実用法」がある。


By Fred Parqnuzzi, Illustrated by Mariana Ruiz Johnson ( Schiffer Kids – 2021 )

The book is almost wordless, but filled with many sounds of day. Each illustration, page after page, is crowded with all the noises and activity happening during a little kid’s daily routine. It’s a very unique picture book which toddlers will delight in recognizing the onomatopoeia.


Give Thank You A Try

By James Patterson, Illustrated by Elizabet Vukovic, Jeff Ebbeler, Louise Forshaw, Tracy Dockray, Cori Doerrfeld, Jennifer Zivoin, Jordan Wray, Ryan Wheatcroft, Kate Babok, John Nez, Donald Wu, Chelen Ecija, Bao Luu, Luck Flowers, Ruth Galloway, Julia Kuo, Jomike Tejido, Julie Robine, Alejandro O’Kif, Cori Doerrfeld. (Jimmy Partterson Books-2017)

Saying “Thank you” can be something that children do automatically without thinking much about what it means. This book shows how we can feel gratitude for so many things – not just for birthday presents, but even for the simplest things in our lives. Kids know when to say thank you – this book will tell them why with presenting different illustrator’s art works on page to page.


Big Feelings

By Alexandra Penfold, Illustrated by Suzanne Kaufman ( Alfred A. Knopf – 2021 )

” I have big feelings. You have them too. How can I help? What can we do? ” What should we do when things don’t go according to plan? We may feel mad, frustrated, or overwhelmed, but by talking it through, compromising, and seeing another point of view, we can start fresh, being anew. The author and the illustrator help children navigate the emotional challenges they face in their daily lives in this gentle and reassuring read-aloud. >>>Alexandra Penfold’s books and Suzanne Kaufman’s books in SHI collection.

「私には色々な感情がある。あなたにも色々な感情がある。どうして上げたら良い?私達で何ができる?」ものごとが予定通りに進まなかった時、どうしたら良いだろう?きっと怒りを感じ、フラストレーションに襲われ、又は打ちのめされた気分になるだろう。しかし互いに話を最後まで聞き、共通点を見つけ、意見の違いを理解することによって、新たらしい気持ちで再挑戦することが出来る。この優しく力強く語る絵本の中で、作者とイラストレーターは子ども達を日常生活の中で遭遇する感情の衝突をいかに処理するか導いてくれる。>>>SHIのコレクションにあるAlexandra Penfoldの作品Suzanne Kaufmanの作品

Like Best Friends

By Bob Raczka, Illustrated by Merrilee Liddiard ( Cameron Kids – 2020 )

Summer drags like a book that starts out good, then isn’t. A boy is bored, so he hops on his bike and heads for the playground, where he finds a girl on a swing. Soon they are having fun like best friends. This playful poem introduces young readers to similes and how they make our language more colorful. >>> Merrilee Liddiard’s books in SHI collection.

その夏は、興奮して読み始めたが読むうちに興奮が冷めてしまう本と同じであった。少年は退屈だったので、自転車に乗り公園に向かった。そこで、ブランコに乗っている少女を見つけた。じきに二人は、一緒に楽しい時間を過ごし始めた。この遊び心に溢れる詩の絵本は、若い読者達に物事を例えることを紹介し、それは日常のコミュニケーションにより豊かな色彩をもたらすと教えてくれる。>>>SHIのコレクションにあるMerrilee Liddiardの作品