I Am LATINO ~ The Beauty in Me

By Sandra L. Pinkney, Photographs by Myles C. Pinkney                           (Little, Brown and Company ~ in 2007, 2013)

Photo Images of Latino children to celebrate their rich and joyful culture.  Mr. and Mrs. Pinkney’s joyous photographs and buoyant text showcase traditional food, music, and more through each of the five senses.

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Liliana’s Grandmothers

By Leyla Torres  (Farrar Straus Giroux ~ in 1998)

Liliana has two grandmothers who came from different countries, who speak different languages and who have different interests.  Comparing North America and Latin American cultures through Liliana’s observation, Liliana loves happily to have two grandmothers.          >>> The same author with “Saturday Sancocho”.

Saturday Sancochoと同じ作者であるLeylaの作品。リリアナには二人の祖母がいる。一人は近くに住んでいるが、もう一人は遠く南米に住んでいる。二人の祖母を通して、少女リリアナは、異なる文化や考え方を学んでゆく。解り易い英文で、スペイン語の分には英訳がついている。~神奈川県海老名市立図書館に寄贈本あり

Saturday Sancocho  

By Leyla Torres  (Farrar Straus Giroux – in 1995)

Maria Lili spends every Saturday preparing chicken sancocho, popular South American stew, with her grandparents. But this Saturday, they have only a dozen eggs, and none of the necessary ingredients. Her grandmother gets a marvelous idea to trade with the market venders to get their ingredients.


Cinco de Mayo     

By Janet Riehecky, Illustrated by Krystyna Stasiak (Wing Park Publishers ~ in 1993)

Although Maria is not too successful at helping her family prepare for Cinco de Mayo, she wins an art contest at the library and gets to break the piñata back home. Instructions of making Tacos and three crafts are included.



Round is a Tortilla: a Book of Shapes        

By Roseanne Greenfield Thong, Illustrated by John Parra                                                (Chronicle Books LLC ~ in 2013)

A Mexican girl asks to discover shapes all around us: rectangles are ice-cream carts and stone mutates, triangles are slices of watermelon and quesadillas…..so one. Many of the featured objects are Latino in origin, and Spanish words are translated at the end.



Dear Primo: a letter to my cousin            

By Duncan Tonatiuh (Abrams Books ~ in 2010)                                                     

Inspired by the experience of the author/illustrator who has American father and Mexican mother. This is the story of 2 cousins, Charlie in America and Carlitos in Mexico, and how their daily lives are different yet similar. His unique illustration is influenced by the ancient art of the Mixtecs and other cultures of Mexico.


制作者のDuncan Tonatiuhは、父親が米国人で母親がメキシコ人である。メキシコに生まれ育ち、米国の高校に入学した。その後はメキシコと米国の行き来が多く、2つの文化の違いをこの絵本でも上手に表現している。絵本の内容は、副題の通り、メキシコの村に住む従兄弟とアメリカの都会に住む従兄弟の間での手紙である。メキシコの古代アートの影響を受けたイラストは、大変ユニークであり、スペイン語の単語もいくつかイラストで描いた物を説明している。メキシコと米国の比較をしながらも、両方を受けいれている制作者の思いがしっかりと伝わってくる

What can you do with a Rebozo?

By Carmen Tafolla, Illustrated by Amy Cordova (Tricycle Press  ~ in 2008)

A young girl introduces the traditional shawl called Rebozo, it’s also called Mexican shawl, found in many Mexican and Mexican-American households.  It’s used as a cradle for baby, a superhero’s cape, a warm blanket on a cool night…..there so many things you can do with Rebozo.  The more detail information is in the last page.



Chavela and the magic bubble

By Monica Brown, Illustrated by Magaly Morales  (Clarion Books –New York, NY in 2010)

Chewing Gum lover, Chavela, finds a mysterious kind gum in a small shop in California. She pops it in her mouse, and blows a giant bubble that takes her to magical trip to Mexico where she sees a little girl in the rain-forest and Chicle from sapodilla trees. The little girl is Chavela’s grandmother reflecting old generation, and she tells her how bubble gum is made from Chicle.



Julio’s Magic

By Arthur Dorros, Collages by Ann Grifalconi    (Harper Collins Children’s Books –New York, NY in 2005)

Mexican boy Julio wants to make  sculptures for the wood-carving contest, but his friend Iluminado, master carver, is aging and loosing his eye sights.



Butterflies on Carmen Street

By Monica Brown, Illustrated by April Ward (Pinata Books – Houston, Texas in 2007)

Julianita excitedly tells her grandfather on the way to school in the morning, that she will have a class to learn about monarch butterflies. Julianita knows grandfather remembers seeing the monarch butterflies in his village in the highlands of Mexico as he shared incredible story of the monarch to fly from Mexico to Canada over generations.  >>> On the left side of each page Witten in English (upper part) and in Spanish(bottom part), and on the right side beautiful illustrations to enjoy.

