Circle Unbroken

By Margot Theis Raven, illustrated by E.B. Lewis (Melanie Kroupa Books ~in 2007)

A grandmother teaches her granddaughter to weaves a traditional sweet grass basket as telling young girl about their ancestors. A boy in a African village learned to make basket very tightly woven they could hold the rain. Even after he stolen away from Africa and sold in America as a slave, he remembers what he learned and passes the weaving skill on his next generation as wishing to pass on his future generations.


Wood-Hoopoe Willie

By Virginia Kroll, Illustrated by Katherine Roundtree                                                 (Charlesbridge ~ in 1992)

Willie is a boy who taps, drums or thumps to express the music he feels inside. His grandfather says in Willie’s heart he keeps a bird called Wood-Hoopoe which has  beautiful colored feathers and a long beak, and he also tells about African Musical Instruments. Willie dreams of playing the African instruments of his ancestor that his grandfather describes.



Under the Same Sun

By Sharon Robinson, Illustrated by Ag Ford (Scholastic Press ~ in 2014)

A black father, who was born and raised in America, wants to spend his life in Tanzania. And his wish comes true, and then he gets a family in Tanzania. One day, his children are waiting for their grandmother and aunt, who come from America, and for celebrating together their grandma’s 85th birthday. Their grandma receives the surprised present of traveling Safari and the historical ruins where many Africans were kept to send to the new continent as slaves. The historical information and introduction of Tanzania are found at the end.



This little light of mine

Illustrated by E.B.Lewis (Simon & Schuster Books for young readers ~ in 2005)

The song ” This little light of mine ” is an Black American spiritual dating back to the days of slavery. The music score is included in this book to play and sing and shine your light for everyone to see.


米国の黒人たちによって奴隷時代から歌い継がれてきた[This little light of Mine]の歌詞に、イラストが描かれている。誰の心の中にもある小さな光を輝かせよう、何処にいっても輝かせようと歌う歌詞は、暗い時代に生きる勇気を湧きたてた。そして今でも簡単明瞭で、力強いメッセージは変わらない。黒人の男の子がその光を胸に、日常生活の中で歌いながら行動に起こしている様子が、イラストからにじみ出ている。巻末にはこの歌の楽譜が付いている。

New Shoes

By Susan Lynn Meyer, Illustrated by Eric Velasquez (Holiday House ~ in 2015)

Ella Mae is excited to get her new shoes, and goes to the Mr. Johnson’s shoe store with her mother. But Ella Mae has to wait when a white girl arrives after her and she is served first. Then Ella Mae finds that she is unable even to try on the shoes because of her skin color. Determined to fight back, Ella Mae and her friend work to collect and restore old shoes and transforms them new ones. They give their black community members a place to buy their own shoes comfortably and happily.



Ruth and the Green Book                

By Calvin Alexander Ramsey, Illustrated by Floyd Cooper (Carolrhoda Books ~ in 2010)

Inspired by the true historical events. Ruth was so excited to take a trip in her family’s new car. In the early 1950’s, few black American could afford to buy car, so this would be an adventure.  But she soon found out that black travelers weren’t treated very well in some towns. Many hotels and gas stations refused service to black people.  Finally, a friendly attendant at a gas station showed Ruth’s family The Green Book which listed all the places that would welcome black travelers. With this book, they could make a safe journey from Chicago to Ruth’s grandma’s house in Alabama.



White Water

By Michael S. Bandy and Eric Stein, Illustrated by Shadra Strickland                                  (Candlewick Press ~ in 2011)

A black boy is wondering how is the taste of water fountain at  “White Only”.  The story sheds light on the reality of segregation through a child’s eyes.


米国で人種分離政策が行われていた時代、バスの席も白人と黒人で分かれていたし、公共の水飲み場もホワイトとカラードに分かれていた。祖母と町へ出かけた黒人少年は、白人の少年が飲む水が自分の飲む水よりも新鮮で冷たく美味しいに違いないと思い込んだ。その黒人少年は、別の日に危険を冒してホワイトの水飲み場から水を飲んでみた。ところが同じ味がした。Michael Bandyの幼年期の体験を基にした、先入観にとらわれずあらゆる可能性に勇気を持って行動することを教えてくれる物語。

More than Anything Else

By Marie Bradby, Illustrated by Chris K. Soentpiet   (Orchard Books – 1995)

Nine years old black boy who works with his father and brother at the saltworks in West Virginia, has a dream to be able to read.


父や兄と一緒に塩を樽につめる仕事に従事していた黒人少年には、どうしてもかなえたい夢があった。それは文字を読むことである。文字との出会いを感動的に語っている絵本。このイラストレーターは、1970年ソウルで生まれた。8歳の時に養子となりハワイに移り、その後オレゴン州に移った韓国系アメリカ人。写実的で暖か味のあるSoentpiet の絵は多くの人達から賞賛され、自分の生い立ちの為か、異文化理解をテーマにした絵本も多く、SHIのコレクションにも彼の描いた絵本は複数ある。Soentpiet のHP.

The Moon over Star

By Dianna Hutts Aston, Illustrated by Jerry Pinkney                                                                  (Dial Books for Young Readers – 2008)

In July 1969 when the first humans step on the moon, a black girl is inspired her big step toward all possibilities in her life. With comparing her grandfather’s thoughts of the Moon, celebrating new generation.



Lucky Beans

By Becky Birtha, Illustrated by Nicole Tadgell  (Albert Whitman & Company – Merton Grove, Illinois in 2010)

During the Great Depression of the 1930’s, Marshall eats beans for every single supper without any other choice. One day, Marshall finds the contest posted in the store window. It’s a guessing contest to get the closest number of counting beans in the jar displayed in the window, and the prize is a brand new sewing machine which Marshall’s mother definitely needs.  Based on the memories of Becky Birtha’s grandmother.

