A Mighty Heart

Directed by Michael Winterbottom (2007)

Based on Mariane Pearl’s account of the terrifying and unforgettable story of her husband, Wall Street Journal reporter Danny Pearl’s life and death.  After 911, many journalists work in the conflict zone/uncertain situation like as Danny Pearl.  Even making this film, they faced to threatening interruption.

2002年にパキスタンで誘拐・殺害された米国人ジャーナリストDaniel Pearlの実話に基ずく映画。911の事件の後、緊迫している米国とイスラム諸国との関係修復の為に多くのジャーナリストが動いているが、その前線は実に異文化の緊張そのもの。異文化理解の言葉さえ、空しく響く。失踪した夫を必死で探す妊婦の妻を演じたAngeline Jolieの意欲作でもあり、製作にもある種の危険が伴った映画。「人の心の中で生まれる怒りや憎しみを、いかにコントロールするか」それにはやはり、日ごろからの異文化理解より他にないのだろう。

Jodhaa Akbar

Directed by Ashutosh Gowariker (2008 Indian Movie)

The story of greatest Mughal emperor that ruled Hindustan (now India), Jalaluddin Mohammad Akbar, and a fiery young Rajput princess, Jodhaa. Set in the 16th century, this epic romance begins as a marriage of alliance between two cultures and religions, for political gain, with the Hindu King giving his daughters hand to a Muslim Emperor, Akbar. When Akbar accepts the marriage proposal, he knows little about Hindu Rajputs. But it starts his new journey of true love.


Mao’s Last Dancer

Directed by Bruce Beresford (2010)

Based on the best selling autobiography ” Mao’s Last Dancer”. The inspiring true story of Mr. Li Cunxin and his extraordinary journey from a poor upbringing in rural China to international stardom as a world-class ballet dancer. When he was 18 years old, he was invited to join the American ballet group, and he has improved his talents as well as gained his courage to live his own life. Mr. Cunxin is one of pioneers who leaded to open Chinese door toward the Western Cultures after the Great Cultural Revolution in China.

中国人で始めて世界的男性バレリーナーとなった、Li Cunxinの成功物語。中国の貧しい山間の村に育った少年が、文化大革命当時に設立された舞踊学校の生徒に抜擢されて北京へ。18歳となったLiは、米国のバレー団に迎えられ実力をどんどん伸ばすが、いずれ祖国か舞踊か愛情を選ぶ運命にあった。祖国を後にしながらも、家族を思い、両親の愛情を忘れずに舞踊に打ち込む彼の姿に、どの文化にも脈々と流れる絆の輝きを教えられる。Liは、文化大革命の後に中国が欧米文化に門戸を開ける、正にパイオニアの一人となった。

Shades of Ray

Directed by Jaffar Mahmood (2008)

American-born Ray comes home one night to find his Pakistani father on his doorstep. Ray’s Caucasian mother threw him out. It’s awkward time for his father to move in as Ray just proposed to his Caucasian girlfriend who hasn’t given him an answer. While trying to get his parents back together, Ray meets a South Asian girl of mixed descent, just like him, and must decide where his identity truly lies.


The Joy Luck Club

Directed by Wayne Wang (1993)

Based on the best selling book “The Joy Luck Club” by Amy Tan.  As living in San Francisco four remarkable female friends play Mah-Jong (Game) together, and tell  each one’s life story of immigrating from China to settle in America. And how these experiences have affected the hopes and dreams they hold for each of their children.

サンフランシスコに住むマージャン仲間4人の女性には、それぞれ娘がいた。母達の米国への移民までのドラマと、二世として生きる娘達のドラマ。時代や状況が交差して織り成される様々なドラマの中でも、ゆるぎなく流れていく母と娘の絆。2000年頃に初めて鑑賞した時の感動は、幾度観ても変わらない。この映画に出演したアジア系俳優や製作者達が、その後世界の映画産業に様々な道を開いた。原作は同じタイトルである、エイミー タンのベストセラー小説。

A Thousand Years of Good Prayers

Directed by Wayne Wang (2007)

Mr. Shi, a Chinese widower, travels to America to visit his American -resident daughter after her recent divorce.  As staying in her apartment, he realizes a generational and geographical divide has developed between them. Finally he can talk about her mother, and resets their father-daughter bond. The same director with ” The Joy Luck Club”.

アメリカに住む離婚した一人娘を、北京で一人暮らしの父が訪ねてくる。同じ民族文化を持ちながらも、大きな世代文化の違いからか、父娘の心の距離は大きい。父は一人公園でイランの高齢女性に出会い、言葉が不便ながらも、世代文化を共有する。そして娘との心の隔たりには、家族の長年に渡るわだかまりがあった。在米中国人を描いた画期的映画 “The Joy Luck Club” と同じ監督。様々な文化の絡み合いが繰り広げるドラマには、日常性があるだけに、同じ境遇の多くの人達の共感を呼ぶに違いない。

My Name is Khan

Directed by Karan Johar (2010 Bollywood Movie)

Rizwan Khan, an Indian and Muslim man with Asperger’s syndrome moves to San Francisco and meets a vivacious single mother who is a Hindu. They form a special bond, in spite of their different religions, and fall in love. They have happy days until the tragedy of 911 conspire to tear them apart. Rizwan decides to take a journey across America to see the President and tell him the important message.


The Red Violin

Directed by Francois Girard (1998)

The Red Violin was created in 17th century in Italy, since then it has a lasting hold on all the lives it has touched. It has moved here and there in the world, and has been at the center of controversy, adventure, love and passion. This unique instrument has the mythical power.


Remember the Titans

Directed by Boaz Yukin (2000)

In 1971, after leading his team to 15 winning seasons, the high school football coach is demoted and replaced by the new coach who is a Black, tough, opinionated and as different from the beloved ex-coach as he could be. These two men overcome their differences and turn a group of hostile young men into champions.

学校のスポーツ競技としてアメリカで人気のあるアメリカン・フットボールの選手とコーチの物語。アメリカにおいてまだ白人と黒人の差別が厳しかった時代、ある高校のフットボールのコーチにDenzel Washingtonが演じるコーチが派遣されてきた。彼は人種の壁を乗り越えた強いチームを作ろうと思考錯誤する。高校生の選手同士の葛藤、選手と家族や友たちとの葛藤,コーチ同士の葛藤、タイタン・チームと他のチームとの葛藤、学校と地域との葛藤と様々な苦境を乗り越えて、タイタン・チームの選手達が素晴らしい現実を築く感動的物語。

The Last Samurai

Directed by Edward Zwick (2003)

Captain Nathan Algren, American military officer, arrived in Japan during the 1870’s, and he was hired by the Japanese Emperor to train the country’s first army in the art of modern warfare.  At the center of struggles between two eras and two world, Algren found himself to be impressed and influenced by Japanese ancient warrior-spirits.

日本明治初期、近代武器の使用を教えるためにアメリカから来た大佐が日本のサムライ魂に引かれてゆく。過去の戦争で自分が失った誇りや人間としての尊厳をサムライ精神に見出した彼は、彼自身が教えた近代武器に刀で自ら対抗し、正に異文化の壁を乗り越えた実践者となった。Tom Cruiseがその実践者を見事にこなしているし、渡辺謙をはじめ日本人俳優の好演技もハリウッドの注目を浴びた話題作。何よりも原作者を始めアメリカの製作者達の深い武士道探求に脱帽する。