Songs for Our Sons

By Ruth Doyle, Illustrated by Ashling Lindsay (Eerdmans Books – 2020)

Get ready for life! Planet earth has been waiting for the gift that is you and the hope you’re creating. With beautiful poem text and heartwarming illustration, this book tells about celebration of newly born baby boys to them and the universe.


Mama and Me

By Arthur Dorros, Illustrated by Rudy Gutierrez (Rayo, Harper Collins Publishers – 2011)

For a bilingual girl and her mama a loving bound is about being together….and independent. Arthur Dorros’s skillful and subtle blend of English and Spanish narrative, illustrated bold, striking paintings by Rudy Gutierrez offers readers a poignant reminder that every day with Mama is sweet ! >>> Arthur Dorros’s books in SHI Collection is here.

バイリンガルな少女と母親との愛の絆は、一緒に過ごすこと、、、しかも自立心を保ちながら。作者Arthur Dorrosは、英語の中にスペイン語をちりばめた独特のテクニックで、Arthur Dorrosの色鮮やかな生き生きとしたイラストと共に、毎日母親と過ごすことがどれほど素晴らしいことかを読者に思い起こしてくれる。>>>SHIのコレクションにある同じ作者の作品

Papá and Me

By Arthur Dorros, Illustrated by Rudy Gutierrez (Rayo, Harper Collins Publishers – 2008)

A bilingual boy and his father, who only speaks Spanish, spend a day together. The young boy and his father may speak both Spanish, and understand English, but most important language they speak is the language of love. Arthur Dorros portrays the close bond between father and son, with lush paintings by Rudy Gutierrez. >>> Arthur Dorros’s books in SHI Collection is here.

バイリンガルの少年とスペイン語しか話さない父親が、一日を一緒に過ごす。その少年と父親は互いにスペイン語が話せたであろうし英語も互いに理解できたかもしれないが、二人にとって最も大事な言葉は愛情そのものであった。Rudy Gutierrez による力強い生き生きとしたイラストと共に、作者のArthur Dorrosは、父と息子の絆を見事に描いている。>>>SHIコレクションにある同じ作者による作品

Dear Abuelo

By Grecia Huesca Dominguez, Illustrated by Teresa Martinez (Reycraft Books – 2019)

Through letters to her grandfather in Mexico, Juana details her move to New York, her first days of school, and her new friendship with a classmate who speaks both Spanish and English.


Change Sings : A Children’s Anthem

By Amanda Gorman, Illustrated by Loren Long ( Viking – 2021 )

As a young girl leads a cast of characters on a musical journey, they learn that they have the power to make changes – big or small- in their communities, and most importantly, in themselves. In this stirring, much anticipated picture book, anything is possible when our voices join together. >>> The author, Amanda Gorman is a presidential inaugural poet in 2021 and an activist.

一人の少女の導きによって演奏仲間を一人ずつ増やしながら、皆で大小に関わらず地域社会の変化を、そして何よりも重要なことは自分自身の変化を生み出す力を学んでゆく。この感動的でワクワクさせてくれる絵本は、皆で力を合わせれば不可能なことなど何もないことを教えてくれる。>>>作者のAmanda Gorman は、2021年米国大統領就任式に参加した詩人であり、活動家でもある。

You Are Your STRONG

By Danielle Dufayet, Illustrated by Jennifer Zivoin (Magination Press, American Psychological Association – 2019)

With diverse characters and scenes featuring a range of different family relationships, this book shows kids that they will have help along the way to being strong and in control. Soothing and sweetly encouraging pages helps kids understand a range of emotions and highlights the benefit of developing inner strength and confidence in themselves. >>> Includes a note to parents and caregivers on the last pages.


Liberty’s Journey

By Kelly DiPucchio, Illustrated by Richard Egielski (Hyperion books for children – 2004)

Lady Liberty has welcomed immigrants to New York for more than one hundred years – but she’s never traveled beyond her island. She’s curious to see the country that has become home to the millions who have passed her torch. She takes readers on a one-of-a-kind trip across America. >>> History of the Statue of Liberty found in the Author’s note on the last page.


My Daddy Can Fly!

By Thomas Forster with Shari Siadat, Illustrated by Jami Gigot (Random House Studio – 2021)

In his classroom, Ben describes the twists and turns of his baller-dancer dad as he moves across the stage. To Ben, his daddy is more than just a dancer- he can fly! This ode to ballet and fatherly love, written by American Ballet Theatre principal dancer Thomas Forster and dancer educator Shari Siadat, is a beautiful story for any young ballet enthusiast and for who wants to know about baller. >>> The author’s note is on the last pages.

学校の教室でBenは、バレーダンサーである父親が舞台でする動きを真似てみた。Benにとって父親は単にバレーダンサーであるだけでなく、父親が飛べれることは自慢であった。父親の愛情とバレーへの賛歌であるこの絵本は、米国バレーシアターの主ダンサーであるThomas Forster とダンス指導者のShari Siadatによって書かれ、バレーへの情熱を持つすべての子ども達とバレーへの関心を持つ人たちの為に制作された。>>>巻末に著者の言葉と写真が記載されている。

The Magical YET

By Angela DiTerlizzi, Illustrated by Lorena Alvarez (Disney・Hyperion-2020)

New things can be tricky, but never you fret-it’s time to make friends with the Magical YET! As showing several challenging cases, this book encourages everyone to be patient and how to handle the Magical YET. It promises with the YET as our guide, along the way, we will do all the things we cannot do today.


Chocolate Milk, Por Favor ! : Celebrating diversity with empathy.

By Maria Dismondy, Illustrated by Donna Farrell (Cardinal Rule Press – 2015)

Johnny’s classroom family welcomes a new student from Brazil and his name is Gabe. But Gabe does not speak any English words. What will Johnny do when Gabe starts to make new friends? Will he join in the fun of making a new friend or turn the other way? Johnny realizes a powerful message in this story where student differences are celebrated. Read and find out how chocolate milk plays a major role in the discovery of the real universal language. >>> Guidance how to use this book is included.
