Ravi’s Roar

By Tom Percival ( Bloomsbury Children’s Books – 2019 )

Ravi never minded being the smallest in his family until….one day, Ravi’s short arms can’t reach the monkey bars, he can’t find anyone during hide-and-seek. And he’s too little to ride the big slide. Ravi is so mad-so ferocious, roaring Tiger! Tigers can do anything they want! But who want to play with someone who won’t share or behave? Ravi is about discover something very important about voicing his feelings. >>>On the last page, found advices from the author. Tom Percival’s books in SHI collection.

Raviは家族のなかで一番小さかったが、気にしていなかった。ある日までは、、、Raviの手はモンキーバーにぶる下がるには短か過ぎたし、かくれんぼをしても誰も見つけられなかった。さらに、大きな滑り台に乗るには小さすぎた。Raviはおへそを曲げ、しまいには怒り狂ってライオンのようにわめきだした。ライオンなら何でも好きなことが出来る。でも、自分勝手で手のつけようもない子と、誰が一緒に遊んでくれる?Raviは感情を言葉にする大切さに気ずいた。>>>巻末に作者からのアドバイスがある。SHIコレクションにあるTom Percivalの作品。

Ruby Finds a Worry

By Tom Percival ( Bloomsbury Children’s Books – 2018 )

Ruby is a happy, curious, imaginative girl. But one day, she finds something unexpected : a Worry. It’s not a very big Worry at first. But every day it grows a little bigger…and the Worry is enormous and is all she can think about. But when Ruby befriends a boy she discovers that everyone has Worries, and not only that, there’s great way to get rid of them too. >>>Tom Percival’s books in SHI collection.

Rubyは、明るく好奇心旺盛で想像力豊な少女である。しかしある日、彼女はいつもとは異なることに気ずいた。それは心配である。はじめは大したことではなかったが、日に日に心配は大きくなり、やがてとてつもなく多くなって頭から離れなくなった。しかし、Rubyは一人の少年に会って、誰もが心配持っていることを、それを除く方法を見つけ出した。>>>SHIコレクションにあるTom Percivalの作品

America My Love America My Heart

By Daria Peoples-Riley (Greenwillow Books – 2021 ) Daria Peoples-Riley on this URL.

America, do you love me? Do you love my black? Do you love my brown? Do you love my pride? With a bold, poetic text and rich, extraordinary oil paintings, acclaimed author-artist Daria Peoples-Riley asks readers to timely – and timeless – questions. >>> Author’s Note is on the last pages.

アメリカよ、私を愛してくれますか?黒人としての私を愛してくれますか?褐色の私を愛してくれますか?私の誇りを愛してくれますか?力強く詩的なテキストと独特な技法の油絵で、高評価を得ている作者兼芸術家のDaria Peoples-Riley が読者達に時を得た、そして永遠に変わることのない、質問を投げかけてくる。>>>巻末で作者のバックグランドを紹介している。

Light for All

By Margarita Engle, Illustrated by Raúl Colón (Simon & Schuster books for Young Readers – 2021 )

For many years people have arrived on the shores of a country called America from all corners of the world all under the light of Lady Liberty’s radiant flame. Coming with hopes, dreams, and determination, generations of immigrants have made their new country diverse, vivid, and welcoming. With inspiring words are interpreted by glorious artwork, this book is to celebrate the diversity background of families ho built America. >>> In the Author’s note telling about Indigenous people and African American who were not immigrants.


Out on a Limb

By Jordan Morris, Illustrated by Charlie Mylie (Abrams – 2022 )

Lulu’s leg is broken, but she is OK. Bonnie Bear has a matching yellow cast. She finds new ways to do ordinary things-like taking a bath or wearing her favorite pants. Lulu grows bored and grumpy by day. Eventually, it’s time to get the cast off, but Lulu’s not ready. Without her cast, she is worry to move her leg. A visit from Grandpa, a well-timed letter, and the power of healing all help get Lulu back on her feet.



By Mo Willems, Illustrated by Amber Ren (Hyperion Books for Children-2019)

A series of events, some seemingly very significant, lead to a young girl attending a life-changing concert. This book presents the power of music which is connected inter-generation and all human beings.


The Forever Sky

By Thomas Peacock, Illustrated by Annette S. Lee ( Minnesota Historical Society Press-2019 )

Two young Ojibwe brothers, Niigaanii and Bineshiinh, look to the stars and spin stories, some inspired by Uncle and some of their own making, as they remember their grandmother. With bold and beautiful artwork and thoughtful words, readers are guided to spiritual and timeless space of Ojibwe’s world.>>> On the last page, the glossary of Ojibwe language is found.

二人のオジブワ族(北米大陸北部に住んでいた北米大陸で3番目に大きな部族)の兄弟Niigaanii と Bineshiinhが夜空を見上げて語り合う。亡くなった祖母を思い出しながら、ある話は叔父からの語りついたものであり、ある話は自分達で想像をめぐらした話である。大胆で美しいイラストと思いやりの込められた言葉によって、オジブワ族の世界観にある精神的な次元を超えた空間に、読者達を導いてくれる。>>>巻末に、絵本で使われたオジブワ族の言葉の説明あり。

One Sun and Countless Stars : A Muslim Book of Numbers

By Hena Khan, Illustrated by Mehrdokht Amimi ( Chronicle Books LLC – 2022 )

From one sun to countless stars, the gentle introduction to number also celebrates the many diverse traditions of the Muslim world, encouraging readers young and old to reflect upon – and count – their many blessings. >>> Glossary and Author’s note found on the last pages. Hena Khan’s books in SHI collection.

一つの太陽から数えきれない星まで、優しく語り掛けるように数を数えながら、イスラム圏の多彩なる伝統文化を紹介している。年齢を超えて誰にでも、日常生活に見出される祝福を思い起こさせてくれる。>>>巻末に、使用されているアラビア語の説明と、作者の言葉が記載されている。SHIコレクションにあるHana Khanの作品

Archie Celebrates Diwali

By Mitali Banerjee Ruths, Illustrated by Parwinder Singh (Charlesbridge – 2021)

Diwali, the festival of lights, comes from India and Archie’s favorite holiday. She loves that is reminds people about light and hope and strength. This year, Archie has invited some school friends to her family’s party. She’s excited and worried at the same time – what if they don’t like the holiday as much as she does? >>> More information about Diwali found on the last pages.


Between Us and Abuela : A Family Story from the Border

By Mitali Perkins, Illustrated by Sara Palacios ( Farrar Straus Giroux – 2019 )

It’s nearly Christmas in California. Maria and her little brother, Juan, and their mother are headed south with Mexico to visit their grandmother. They are exited to celebrate Las Posadas with her. Maria has knitted Abuela (grandmother in Spanish) a scarf, and Juan has drawn her a picture. But when Juan’s gift won’t fit through the tiny spaces in the border fence – barely big enough for little fingers to touch – Maria launches a cunning plan, using creativity and hope. >>> Author’s note is on the last pages with telling about La Posadas and the background story of this book.

カリフォルニアにクリスマスが近ずいた。Mariaと弟のJuanは、母親と共に、メキシコとの国境で祖母に会うために南へ向かった。祖母と共にLas Posadasを祝うのを楽しみにしていた。MariaはAbuela(スペイン語で祖母)にマフラーを編んだ。弟は祖母にプレゼントする絵を描いた。しかし、国境のフェンスは小さな指がかろうじて入るほどしか隙間がなく、Juanのプレゼントは渡せれなかった。そこで、Mariaは想像力に望みを託した、素晴らしい思い付きを得た。>>>巻末 にLas Posadasの説明と、この話のバックグランドが記されている。