That’s Life! : Where will Life takes you?

By Ame Dyckman, Illustrated by Cori Doerrfeld ( Little, Brown and Company – 2020 )

Life personified appears at a child’s door. Life takes children on a journey in which they learn to have the time of their Life is full of surprises, adventures, messes, lessons…and beautiful things, too. Read on for a popular-expression-packed, fun-filled journey of just about everything Life has to offer….After all, Life is what you make it.


My Heart is a Compass

By Deborah Marcero ( Little, Brown and Company – 2018 )

Rose’s heart is set on discovering something completely new. She just doesn’t know where to find it….So Rose sets off on a wondrous journey, bounding from one spectacular world to the next Her guides are a set of maps drawn from her own imagination and her heart’s desire to explore new and exciting worlds.


Pitter Pattern

By Joyce Hesselberth (Greenwillow Books – 2020 ) 

As spending a week with Lu, readers can help her spot as many patterns as possible before the week is through. This is a playful picture book about patterns and to enjoy discovering many different kind pattern everywhere. >>>At the end, included the explanation of different kinds of patterns.


That’s not a daffodil!

By Elizabeth Honey ( ALLEN&UNWIN – 2011 )

When Tom’s neighbor, Mr. Yilmaz, presents Tom a brown bulb, he can’t believe it will flower. Mr. Yilmaz is an old gardener from Turkey, and shows Tom how to plant it and how to take care of it as it grows. It is the lovely story about an inventive boy, a kindly gardener, a growing friendship and the promise of a bulb. 

Tomの隣人であるMr. Yilmazから茶色い球根をもらった時、Tomはそれが花であるとは信じられなかった。Mr. Yilmazはトルコから来た年配の庭師であり、Tomにその球根を植えて, 成長する度に手入れの方法を教えてくれた。発想豊かな少年と、優しい庭師と、二人の友情が育ってゆく過程と、球根のもたらす約束が織りなす、ほのぼのとした心暖まる物語。

When Lola Visits

By Michelle Sterling, Illustrated by Aaron Asis (Katherine Tegen Books – 2021)

What does summer mean to you? For one young girl, summer is the season of no school, of days spent at the pool, and of picking golden limes off the trees. But summer doesn’t start until her Lola-her grandmother from the Philippines – comes for her annual visit. When Lola visits, the whole family gathers to cook and eat and share in the happiness of another season spent together.


Tilly’s Staycation

By Gillian Hibbs (Child’s Play Inc. – 2014)

Tilly’s friends are all going to exciting places for their vacations, but she is staying at home. Mom says they’ll have a great time together, but Tilly thinks it’s impossible to have any fun on vacation at home! Or is it? Let’s find out exactly what Tilly’s mom has in her mind.


Chandra’s Magic Light : A story in Nepal

By Theresa Heine, Illustrated by Judith Gueyfier ( Barefoot Books – 2014 )

Chandra and her sister, Deena, are at the market, and Chandra sees a group of people clustered around a man who holds a strange lamp. It’s a solar lamp as the first time Chandra learns about it. Chandra knows the solar lamp will light her family’s home on the foot of Himalayas, and help her brother breathe easily at night. But how can she earn enough money to buy one? >>>This picture book was developed with the help and advice of SolarAid in the UK and ECCA in Nepal. It includes notes about solar power and a DIY solar -energy project, as well as notes about Nepal.

Chandra と姉のDeenaは市場へ出かけた。Chandreはそこで、不思議なランプを持った人に人だかりができているの見た。そのランプはソーラーランプで、Chandraは初めてそれを知った。ヒマラヤ山脈の麓にある家族の家を明るくするのに、また夜になって弟が咳き込まないようにするのにも、そのランプは役立つはずである。しかし、どのようにしてそれを購入する資金を手に入れるのか、、、。>>>この絵本は英国ソーラーエイドとネパールのECCAの協力支援によって開発され、巻末には自分で出来るソーラーエネジーのプロジェクトや、ネパールの紹介が記載されている。

ten days and nine nights : an adoption story

By Yumi Heo (schwartz & wade books – 2009)

A little girl marks a circle on the calendar. She has ten days and nine night. She eagerly counts down the days….what could she be waiting for? We watch how a family lovingly prepares for their new baby in this endearing adoption story.

少女がカレンダーに印をつける。彼女は10日と9夜を過ごさなくてはならないが、毎日カウントダウンを心待ちにしている、、、一体何を待っているのだろう? ある家族が養子縁組で新しい赤ちゃんを迎える準備の様子が、微笑ましく語られている。

Thank You, Helpers : Doctors, Nurses, Teachers, Grocery Workers, and more who care for us

By Patricia Hegarty, Illustrated by Michael Emmerson (Random House – 2020)

The world is full of heroes, and we are thankful for evey single one! This celebration of helpers highlights the important jobs people do to keep us healthy and safe every day.


Are your stars like my stars?

By Leslie Helakoski, Illustrated by Heidi Woodward Sheffield (Sterling Children’s Books – 2020)

Picture the wonderful colors you see every day and imagine how others experience them. No matter where you live, all children gaze at a blue sky, bask in the warmth of a golden sun, dig in rich brown dirt, and stare at white glowing stars. But do you think all of us, everywhere, share the very same colors of the world? This gentle, poetic read-aloud book encourages young children to consider how color is experienced all over the world.
