The Good Hair Day

By Christian Trimmer, Illustrated by J Yang ( Abrams Books for Young Readers – 2023 )

Noah has a special day coming up, and he has a very long wish list.  But there’s one thing missing from it, the thing he wants more than anything else in the world : long, beautiful, wavy hair.  Noah understands that his hair will grow if he doesn’t get a haircut.  But almost all the boys that Noah knows have short hair, and he’s heard people say mean things about men with long hair.  So he just doesn’t think he’s allowed to ask.  When a fresh trim brings Noah to his lowest point, it turns out his caring family has been paying closer attention than he thinks – and they have an idea that will show Noah it’s okay to be his gorgeous self.  This heartfelt, witty, encouraging story will empower kids to share their true selves with the world. >>>On the last page, found “Conversation Starters”.

Noahは彼の誕生日がやってくるので、願い事の長いリストを持っていた。でも、一番願っていることは、そこにはなかった。ほかの何よりも世界中で一番願っていることなのだが、、、それは、長い、美しい、波立つ髪の毛である。Noahは、髪の毛を切らなければ伸びることは知っていた。でも、彼の知っている男の子たちはみな短い髪で、長い髪の男性はいじめられると聞いていた。だから、髪の毛を切らないように頼むことは許されないと思っていた。Noahが理髪店でいつものように髪を短くされてどん底に落ちたほど嘆いた時、彼のことを心配する家族たちは、彼が思っていた以上に、彼に注意を払うようになった。そして、Noahが自分自身の思いを誇れるように支援した。心温まる、ウイットに富んだ、力強いこの絵本の話は、世の中に本当の自分の思いを表現する勇気を与えてくれる。>>>巻末に、”会話への指導” が記載されている。

The Sound of All Things

By Myron Uhlberg, Illustrated Ted Papoulas ( Peachtree Publisher – 2016 )

One summer in Brooklyn during the 1930’s, a young hearing boy and his deaf parents take a day trip to Coney Island, where they enjoy the rides, the food, and the sights.  The father longs to know about how everything sounds, and his son does his best to interpret their noise surroundings through sign language.  But describing sound is a very difficult task.  How can the boy find more words to help him explain the hearing world to his father? Luckily in the library the boy can find the best book of poems to express several sounds.  Based on the author’s childhood experience, with the stunningly evocative painting of Brookly and Coney Island by the illustrator. >>> On the last page, found the notes from the author and the illustrator.


Finding Kindness

By Deborah Underwood, Illustrated by Irena Chan ( Goodwin Books – 2019 )

Kindness is sometimes a cup and a card, or a ladder, a truck, and a tree ; a scritch and a cuddle, a rake and a yard, a cookie, a carrot, a key.  In this heartfelt picture book , kindness is celebrated in all its many forms.  Finding kindness is a child-friendly story of community, compassion and generosity of spirit – perfect for sharing!


The Garden We Share

By Zoë Tucker, Illustrated by Julianna Swaney ( NorthSouth Books – 2022 )

A loving friendship between a young girl and an elderly woman spans the seasons as they plant seeds and harvest the bounty in a community garden alongside friends and neighbors.  But as the last leaves fall, things change.  A tender story about gardening, loss, and treasured memories- reminding us that hope springs anew.


Oscar’s Tower of Flowers

By Lauren Tobia ( Candlewick Press – 2021 )

Oscar is staying with his nana, as his mom has to go away for a while. He likes being with Nana in her apartment building, but he still misses his mom. One day, Nana has an idea, and together they carefully sow seeds—lots and lots of seeds! They water them and wait . . . and then the seeds start to grow and the flowers begin to bloom and there are plants everywhere. Luckily Oscar has a great idea for what they can do with the blossoms—share them! This brightly illustrated wordless picture book shows how each person can contribute to the spirit and vitality of a community.

Oscar は、母親がしばらく留守の間、世話をしてくれるNanaに預けられた。Oscarはアパートに住んでいるNanaを好きではあったが、やはり母親が恋しかった。ある日、Nanaは彼と一緒に種を蒔いた、しかもたくさんの種を次々と。二人で水やりをして種の成長を楽しみにした。そして、種が成長し花が咲き始め、たくさんの植物が茂った。幸いなことにOscarには、これらの花が咲く植物を満喫する方法を提供する素晴らしいアイデアがあった。それは近所の人たちにプレゼントすることだ! 文字がない明るく生き生きとしたイラストだけのこの絵本は、コミュニティーの精神と活力に誰もが貢献できる例を告げている。

The Shape of You

By Mượn Thị Văn, Illustrated by Miki Sato ( Kids Can Press – 2023 )

In lyrical language, a mother tells her small daughter about the shapes that make up their lives. At first, the shapes are literal. The shape of their door is a rectangle, their table, a square. Water can be shaped like a cube or a cloud. And then she moves on to the figurative. The shape of learning is a question. The shape of warmth is a space waiting to be filled. Some shapes change, like a child growing up, while some remain the same, like the triangle of the mountain behind their house. The shape of her love, she concludes, ”will always be you.“ >>>Mượn Thị Văn’s books in SHI collection.

叙情的な言葉で、母親が幼い娘に日常生活の中にある形について語る。はじめは実際の形を、長方形のドアとか、正方形のテーブルとかを示す。水の形はアイス・キューブにもなるし、雲にもなる。そして母親は、比喩的に形を使って型も語る。例えば、学ぶ時の型は質問であり、暖かさの型は満たされるべき空間である。成長に従ってある型は変化するし、家の後ろにある三角形の山のように変化しない形もある。そして母親は、彼女の愛情の形・型は、「いつでもあなたです。」と娘に告げる。>>>SHIコレクションにあるMượn Thị Vănの作品

Hold Them Close : A Love Letter to Black Children

By Jamilah Thompkins-Bigelow,  Illustrated by Patrick Dougher, with photography by Jamel Shabazz

This book is a moving celebration of Black children.  Children will see that if they look to their glorious past, embrace their present feelings, and reach for a bright future, there is much to hold close, and they can light up the world.  >>> On the last pages, found “Background” >>>> Jamilah Thompkins-Bigelow’s books in SHI collection.

この絵本は黒人の子どもたちへの時代の流れに沿った祝福である。子ども達は、勇気ある人々の過去を知り、現在の人々の気持ちを理解し、明るい未来への前進につなげるために、多くのことを心にとめて、そして世界を輝かせるのだ。>>>巻末のページに”バックグランド”の記載あり。>>>>SHIコレクションにあるJamilah Thompkins-Bigelowの作品

You Can !:Kids Empowering Kid

By Alexandra Strick, Illustrated by Steve Antony ( Candlewick Press – 2021 )

Come on an amazing journey with fourteen young people as they grow from birth to eighteen, learning new skills, exploring new worlds, standing up for their own and others’ rights, and following their dreams.  Created in consultation with young adults, this book features the insights they would share with their younger selves in a groundbreaking narrative that will inspire and empower readers of all ages and abilities to believe in themselves and follow their own path, especially during laugh times. >>> Steve Antony’s books in SHI collection.

14人の若者たちと共に、彼らの生まれた時から18歳になるまでの成長を追いながら、新しいスキルをどのように学んだのか、新しい世界をどのように広げたのか、自分のためにそしてほかの人たちの権利のためにどのように立ち上がったのか、そして自分の夢をどのように追い続けるのかを探る素晴らしい旅に参加しよう。若者たちとの対話によって、この絵本は、若かりし頃の自分を顧みながら、とりわけ困難な時期に、読者の年齢に関係なく想像力と勇気を与え自分の能力を信じて歩むように制作された。>>>>>>SHIコレクションにあるSteve Antonyの作品

Sugar in Milk

By Thrity Umrigar, Illustrated by Khoa Le ( Running Press Kids – 2020 )

A young immigrant girl joins her aunt and uncle in a new country that is unfamiliar to her. She struggles with loneliness, and her aunt tells her an old myth.  The story begins: “A long time ago, a group of refugees arrived on a foreign shore. The local king met them, determined to refuse their request for refuge. But there was a language barrier, so the king filled a glass with milk and pointed to it as a way of saying that the land was full and couldn’t accommodate the strangers. Then, the leader of the refugees dissolved sugar in the glass of milk. His message was clear: Like sugar in milk, our presence in your country will sweeten your lives. The king embraced the refugee, welcoming him and his people.”  And the story encourages the young immigrant girl very much, and she found her way to live in her new country. >>>Thrity Umrigar’s books in SHI collection.

移民した少女は、叔父と叔母が住む新しい国で生活を始めたが、彼女は孤独であった。叔母は、ある昔話を少女に聞かせた。その話は ”昔々、自国を逃れてきた人々が、よその国の海岸に着いた。その国の王は、彼らが上陸して王の国に住むことを拒否した。ところが言葉が通じないために、王はミルクを満たしたグラスを見せて、彼の国には人が大勢いるので余分な土地はないと伝えた。すると、難民のリーダーはグラスのミルクに砂糖を入れて溶かした。彼のメッセージは明瞭であった。つまり、ミルクに溶けた砂糖のように、あなたの国に私たちを受け入れてくれたら、人々の生活をより豊かに(甘く)します。王は難民たちを快く受け入れた。”  その話に勇気づけられた移民の少女は、新しい国での生活方法を学んだ。>>>SHIコレクションにあるThrity Umrigarの作品

The Music of Life

By Lousi Thomas (Farrar Straus Giroux – 2020 ) 

There is music everywhere.  But you must listen closely.  A cat lapping milk.  A motorcyclist speeding.  Squirrels eating nuts.  It is the music of life!  Lenny, a music composer, is turning these everyday sounds into a symphony.  Join him and his cat, Pipo, on a walk through the city at daybreak as he collects bits of sound and silence for inspiration.
