Peekaboo Bedtime

By Rachel Isadora ( G. P. Putnam’s Sons – 2008 )

It’s evening and an endearing toddler turns bedtime into a favorite game of peekaboo with parents, grandparents, pets and toys until it’s finally time to snuggle into bed. Children will enjoy playing along all the way to the surprise on the last page. >>> Rachel Isadora’s books in SHI collection.

夜になり、愛らしい幼児が、大好きな”いないいないばあ”のゲームを両親と、祖父母と、ペット達と、おもちゃ達と楽しんで、やっとベットに潜り込む。最後のページまで、幼子達を夢中にさせてくれる。>>>SHIコレクションにあるRachel Isadoraの作品

First Grade, Here I Come!

By Tony Johnston, Illustrated by David Walker (Scholastic Press – 2015)

A boy, who will be a brand-new first-grader, imagines his new school life, and he thinks he need five friends to play good games, to decorate their class room, to make a music band etc. But he recognizes that he would rather be good friends with everyone. This book will be perfect for brand-new first-graders as they take their next big step back to school.


Honeysmoke : A story of finding your color

By Monique Fields, Illustrated by Yesenia Moises ( IMPRINT – 2019 )

A young girl, Simone, looks around her world to find her place in it. Her skin color is not like anyone else’s; so what is her color? Finally she chooses her own and creates a new word: Honeysmoke. For multiracial children, and for all children, this story offers a universal message that empowers young people to create their won identity.


Out on a Limb

By Jordan Morris, Illustrated by Charlie Mylie (Abrams – 2022 )

Lulu’s leg is broken, but she is OK. Bonnie Bear has a matching yellow cast. She finds new ways to do ordinary things-like taking a bath or wearing her favorite pants. Lulu grows bored and grumpy by day. Eventually, it’s time to get the cast off, but Lulu’s not ready. Without her cast, she is worry to move her leg. A visit from Grandpa, a well-timed letter, and the power of healing all help get Lulu back on her feet.


Between Us and Abuela : A Family Story from the Border

By Mitali Perkins, Illustrated by Sara Palacios ( Farrar Straus Giroux – 2019 )

It’s nearly Christmas in California. Maria and her little brother, Juan, and their mother are headed south with Mexico to visit their grandmother. They are exited to celebrate Las Posadas with her. Maria has knitted Abuela (grandmother in Spanish) a scarf, and Juan has drawn her a picture. But when Juan’s gift won’t fit through the tiny spaces in the border fence – barely big enough for little fingers to touch – Maria launches a cunning plan, using creativity and hope. >>> Author’s note is on the last pages with telling about La Posadas and the background story of this book.

カリフォルニアにクリスマスが近ずいた。Mariaと弟のJuanは、母親と共に、メキシコとの国境で祖母に会うために南へ向かった。祖母と共にLas Posadasを祝うのを楽しみにしていた。MariaはAbuela(スペイン語で祖母)にマフラーを編んだ。弟は祖母にプレゼントする絵を描いた。しかし、国境のフェンスは小さな指がかろうじて入るほどしか隙間がなく、Juanのプレゼントは渡せれなかった。そこで、Mariaは想像力に望みを託した、素晴らしい思い付きを得た。>>>巻末 にLas Posadasの説明と、この話のバックグランドが記されている。

Songs for Our Sons

By Ruth Doyle, Illustrated by Ashling Lindsay (Eerdmans Books – 2020)

Get ready for life! Planet earth has been waiting for the gift that is you and the hope you’re creating. With beautiful poem text and heartwarming illustration, this book tells about celebration of newly born baby boys to them and the universe.


Mama and Me

By Arthur Dorros, Illustrated by Rudy Gutierrez (Rayo, Harper Collins Publishers – 2011)

For a bilingual girl and her mama a loving bound is about being together….and independent. Arthur Dorros’s skillful and subtle blend of English and Spanish narrative, illustrated bold, striking paintings by Rudy Gutierrez offers readers a poignant reminder that every day with Mama is sweet ! >>> Arthur Dorros’s books in SHI Collection is here.

バイリンガルな少女と母親との愛の絆は、一緒に過ごすこと、、、しかも自立心を保ちながら。作者Arthur Dorrosは、英語の中にスペイン語をちりばめた独特のテクニックで、Arthur Dorrosの色鮮やかな生き生きとしたイラストと共に、毎日母親と過ごすことがどれほど素晴らしいことかを読者に思い起こしてくれる。>>>SHIのコレクションにある同じ作者の作品

Papá and Me

By Arthur Dorros, Illustrated by Rudy Gutierrez (Rayo, Harper Collins Publishers – 2008)

A bilingual boy and his father, who only speaks Spanish, spend a day together. The young boy and his father may speak both Spanish, and understand English, but most important language they speak is the language of love. Arthur Dorros portrays the close bond between father and son, with lush paintings by Rudy Gutierrez. >>> Arthur Dorros’s books in SHI Collection is here.

バイリンガルの少年とスペイン語しか話さない父親が、一日を一緒に過ごす。その少年と父親は互いにスペイン語が話せたであろうし英語も互いに理解できたかもしれないが、二人にとって最も大事な言葉は愛情そのものであった。Rudy Gutierrez による力強い生き生きとしたイラストと共に、作者のArthur Dorrosは、父と息子の絆を見事に描いている。>>>SHIコレクションにある同じ作者による作品

An Ordinary Day

By Elana K. Arnold, Illustrated by Elizabet Vukovic (Beach Lane Books – 2020 )

Extraordinary things happen on ordinary days in ordinary neighborhoods everywhere….Two houses sat next to each other, and almost at the same time, two visitors arrived at the two hoses for each ; one came to help a family to say goodbye to an old pet dog, and the other one came to help a family to say hello to a newly born baby. With calm tone illustration, this book tells quietly but deeply about the circle of life and the bonds of family,


Salsa Lullaby

By Jen Arena, Illustrated by Erika Meza (Alfred A. Knopf – 2019 )

Mami starts a salsa song. Papi keeps the beat. Baby loves this lullaby, moves those dancing feet. When nighttime falls, it’s time for baby to go to sleep. In this household, that means it’s also time for Mami, Papi, and baby to dance, sing, jump, and more, all the way to bedtime. This bouncy bilingual (English/Spanish) story will be a bedtime favorite no matter what language you say “Good Night” in!
