When Dads don’t Grow Up

By Marjorie Blain Parker, Illustrated by R. W. Alley
(Dial Books for Young Readers – 2012)
Some dads just never grow up. They are the ones who know that bubble wrap is for popping, and that clothes don’t have to match; the ones who always make silly-shaped pancakes, and aren’t worried about getting their hair wet. Their kids are lucky! This is a wonderful book to read with all dads. >>> R. W. Alley’s books in SHI Collection.

ある父親は子ども心を忘れず、まるで大人に成長していない。そうゆう父親は、バブルラップはつぶすものであることを知っているし、洋服が上下ちぐはぐでも気にしない。パンケーキを焼けばいつも可笑しな形をしているし、髪の毛が水を浴びても楽しんでいる。そんな父親の子は最高だね!この絵本は父親と一緒に読むのにうってつけである。>>> SHIコレクションにある R. W. Alley の作品

A Friend like You

By Frank Murphy and Charnaie Gordon, Illustrated by Kayla Harren
(Sleeping Bear Press – 2021)
Talking about all kinds of friend and how to become a friend as presenting different adjective for FRIEND on page to page. Kid-friendly text and beautiful picture will help readers to understand the importance of being friend and to celebrate friendship. >>> Other books by Frank Murphy and Kayla Harren in SHI Collection : A Girl like You, A Boy like You.

ページからページに異なる形容詞を[友達]につけて、様々な友達について語り、どのように友達になるかを教えてくれる。子どもに解かり易い言葉や表現のテキストと美しいイラストが、友を得る大切さを理解させてくれ、友情への祝福を心から示しているのが伝わる。>>>SHIコレクションにあるFrank Murphy と Kayla Harren による他の作品:A Girl like You, A Boy like You

Ready to Dream

Donna Jo Napoli and Elena Furrow, Illustrated by Bronwyn Bancroft
(Bloomsbury U.S.A. Children’s Books – 2009)
Ally is so excited to be going on a trip with her mother, and she can’t wait to draw all the new animals that she’ll see. When she arrives in Australia she meets Pauline, and Aboriginal artist. The two soon become friends, and Pauline shows Ally that art isn’t always made with paint and paper-and that sometimes mistakes lead to the greatest discoveries.>>>Elena Furrow is Donna Jo’s daughter, and Bronwyn Bancroft is an Aboriginal artist and designer.

Allyは母親と共に旅行に行き、初めて見る動物達を描くのを楽しみにしていた。オーストラリアに到着すると、AllyはPaulineというアボリジニーの芸術家と知り合いになった。二人は直に親しくなり、そしてPaulineはAllyに絵の具と紙だけが芸術を現す方法ではないと教えてくれた。紙に描くことばかりに集中していると、時として大事な発見を見落とすことがあると、彼女は説明をしてくれた。>>>著者のlena Furrow は Donna Jo’s の娘であり, イラストレーターBronwyn Bancroft はアボリジニーの芸術家でありデザイナー。

The Seekers: The legend of the silver fox and the fire wolf

By HARI & DEEPTI (Alfred A. Knopf - 2019)
Mio and Nao are very different siblings. Mio believes in the tales of the Silver Fox and Fire Wolf and the connection their guardian spirits have to their village. Nao longs for adventure and to discover life outside the valley. When the river they relay on for so much begins to dry up, Mio and Nao each have their reasons to find the source of the drought. With a small band of villagers, they trek through grim landscapes under dark skies and encounter dangerous tests of loyalty to their home and their mission. >>> HARI & DEEPTI are a husband-wife artist duo from India. Known internationally for their specific papercut and backlit style. The explanation about their artworks of this book.

MioとNaoは、性格が全く異なる兄妹であった。Mioは、’銀色の狐と炎の狼’伝説を信じていたし、村の守護神である彼等の精神と繋がることを信じていた。Naoは村がある谷の外の世界に関心があり、外の世界を知りたかった。村の生活は総て川に頼っていたが、その川が干しあがってしまった時、MioとNaoは夫々に、干ばつの理由を追求する役目を自覚した。他の数名の村人と共に、彼らは暗い空の下多くの危険に遭遇しながらも、村を救う為に旅を続けた。>>>HARI と DEEPTI はインド出身の芸術家夫婦で、彼らの詳細なる紙切りと照明技術の調和が生み出す独特の芸術作品は、国際的にも高く評価を受けている。この絵本における制作の説明.

The Don’t Worry Book

By Todd Parr (Hachette Book Group, Inc.‐2019)
” Sometimes you worry. You might worry when you have too much to do. Or when you have to go somewhere new.” Todd Parr’s kid-friendly text and pictures reassure readers that when you worry, there are many ways to feel better! >>> Todd Parr’s books in SHI Collection. 

” 時々君は心配になることがあるよね。君が心配になるのは、色々な事をしなくてはならない時とか、又は見知らぬ所へ行く時とかね。”Todd Parrらしい言葉で心配の対処方法を色々と教えてくれる。>>>SHIコレクションにあるTodd Parrの作品。 

We Belong Together

By Todd Parr (Hachette Book Group, Inc. – 2007)
”We belong together because…you needed a home and I had one to share. Now we are a family!” In a sensitive, Kid-friendly way, Todd Parr has captured what it means for a family to belong together. >>> Todd Parr’s books in SHI Collection.

”私達は互いに必要なんだ、、、何故なら、君は家が必要であり私には君を迎える家がある。そう私達は家族なのさ!”Todd Parr独特のイラストと彼独自の言葉で、互いを必要とする家族の意義を、子ども達に優しく解り易く語ってくれる絵本。>>>SHIコレクションにあるTodd Parrの作品。 

All of Us

By Kathryn Erskine, Illustrated by Alexandra Boiger (Philomel- 2021)

Friends can help us understand the world and ourselves, opening our eyes to unique cultures and ideas. In a story that travels the globe, it’s easy to see how the world is a community made up of people who are more similar than we are different. With stunning, lush art to accompany the lyrical text, this book celebrates how honoring everyone’s talent creates a world that’s richer for all of us.


Step by Step

By Alice B. McGinty, Illustrated by Diane Goode (Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers – 2021)

On the morning he is to start school, a nervous little boy is reassured by his father’s advice to handle problems step by step. How to make a new friend, how to learn to read and write ,,, Life is full of adventures, and the boy learns to do it all, just take it step by step.


Ice Cream Summer

By Peter Sis (Scholastic Press – 2015)

This is an answering letter to his grandpa from a boy who loves Ice Cream so much, and in his head everything is related with Ice Cream. In his letter he shows a lots of information about Ice Cream based on its history, its invention, and even math practice of Ice Cream.


111 Trees : How one village celebrates the birth of every girl

By Rina Singh, Illustrated by Marianne Ferrer (Kids Can Press Ltd. -2020)

Based on a true story in the village of India. As a boy, Sundar witnesses the struggle of those around him-How irresponsible mining ravages the countryside. How ancient customs and beliefs caused gender inequality and discrimination. How the birth of a boy is celebrated with music and food-while the birth of a girl is met with silence. He dreams of a better life for all-both boys and girls. Years pass, Sundar grows up, marries and becomes a father. When he is elected the village head, he proposed a plan that will both heal the land and honor girls. But the villagers reject his ideas. Still, Sundar is determined. He knows what he has to do, after his older daughter dies. >>> Why 111 trees? With a stick, Sundar made three lines on the ground for the three things that came to his mind: Daughter, Water, Trees. The detail info. is at the end.
