The Case for Loving: The Fight for Interracial Marriage   

By Selina Alko, Illustrated by Sean Qualls and Selina Alko                                          (Arthur A. Levine Books,  ~ in 2015)

Based on the historical event in 1950’s Virginia. Richard and Mildred first met and fell in love. But because of Richard was white and Mildred is Black and Cherokee, they could not get marry under the Virginia law. They moved to Washington DC and eventually had 3 children in there. The family wanted to come back to their home town, so that they started to legal fight until the Supreme Court. Finally Mr. and Mrs. Loving won the case. >>> This significant event inspired the Loving Day to celebrate the diversity of people.



I’m your peanut butter big brother

By Selina Alko (Alfred A. Knopf ~ in 2009)

With lyrical text and vibrant energy of the illustration, it shows the excitement of a new baby for an older sibling and to celebrate the genuine love of family. ” Baby brother or sister, will you look like me? I blend from semisweet dark Daddy chocolate bar and strawberry cream Mama’s milk.”  Lovely story of the kids who has multiracial parents.



Two Friends

By Dean Robbins, Illustrated by Sean Qualls and Selina Alko (Orchard Books ~ in 2016)

Inspired by Susan B. Anthony and Frederick Douglas who are civil rights heroes in 19th century America. Susan works for women’s rights and Frederick, ex-slave, works for Black American’s rights. One snowing cold day in Rochester, NY, Susan invites Frederick for having tea in her house. That is the imaginary starting for over 40 years their relationship to support each other.


米国の19世紀半ばの歴史上実在人物二人の出会いを、子どもにも解り易く語っている。一人は女性人権を訴えたSusan B. Anthony ともう一人は黒人の人権を訴えたFederick Douglassである。雪の降る日にニューヨークのロチェスターのSusanの家を訪れた元奴隷だったFrederickは、静かに二人でお茶を飲む。この出会いは史実ではなく、作者のイメージを膨らませて米国の人権問題を訴えた先駆者の二人の友情として見事に描いている。暖か味のある明るい色彩のイラストは、Sean と Selina 夫婦の見事な作品である。

The Hello, Goodbye Window         

By Norton Juster, Illustrated by Chris Raschka                                                              (Michael Di Capua Books, Hyperion Books for children ~ in 2005)

The kitchen window at Nanna and Poppy’s house is a magic gate way for a little girl. Everything important happens near it, through it, or beyond it. The special relationship between grandparents and grandchild is expressed by a  joyful fusion of text with heartwarming illustrations.


祖父母が住んでいる家のキッチンの窓は、主人公の少女にとって特別な窓であった。家の外からは、祖父母の様子を伺う窓であり、家の中からは外の世界を見る窓であった。そして夜になると、鏡のごとくに自分達を写した。何気ない窓を通して、祖父母とのふれあいと愛が溢れ出てくる素晴らしい絵本。最後のページでその素晴らしさが、どっとこみ上がる。イラストレーターはYo! Yes!の絵本を制作したChirs Reschkaであり、この絵本でも彼独特の温かみのあるイラストが各ページで楽しめれる。


By Mallory Kasdan, Illustrated by Marcos Chin (Viking ~ in  2015)

Ella, six years old, lives at the Local Hotel in Brooklyn, multicultural and multiracial community. She has a nanny called Manny. He has tattoos for sleeves and he might go in with some guys to buy a grilled cheese truck. Presenting Ella’s daily life in Brooklyn with modern language, expression and words. Why Ella is alone in a hotel? Because her mother is a famous actress and too busy with her celebrity life. Ella is missing her mom in the deep of her mind.



Cousin IRV from Mars

By Bruce Eric Kaplan (Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers ~ in 2013)

Teddy isn’t excited about Cousin Irv’s visit.  Cousin Irv is too weird. He steals Teddy’s pillow, eat Teddy’s foods and even plays with Teddy’s action figures. But at school, everyone loves Cousin Irv. Not only from a different planet, he can vaporize things! Maybe cousins from Mars aren’t so bad after all……With simple text and few colored images, but telling about an open mind to accepting the differences.



Now I’m Big!

By Karen Katz (Margaret K. McElderry Books ~ in 2013)

The author has published more than 45 children’s picture books with the image of diversity kids, and she has adapted children from different country. In this book, she shows the awesome aspects of getting big. Big kids can do all sorts of things babies cannot; zip their own zippers, drink from a cup, read their won books, and even sleep in a BIG bed! Celebrating their growing up with the energetic text and illustrations.


45冊以上の絵本を制作しているKaren Katzの絵本。独特の明るい楽しいイラストで、左ページの赤ちゃんだった自分と、右ページの幼児になった自分を比較している。Karen Katz 自身、娘を他国から養子にしている為か、他の絵本と同様に多彩なる人種の子ども達が登場する。幼いなりにも自分の成長が確認できるユニークな絵本であり、特にBIGという単語に格別な関心を示す年齢の子ども達と親達にとっては愛読書になりそうである。

I can Share        

By Karen Katz (Grosset & Dunlap ~ in  2004)

On the left page; “You can’t have my bike!”, on the right page; “But maybe……….”, on the page flipped up from the right page; “I ‘ll let you take it for a ride!”  Within these 3 pages present one situation how to share. Learning to share is one of the harder social rules for little one to follow, but with this sweet book, it will be a little easier and more fun.



Armando and the blue tarp school               

By Edith Hope Fine and Judith Pinkerton Josephson, Illustrated by Harnan Sosa                  (Lee & Low Books Inc.~ in 2007)

Inspired by the work of David Lynch, a teacher from New York who first began working in a Colonia in Mexico in the early 1980’s. Armando’s family is trash picker, and they live in a Colonia. One day, Senor David arrives and begins teaching school on a blue tarp spread on the ground. Armando’s parents finally decided that learning may help Armando to find different work when he grows up, so he begins attending the blue tarp school.


メキシコのゴミ集積所のゴミを拾って生計を立てている人々のことを知って、ニューヨークからやってきた教育者David Lynchの実話を基に描かれた物語である。そこでDavidは、青い防水シートを敷いて教室とした。その上に集った子ども達の学ぶ真剣さに、David自身が感動させられたそうだ。ゴミだけあさっていれば良いと考えていた親達も、子ども達への教育の大切さを学んでゆく。国際的にも大きな社会反響を得た物語の絵本版である。

Kunu’s Basket: a story from Indian Island    

By Lee DeCora Francis, Illustrated by Susan Drucker                                                (Tilbury House, Publishers ~ in 2011)

Kunu wants to make a traditional basket, just like the other men on Indian Island. But making the basket is not easy, and Kunu gets frustrated. His grandfather intervenes, and Kunu learns to be patient and techniques from his grandfather. Finally Kunu can make a basket by himself.

