White Water

By Michael S. Bandy and Eric Stein, Illustrated by Shadra Strickland                                  (Candlewick Press ~ in 2011)

A black boy is wondering how is the taste of water fountain at  “White Only”.  The story sheds light on the reality of segregation through a child’s eyes.


米国で人種分離政策が行われていた時代、バスの席も白人と黒人で分かれていたし、公共の水飲み場もホワイトとカラードに分かれていた。祖母と町へ出かけた黒人少年は、白人の少年が飲む水が自分の飲む水よりも新鮮で冷たく美味しいに違いないと思い込んだ。その黒人少年は、別の日に危険を冒してホワイトの水飲み場から水を飲んでみた。ところが同じ味がした。Michael Bandyの幼年期の体験を基にした、先入観にとらわれずあらゆる可能性に勇気を持って行動することを教えてくれる物語。

More than Anything Else

By Marie Bradby, Illustrated by Chris K. Soentpiet   (Orchard Books – 1995)

Nine years old black boy who works with his father and brother at the saltworks in West Virginia, has a dream to be able to read.


父や兄と一緒に塩を樽につめる仕事に従事していた黒人少年には、どうしてもかなえたい夢があった。それは文字を読むことである。文字との出会いを感動的に語っている絵本。このイラストレーターは、1970年ソウルで生まれた。8歳の時に養子となりハワイに移り、その後オレゴン州に移った韓国系アメリカ人。写実的で暖か味のあるSoentpiet の絵は多くの人達から賞賛され、自分の生い立ちの為か、異文化理解をテーマにした絵本も多く、SHIのコレクションにも彼の描いた絵本は複数ある。Soentpiet のHP.

The Moon over Star

By Dianna Hutts Aston, Illustrated by Jerry Pinkney                                                                  (Dial Books for Young Readers – 2008)

In July 1969 when the first humans step on the moon, a black girl is inspired her big step toward all possibilities in her life. With comparing her grandfather’s thoughts of the Moon, celebrating new generation.



Lucky Beans

By Becky Birtha, Illustrated by Nicole Tadgell  (Albert Whitman & Company – Merton Grove, Illinois in 2010)

During the Great Depression of the 1930’s, Marshall eats beans for every single supper without any other choice. One day, Marshall finds the contest posted in the store window. It’s a guessing contest to get the closest number of counting beans in the jar displayed in the window, and the prize is a brand new sewing machine which Marshall’s mother definitely needs.  Based on the memories of Becky Birtha’s grandmother.



Papa’s Mark

By Gwendolyn Battle-Lavert, Illustrated by Colin Bootman (Holiday House, Inc. – New York, NY in 2003)

Simms helps his Papa, Samuel, to learn to read and write his own name.  Despite the freedom from slave and having the right to vote after the Civil War, many black men are left in the behind of literacy ability. After several practices with Papa Samuel, Simms is very proud of his Papa when Samuel has the first opportunity to vote at the election.



This is the dream

By Diane Z. Shove & Jessica Alexander, Illustrated by James Ransome (Harper Collins Publisher・Amistad – New York, NY in 2006・2009)

Visual History Book of before and after the Civil Right Movement in the United States.



I have a Dream

By Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.¸ Kadir Nelson  (Schwartz & Wade Books – New York, NY in 2012)

The historical speech by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on August 28, 1963, is reappeared with text, CD and illustrations for younger generations.  The illustration shows the real scenes on that day and the historical events which described in his speech.



In the garden with Dr. Carver

By Susan Grigsby, Illustrated by  Nicole Tadgell (Albert Whitman & Company – Chicago in 2010)

Inspired story by Dr. George Washington Carver’s historical contribution. Sally is a young girl living in rural Alabama in early 1900s, a time when people were straggling to grow food in soil that had been depleted by years of cotton production. One day, Sally and her classmates get scientific lessons from Dr. Carver who arrives in a “funny-looking wagon” pulled by an old mule. >>> On the last page, providing Dr. G.W.Carver’s biography and his social contributions in the several fields of biology.  The same author and illustrator with ” First peas to the table”.

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Across the Alley

By Richard Michelson, Illustrated by E. B. Lewis                                                                        (G. P. Putnam’s Sons – New York in 2006)

Jewish boy Abe and Black boy Willie live across the alley from each other. After the lights turn off at night, Abe and Willie communicate through their windows, and their remarkable friendship begins. Willie teaches Abe how to hold a ball in his hand for baseball game, and Abe teaches Willie how to play the violin. Despite different culture and life style, the both sides of grownups are inspired by their friendship.



Finding Lincoln

By Ann Malaspina, Illustrated by Colin Bootman                            (Albert Whitman & Company ­­–Illinois in 2009)

In 1950s Alabama, black people are not allowed to go to the public library because of racial segregation. Louis needs to write about young Abraham Lincoln for his school essay, and wants to search him in the library. Mam says one day soon Louis will be able to do so. Louis cannot wait for the day, and he bravely visits the library.  Louis is asked to leave immediately, but a librarian, who takes Louis outside, whispers to him to come back tomorrow after the library closed. The following day, surprisingly a library card is ready for Louis!

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