The Boy Who Loved Everyone

By Jane Porter, Illustrated by Maisie Paradise Shearring ( Candlewick Press – 2019 )

Dimitri may be small, but his heart is as big and open as a cloudless sky.  “ I love you.” Dimitri tells his new friends at preschool.  “ I love you. “ Dimitri tells the class guinea pig.  “ I love you.”  Dimitri tells the tree with heart-shaped leaves.  So why doesn’t anyone say it back?  Maybe there are ways of saying “ I love you. “ without words.  A heart-bursting tribute to the tender ones, like Dimitri, who spread love and kindness without hesitation, fear, or shame.

Dimitri は小さいけれども、彼の心はまるで雲ひとつない空のように大きく広い。「愛してるよ。」と、彼はプレスクールの新しい友達に告げる。「愛してるよ。」と、彼はクラスのペットであるモルモットに告げる。「愛してるよ。」と、彼はハート形の葉をつける木に告げる。でも、どうして誰も同じ言葉を返してくれないのだろう? 多分「愛しているよ。」と告げる方法は、言葉以外にもあるのかもしれない。愛情や親切心を、躊躇なく、恐れることなく、恥じることなくみんなに広めてくれるDimitriのような柔らかな心の持ち主への心からの賛辞を、この絵本は伝えてくれる。

The Color Thief : A family’s story of depression

By Andrew Fusek Peters & Polly Peters, Illustrated Karin Littlewood ( Albert Whitman & Company – 2014 )

”My dad’s life was full of color.  But one day, Dad was full of sadness, all the way to the top.  He said that all the colors were gone… “  When a child’s father suffers from depression, he worries that his father’s gloom is somehow his fault.  But as his father gets the help he needs and his condition improves, the color starts to return.  This gentle and touching story is the perfect approach to explaining depression to children who may have a person or loved one in their life affected by mental illness. >>> Karin Littlewood’s books in SHI collection.

[お父さんの生活はいろいろな色で溢れていた。でもある日、お父さんを悲しみが頭のてっぺんまで支配した。すべての色が消えてしまったと、お父さんは言った、、、]彼の父親がうつ状態で苦しんでいる時、父親の暗さは自分が何かしたのかと少年は心配した。しかし、父親を助けてくれる人たちのお陰で、父親のうつ状態は徐々に改善され、色も戻ってきた。この絵本の優しく感動的は物語は、精神的な病に苦しんでいる人が周囲にいる子には、大いに役立つに違いない。>>>>SHIコレクションにあるKarin Littlewoodの作品

Namaste is a Greeting

By Suma Subramaniam, Illustrated by Sandhya Prabhat (Candlewick Press – 2022)

What is namaste? It’s found in a smile, a friendship, a celebration. It exists in silence: it can be said when you’re happy or when you’re feeling low. For one girl in a bustling city, namaste is all around her as she and her mother navigate a busy marketplace. And when she returns home with a plant for an elderly neighbor, namaste can be seen in the caring bond between them. >>> Sandhya Prabhat’s books in SHI collection.

ナマステの挨拶って何だろう?それは、笑顔や友情、そして祝福でもある。静寂の中にも存在している:嬉しい時にも、気分が落ち込んでいる時にも言える。 賑やかな街に住む一人の少女が市場に母親と一緒に買い物に出かけると、ナマステの挨拶は少女の周囲に溢れていた。そして家に帰ると、少女は持ち帰った植木を近所の1人暮らしの老女にプレゼントした。きっと二人の間での思いやりの絆がナマステの挨拶からしっかりと育ってゆくに違いない。>>>SHIコレクションにあるSandhya Prabhatの作品

What’s Sweeter

By June Tate ( Katherine Tegen Books – 2022 )
What’s sweeter than the soft spot behind a cat’s ear, or a dog who just wants to be close? What’s sweeter than a hammock under a shady tree, or when a lady burg lands on your arm? This heartwarming picture book is comparing the seemingly small but tenderly profound moments hidden in our world. And in the end, the answer to the question of what’s sweeter rings truest of all. This is a love letter for your sweet person.


You’re So Amazing! : Being singled out doesn’t always feel amazing.

By James & Lucy Catchpole, Illustrated by Karen George ( Little, Brown and Company – 2023 )

A boy named Joe and his friend Simone are practicing their best playground tricks, but everyone keeps saying how amazing Joe is, even when he tries to let Simone be the star. Will he ever get to be just Joe, whether he’s amazing or not? This picture book encourages young readers to think of disability, the way disabled people do as normal. >>> Based on James Catchpole’s childhood experiences and written with his wife, Lucy, a wheelchair user. They live in UK with their two daughters.

Joeという名の男の子が、友人のSimoneと一緒にプレイグランドで空想ごっこの遊びを大いに楽しんでいたが、誰もが彼の事を「凄い!」と言った。一緒に遊んでいたSimoneは活動的なので、彼女に注目が集まるようにJoeは望んだのに、、、!彼が凄かろうとそうでなかろうと、単なるJoeにはなれないのだろうか?この絵本は、幼い読者達に障害者への理解を求めている。障害を持ちながらも、それなりの方法で普通に生活している事実を語っている。>>>作者であるJames Catchpoleの幼い時の体験を基にしている。そして車椅子が欠かせない妻のLucyと執筆した。夫婦は2人の娘と共に英国に住んでいる。

Place Hand Here

By Katie Yamasaki ( Norton Young Readers – 2023 )

On a plain neighborhood wall is a painted hand. Every day, passersby stop for a moment and place their hands on it, pausing for a moment to think of someone far away. Family in another land. A father working in another state. A sister away at college. A grandmother who has passed away. The painter of the hand misses someone, too: his mother, who is incarcerated. But while he waits for her to come home, the hand is there to connect them and make them feel less lonely. This book celebrates family and community, and shows us that no matter our circumstances, missing a loved one is an experience that can bring us closer together. >>> Inspired by the author’s experience to work art project in women’s prison. The more details found in the author’s note on the last page. >>>>Katie Yamasaki ‘s books in SHI collection. 

近所の殺風景な壁に、手のひらが描かれている。毎日、その傍を通りがかる人が、足を止めて描かれた手のひらに自分の手を重ねては遠くにいる誰かを思ている。遠くにいる家族。他の国で働く父親。大学に行った姉。亡くなった祖母。そこに手のひらを描いた少年も、彼の母親は収監されていた。母親が家に戻るのを待つ間、描いた手のひらが人々の寂しさを和らげた。この絵本は、家族とコミュニティーの大切さを祝い、どのような状況にせよ愛する人が傍にいない寂しさは、互いを親身にさせてくれることを語っている。>>>女性用刑務所でアートのプロジェクトを行った作者の体験から制作された。最後のページの作者からの言葉でより詳しい説明があり。>>>>SHIコレクションにあるKatie Yamasaki の作品。 

My Friend

By Elisa Amado, Illustrated by Alfonso Ruano (Groundwood Books – 2019 )

The girl in this story has recently moved with her family from Mexico to Brocklyn. On the very first day at her new school, she meets a girl who makes her feel understood and whom she understands. A true friend. But when she invites her friend over for dinner with her family, she suddenly feels that her friend is uncomfortable. Maybe for her, their food is weird. May be even morse, their favorite song – a classic of longing and homesickness – puts her off. Somethig shifts, and she no longer feels safe at all. What will it be like somorrow at school? This book tells a story of how difficult it is to come from somewhere else and how essential it is to feel seen and known for who you truly are. And beautiful illustrations depicts the depth of feeling that the friends experience.


My Mother’s Tongues : A Weaving of Languages

By Uma Menon , Illustrated by Rahele Jomepour Bell ( Candlewick Press – 2024 )

Sumi’s mother can speak two languages, and she can switch between them with lightning speed. Could it be that Sumi’s mother possesses a superpower? Does she have two tongues in her mouth? Sumi can see only one. Reveling in her mother’s abilities, young Sumi recalls the story of her mother’s migration from India and how it led her to grow two ‘tongues”. Sumi also shares that some family members have even more tongues than her mother does! And what about Sumi? Where might her language journey lead?


That Flag

By Tameka Fryer Brown, Illustrated by Nikkolas Smith (HarperCollins Children’s Books – 2023)

Keira and Bianca are best friends. At School, they are insteparable. But Keira questions their friendship when she learns more about the meaning behind the Confederateflag hanging from her friend’s front porch. Will the two friends be able to overlook their distinct understandings of the flag? Or will they reckon with the flag’s undeniable effect on yesterday and today? The author and the illustrator graciously tackle the issue of racism, the value of friendship, and the importance of understanding history so that we move forward together in a though-provoking, strring, and ultimately tender tale.

Keira と Bianca は大の仲良しであった。学校ではいつも一緒であった。しかしBiancaの家の前に掲げてある南部連合旗の背景にある歴史を知ってから、Keiraは、彼女との友情に疑問を抱き始めた。あの旗に対する明確なる理解を、二人の友人達は見過ごしてしまうのだろうか?それとも、過去から今日に至るあの旗の負の影響を、二人が熟考するようになるだろうか?この絵本の作者とイラストレーターによって、人種差別問題、友情の価値、そして互いに共に前進するために歴史を理解する重要性が、考え深く、糸口を探りながら、心暖まる結論を導くための話として見事に展開されている。

How to Code a Sandcastle

By Josh Funk, Illustrated by Sara Palacios ( Viking – 2018 )

All summer, Pearl has been trying to build the perfect sandcastle, but out-of control Frisbees and mis-chievour puppies keep getting in the way! PLearl and her robot friend Pascal have one last chance, and this time they’re going to use CODE to get the job done. Using fundamental computer coding concepts like sequences and loops, Pearl and Pascal are able to break down their sandcastle problem into small, manageable steps. If they can create working code, this could turn out to be the best beach day ever! >>> Foreword by Reshma Saujani, founder of Girls Who Code. In the last pages, found “Pearl and Pascal’s Guide to Coding” >>>> Sara Palacios’ books in SHI collection.

夏の間中Pearlは海岸で砂の城つくりを幾度も試みたが、フリスビーが飛んできたり悪戯な犬たちが来たりで、いつも邪魔され砂の城は完成しなかった。Pearlと彼女の友達であるロボットのPascalは、最後にもう一度挑戦することにした。しかし今度はコードを使うのだ。つまり、コンピューターのコーディングの概念である順序だてたり繰り返しを輪の中でつなげたりするのだ。Pearl と Pascal は砂の城の建設作業を、各段階に分けて操作しやすくすることが出来る。コードがうまく働けば、この夏最高の海岸での一日になるに違いない。>>>Girls Who Code の創設者であるReshma Saujaniからの序文がある。最後のページは、”Pearl と Pascalのコーディングへのガイド”。>>>>SHIコレクションにある Sara Palacios の作品