Virgie Goes to School with Us Boys

By Elizabeth Fitzgerald Howard, Illustrated by E. B. Lewis ( Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers – 2000)

Inspired of historical family story of the author. In the post-Civil War South, a young African American girl, Virgie, is determined to prove that she can go to school just like her older brothers. But her brothers keep saying she’s too little for the long, seven-miles walk, and that girls don’t need school. Virgie doesn’t agree, and she’s not going to let anything stand in her way. >>> The author’s note about the background of the story is on the last page.

作者の家族の歴史に触発されて制作された絵本。南北戦争後の南部において、黒人少女Virgie は、兄たちと一緒に学校へ行くことを熱望した。しかし兄たちは、7マイルもの道を歩いて学校へ通うことは小さな子供には無理であり、女の子は学校へ行く必要もないと言い続けた。Virgie は納得せずに、いかなる困難にも立ち向かった。>>>巻末で作者が絵本の時代背景を説明している。

The Little Piano Girl : The Story of Mary Lou Williams, Jazz Legend

By Ann Ingalls & Maryann Macdonald, Illustrated by Giselle Potter (Houghton Mifflin Books for Children – 2009)

What if you loved music more than anything in the world? Suppose you had just learned to play the organ. Now, imagine that your family has to move far from home and you have to leave your beloved instrument behind. People don’t like you in the new city because of what you look like. What will you do? How will you make yourself feel better. Let’s listen to Mary L.W.’s story.

世界中で何よりも音楽が好きなら、どうする?多分オルガンの弾き方を習うかも。で、も家族が引っ越しをするので、そのオルガンを手放すことになったら。しかも新しい街では皆が不親切であったら、どうする?自分を勇気つける為に、何をする?そんな少女の絵本である。絵本のページをめくりながら、いつまでも語り継がれているジャズ音楽の演奏者Mary L.W.の自伝的話に、耳を傾けてみよう。

Henry’s Freedom Box : A True Story from the Underground Railroad

By Ellen Levine, Illustrated by Kadir Nelson  ( Scholastic Press – 2007 )

Henry dreams of a world where his life belongs to him. But when his family is sold, he risks everything for what he knows is right. With the strength and conviction of the best kind of hero, Henry makes a harrowing journey in a wooden crate-and mails himself to freedom! Henry “Box” Brown becomes one of the most famous runaway slaves on the underground Railroad.



The Other Side

By Jacqueline Woodson, Illustrated by E. B. Lewis (G.P. Putnam’s Sons – 2001)

Clover’s mom says it isn’t safe to cross the fence that segregates their African-American side of town from the white side where Anna lives. But the two girls, Clover and Anna,  strike up a friendship, and get around the grown-up’s rules by sitting on top of the fence together.>>>Jacqueline Woodson’s books in SHI collection.



黒人少女のクローバーの母親は、人種分離政策で作られた町を分断している柵を越えないように、娘には言っていた。柵の向こうはアナが住んでいる白人居住区であった。しかし、クローバーとアナは柵越しの友情に導かれて、大人達の作った柵に一緒に座るようになった。いつの日かこの柵が無くなることを願いながら。>>>SHIコレクションにあるJacqueline Woodsonの作品

Show Way

By Jacqueline Woodson, Illustrated by Hudson Talbott (G.P. Putnam’s Sons – 2005)

Soonie’s family makes SHOW WAY- quilts with secret meanings that are maps to freedom. From slavery to freedom, through segregation, freedom march and the fight for literacy, the tradition they called Show Way has been passed down by the women in Jacqueline Woodson’s family as a way to remember the past and celebrate the possibilities of the future.>>>Jacqueline Woodson’s books in SHI collection.


Soonie の家族は Show Way と呼ばれるキルトを縫ってきた。そのキルトには、自由を得るために逃れる地図が、内緒で縫いこまれていた。奴隷制度や人種分離政策を乗り越え、公民権を得るための苦しい歴史の中でも、作者 Jacqueline Woodson の家族の女性の間で、キルトを縫う伝統は代々伝えられた。それは過去を忘れないように、そして未来への可能性を呼び起こしてくれる大切な方法でもあった。>>>SHIコレクションにあるJacqueline Woodsonの作品

We Shall Overcome: The Story of a Song

By Debbie Levy, Illustrated by Vanessa Brantley-Newton  ( Disney – 2013 )

From the song’s roots in America’s are of slavery through the civil rights movements of the 1960s to today, “We Shall Overcome” has come to represent the fight for equality and freedom around the world. This picture book pays tribute to the heroic spirit of the famous song.



Priscilla and the Hollyhocks

By Anne Broyles, Illustrated by Anna Alter  ( Charlesbridge – 2008 )

Based on a true story from Priscilla early years on a Southern plantation to her forced march along the Trail of Tears to the chance encounter that leads to her freedom. On her journey from slave to free woman, Priscilla carries something precious with her: hollyhock seeds and hope. The instruction of making a Hollyhock Doll is found on the last page.



Granddaddy’s Turn: A Journey to the Ballot box

By Michael S. Bandy and Eric Stein, Illustrated by James E. Ransome                      (Candlewick Press – 2015)

Based on one family’s experience in the civil rights-era South. Michael and his grandfather make a special trip into town for a very important event-Granddaddy is going to vote for the first time! But as Michael soon discover,  there is still a long way to go one the road to justice.



Rap a Tap Tap: Here’s Bojangles-Think of that!

By Leo & Diane Dillon ( Scholastic – 2002 )

Bill “Bojangles” Robinson (1878 – 1949) is known as the greatest tap dancer of all time. The book, in toe-tapping verse and joyful paintings, celebrates the spirit and exuberance of a legendary dancer who brings music and happiness to everyone he meets.


世界的に最も有名なタップダンサーとして知られている Bojangles(1878年~1949年)のエネルギッシュな精神と限りなき喜びを与えてくれることへの祝福を描いた絵本。タップダンスのごとくに軽快な短文と楽しいイラストが、伝説のダンサーからの楽しい音楽と幸福感を再現してくれる。

A Dance Like Starlight: One Ballerina’s Dream

By Kristy Dempsey, Illustrated by Floyd Cooper ( Philomel Books – 2014 )

Little ballerinas have big dream. In Harlem in the 1950’s, dreams don’t come true-they take a lot of work and a lot of hope. But the first African-American prima ballerina, Janet Collins, did make her dreams come true. And these dreams inspired ballerinas everywhere, showing them that the color of their skin couldn’t stop them from becoming a star.

