Tuesday is Daddy’s Day

By Elliot Kreloff (Holiday House ~ 2021)

A young girl splits her time between Mommy’s house and Daddy’s apartment, which he shares with his partner Harry, but when Mommy picks her up on Daddy’s day the girl becomes sullen, not realizing Daddy has a wonderful surprise waiting for her at home.>>>The author Elliot Kreloff has a daughter, now grow, whom he co-parented with her mother, and Elliot lives with his partner Stephen just like in this book.

少女には母親の家に自分の部屋があり、父親がヘンリーというパートナーと一緒に住んでいるアパートにも自分の部屋があった。しかし、父親が学校へ迎えに来る日に、母親が来たので、少女は不機嫌になった。その理由は、父親が娘を驚かす為に家で準備に忙しかったのだが、少女はそのことを全く知らなかった。>>>作者のElliot Kreloffには娘(すでに成長)がいて、絵本の様に娘の母親と共同で娘の世話をし、作者はStephenというパートナーとニューヨーク市に住んでいる。

The heart of mi familia

By Carrie Lara, PsyD, Illustrated by Christine Battuz ( Magination Press ~ 2020)

A young girl has her mother who was born in the United States and her father was born in Central America, and in her home two worlds become one. Following the girl as she works with her abuela (grandma in Spanish) and grandma to create a wonderful birthday for her brother that celebrates her multicultural family and honors both sides and all generations of her family.


Astronaut Annie

By Susanne Slade, Illustrated by Nicole Tadgell (Tilbury House Publishers ~ 2018)

Career Day is approaching, and Annie can’t wait to show the school and her family what she wants to be when she grows up. Until Friday, however, she must keep it a secret. Grandpop is convinced she’ll be a news photographer like he once was. Grandma knows Annie will be a champion baker. Dad figures she’ll become a mountain climber like him, and Mom wants to relive her own glory days while watching Annie play basketball. But Annie’s out-of-this-world dream is all her own. >>> “Women in Space” and “The Magnificent Moon” are in the last pages.

キャリア・デイが近ずき、Annieは学校で家族も招いて、彼女が将来何になりたいかを紹介するのが待ちきれなかった。金曜日の発表会まで、内緒にしておかなくてはならない。祖父は若かりし頃の自分の様に、報道カメラマンだと確信していた。祖母はAnnieが焼き菓子作りのチャンピオンになると思い、父親は自分と同じく山登りの達人になると想像した。母親はAnnieがバスケットボールの試合中に自分自身が活躍した日々を重ねていた。しかしAnnieには、この世界から遥か彼方に自分独自の夢があった。>>>最後のページに 、女性宇宙飛行士の紹介や月についての解説あり。


In my Mosque

By M.O. Yuksel, Illustrated by Hatem Aly (HARPER ~ 2021)

No matter who you are or where you’re from, step in and discover all the rituals and wonders of the mosque. From grandmother reading lines of the Qur’an and the imam telling stories of living as one to meeting new friends and learning to help others, mosques are center for friendship, community, and love. Paired with stunning artwork and lyrical text celebrates the joy and traditional found in every mosque around the world. >>> In the last pages, found Glossary of Arabic and the list of some mosques throughout the world.


Osnat and her Dove : The true story of the world’s first female Rabbi

By Sigal Samuel, Illustrated by Vali Mintzi (Levine Querido ~ 2021)

Osnat Barzani was born in 1590 in Mosul, located in modern-day Iraq, when few girls were allowed to read. Osnat convinced her father to teach her to read books. Then she in turn grew up to teach others, becoming a wise and famous scholar. People told amazing stories bout her, but perhaps her greatest feat was to be a light of inspiration for others-to show that any person who can learn might find a path that none have walked before.

Osnat Barzaniは1590年に現在のイラクに位置するMosulで生まれたが、その時代はほとんどの女性が読むことが出来なかった。彼女は父親を説得して、読み方を教えてもらった。そして、彼女は他の人達を教える教師として成長し、更には有名な学者になった。彼女は世界で最初の女性ラビ(ユダヤ教指導者)でもあった。人々は彼女について多くの偉業を語ったが、最も大きな彼女の功績は、他の人が成し遂げていない偉業を誰にでも可能にするのは、勉学にあると啓蒙したことだろう。実話に基ずく絵本。

I’m big now!

By Anthea Simmons, Illustrated by Georgie Birkett ( Andersen Press USA ~ 2017)

When her new baby brother starts getting all the attention from their bi-racial parents, this big sister decides to play something new: the Baby Big Girl Game! This a story of being loved however big you are.


The Birthday Tree

By Paul Fleischman, Illustrated by Barry Root (Candlewick Press – 2008)

When baby Jack arrives, his parents plant an apple seeding to honor his birth. As Jack grows taller, so does the tree. When Jack is happy, the tree limbs stand straight and proud. When Jack is cold, the leaves tremble on their stems. But one day Jack’s parents awake to find Jack’s bed empty. When they see a gull perched atop the tree, they guess the truth: Their Jack has gone to sea. The book tells the story of a boys’ powerful connection to his family despite distance, and add new meaning to the old custom of planting a birthday tree.


Rainbow Stew

By Cathryn Falwell (Lee & Low Books Inc. – 2013 )

It’s a rainy summer day, but vegetables in Grandpa’s garden are just waiting to be picked. Yellow peppers, purple cabbage, red tomatoes, green zucchini, orange carrots, and more. So many colors! So many delicious ingredients to slice, chop, peel, and dice for a great big pot of mouthwatering Rainbow Stew.>>>The recipe of Rainbow Stew is at the end.


Common Threads : Adam’s Day at the Market

By Huda Essa, Illustrated by Mercè Tous (Sleeping Bear Press – 2019)

Adam and his parents spend an exciting day at the colorful and bustling market. But when a blue jay catches his eye, Adam can’t help but follow it. And then, he is lost in a sea of many people. Luckily in his sea of diversity, Adam is not alone. For every adult he meets is helping to get him back to his parents. Bright, colorful artwork and spare text open young reader’s eyes to the many ways we are all connected- from clothing to our communities.



By Carson Ellis (Candlewick Press – 2015)

Home might be a house in the country. Or an apartment in the city. Or even a shoe. As presenting many different home with different person/creature, the book asks where is your home? Readers will bless own home after watching heartfelt illustrations of home variation.
