Snow Globe Wishes

By Erin Dealey, Illustrated by Claire Shorrock (Sleeping Bear Press – 2019 )

On a blustery winter’s evening, a snowstorm cuts power, snarls traffic, and drives everyone indoors to snuggle in together. While the snow accumulates and the wind blows, one family seizes the opportunity to slow down and make the most of the stormy night with a picnic by candlelight, and a cozy blanket fort. As the rest of her family slumbers soundly, a little girl make a wish on a snow globe. When the next day dawns with clear skies and a blanket of crisp snow that beckons friends and neighbors step outside to enjoy the snow and celebrate the spirit of the season together. Her snow globe wishes come true!>>>Erin Dealey’s books in SHI collection.


Around the Table that Grandad Built

By Melanie Heuiser Hill, Illustrated by Jaime Kim ( Candlewick Press – 2019 )

“This is the table that Grandad built. There are the sunflowers picked by my cousins, set on the table that Grandad built.” In this inviting cumulative picture book, a family gathers with friends and neighbors to share a meal around a very special table. With a diverse array of dishes and faces, this warm and welcoming story is sure to become a favorite around dinner tables everywhere.

“これはお爺ちゃんが作ったテーブル。従弟達が持ってきたヒマワリを飾るのは、お爺ちゃんが作ったテーブルの上。” 言葉が楽しく繰り返されながら、どんどんと連なってゆくこの絵本は、家族が友人達や隣人達と特別なテーブルを囲んで食事を共にする。多彩なる料理と顔ぶれが並ぶ心暖まる話は、どこであれ大勢でする食事が楽しくなるに違いない。

And J.J. Slept

By Loretta Garbutt, Illustrated by Erika Rodriguez Medina (Kid Can Press – 2022 )

Baby J.J. is greeted by lots of new sounds when he arrives at his adoptive home. With four brothers and sisters and a pet dog, is it ever loud! How can J.J. sleep through all that noise? And what will happen when his new house gets a bit too quiet? It is a celebration of happiness of big family.


Something Smells!

By Blake Liliane Hellman, Illustrated by Steven Henry ( Atheneum Books for Young Readers – 2018 )

There was a smell. A most terrible smell! Was it the dog? Was it the baby? Was it the trash? Or could it be Grandma’s Gefartenschnaffel(a special meal)? And Elliot’s imagination was expanded to determine to find out what that something was! But after Elliot took bath, the terrible smell was gone. Elliot was excited to put on his new pajama, and he decided he was never ever going to take them off.

何か臭い匂いがした。匂いの原因は犬?赤ちゃん?それともゴミだったのか? おばあちゃんの特異料理かも知れなかった。Elliotの想像力は膨らみ、臭い匂いの原因を調べることに夢中であった。しかし、Elliotがお風呂に入るとその匂いは消えてしまった。新しいパジャマを着た彼は,それを大変に気に入り、決してそのパジャマを脱ぐことはしないと決めてしまった。

When I was Five

By Arthur Howard ( Harcourt Brace & Company – 1996 )

When Jeremy was five he wanted to be an astronaut or a cowboy or both. And he had a best friend – Mark. But now he’s six, he wants to be a major-league baseball player or a deep-sea diver. And his favorite things and favorite hiding place are changed. However his best friend never change. With simple text and dynamic illustration, this book give readers heart warming smiles and cannot help celebrating Jeremy’s growth and his friendship.

Jeremy が5歳の時、彼は宇宙飛行士かカーボーイ、またはその両方になりたかった。そして彼のベスト・フレンドはMarkであった。今やJaremyは6歳となり、メジャーリーグの野球選手か深海へ潜る潜水士になりたくなった。彼のお気に入りの物や隠れ場所も変わった。しかし、ベスト・フレンドは変わらない。明瞭で短いテキストとダイナミックなイラストのこの絵本は、読者に心暖まる笑いを与えてくれ、Jeremyの成長と友情を祝福せずにはいられなくなる。

Ruby in the Ruins

By Shirley Hughes ( Candlewick Press – 2018 )

Ruby and her mum clung to each other while they lived through the terrifying London Blitz, waiting for Ruby’s dad to come home from the war. When the moment to meet him at the station finally arrives, Ruby hardly recognizes the tall man who steps off the train. It’s easier to play outside in the wreckage of the bombings than to stay at home with a dad she doesn’t know anymore. But when Ruby hurts her knee in the ruins, there’s only one person who can rescue her and make her feel all right. This is a touching tale of unconditional love as a family puts itself back together in postwar London.


Go Be Wonderful

By Donna Gephart, Illustrated by Francesca Chessa ( Holiday House – 2021 )

When Daisy is born, her biracial parents tell her to ‘ go be wonderful’, and by being herself, she is! Each year presents new milestones with human and love. This picture book celebrate her childhood milestones with supporting by diversity peoples of family and community.

Daisy が生まれた時、異なる人種の彼女の両親は、「素晴らしい子になって欲しい」と願い、彼女はそのように成長した。年ごとに新しい成長過程が、人々と愛情に囲まれて繰り広げられる。この絵本は、多彩なる家族と地域の人々に支えられながら一歩ずつ成長する幼児の歩みを楽しく誇り高く描いている。

Peekaboo Bedtime

By Rachel Isadora ( G. P. Putnam’s Sons – 2008 )

It’s evening and an endearing toddler turns bedtime into a favorite game of peekaboo with parents, grandparents, pets and toys until it’s finally time to snuggle into bed. Children will enjoy playing along all the way to the surprise on the last page. >>> Rachel Isadora’s books in SHI collection.

夜になり、愛らしい幼児が、大好きな”いないいないばあ”のゲームを両親と、祖父母と、ペット達と、おもちゃ達と楽しんで、やっとベットに潜り込む。最後のページまで、幼子達を夢中にさせてくれる。>>>SHIコレクションにあるRachel Isadoraの作品

First Grade, Here I Come!

By Tony Johnston, Illustrated by David Walker (Scholastic Press – 2015)

A boy, who will be a brand-new first-grader, imagines his new school life, and he thinks he need five friends to play good games, to decorate their class room, to make a music band etc. But he recognizes that he would rather be good friends with everyone. This book will be perfect for brand-new first-graders as they take their next big step back to school.


Honeysmoke : A story of finding your color

By Monique Fields, Illustrated by Yesenia Moises ( IMPRINT – 2019 )

A young girl, Simone, looks around her world to find her place in it. Her skin color is not like anyone else’s; so what is her color? Finally she chooses her own and creates a new word: Honeysmoke. For multiracial children, and for all children, this story offers a universal message that empowers young people to create their won identity.
