Be a Good Ancestor

By Leona Prince, Gabrielle Prince, Illustrated by Carla Joseph (Orca Book Publishers – 2022 )

”Be a good Ancestor, Raindrops become puddles, Puddles become streams, Streams become rives, Rivers become LIFE….Be a good Ancestor with yourself, Children become adults, Adults become leaders, Leaders become Elders, Elders become Ancestors” repeated call action reminds young readers that everything in our world is connected. With beautiful illustration, wisdom and love of native people in north American continent are reproduced. >>>Two authors in Canada are sisters who are descendant of one of native tribes in North America.


Goodnight, Astronaut

By Scott Kelly with Emily Easton, Illustrated by Izzy Burton (Crown Books for Yung Readers – 2021 )

NASA astronaut, Scott Kelly was born for adventure. But exploring takes a lot of energy – and sleep is the super fuel to turbocharge dreams. Scott has fallen asleep at the bottom of the ocean, in the cockpit of an F-14 fighter jet, in a yurt on Mount Everest, and of course in space! As joining Scott on his many adventures, he encourages the reader to keep own dream.>>> The photo images of Scott’ adventure are on the last pages.

NASAの宇宙飛行士Scott Kelly は、生まれながらの冒険家であった。その為には膨大なエネルギーが必要であり、睡眠はエネルギーを蓄え、次なる夢への挑戦を助けてくれる。Scottは海底で寝たこともあるし、F-14戦闘機のコックピットで寝たこともあり、エベレストのテントの中でも寝たし、もちろん宇宙空間でも寝た。Scottの冒険を共有しながら、彼は読者達が自分の夢を持つことを勇気ずけている。>>>巻末に、彼がたどった冒険の写真の数々が掲載されている。

Bharatanatyam in Ballet Shoes

By Mahak Jain, Illustrated by Anu Chouhan (Annick Press – 2022 )

Paro was excited to learn a new dance, but on the first day of ballet class, she was worried. She saw the difference between her mother’s dance-Bharatanatyam (Indian dance) and ballet dance. With helping her mother and her ballet teacher, Paro and ballet class friends could learn different movement and the same enjoyment to dance. >>> Inspired by the real story of influence between Rukmini Devi, Indian Dancer who created Bharatanatyam, and Anna Paviova, Russian ballet dancer, in 1930’s.

Paroは新しいダンスを覚えるのに大いに興奮していたが、バレー・クラスに行った最初の日は不安であった。母親から教わったインドのバラタナティヤムの踊りと、バレーの踊りが大いに異なっていた。母親とバレー教師の助けをかりて、Paroとバレー・クラスの仲間たちは、異なる動きを練習し、踊る楽しさは共通であることも同時に学んだ。>>>バラタナティヤムを創作したインドの舞踊家Rukmini Deviと、ロシアのバレーダンサーAnna Paviovaが互いに影響し合った1930年代の実話に基ずいて制作された作品。

The Little Blue Cottage

By Kelly Jordan, Illustrated by Jessica Courtney-Tickle ( Page Street Kids – 2020 )

All year the cottage eagerly waits for the little girl, and every summer the girl is excited to return with her family and make lasting memories of carefree days. This is her favorite place, but one year the cottage is left empty, waiting and wondering if thigs will ever be the same again. Reflect on the timeless magic of summer days and the essence of cherishing a favorite place with this heartfelt celebration of the bond between a little girl and the beloved little blue cottage.


Yoga Kids

By Fearne Cotton, Illustrated by Sheena Dempsey ( Barron’s – 2017 )

Yoga is such a wonderful activity for the whole family and has a hugely calming impact all around. Meet the yoga kids! The diverse of kids show us diffarent yoga pose like as Emily in the garden to Honey at bath time. This book was not written as a “How-to” guide, but the author recommends to play yoga for fun with your children and always need your supervision while kids are trying poses.


The Blue Ribbon Day

By Katie Couric, Illustrated by Marjorie Priceman ( Doubleday – 2004 )

Ellie and Carrie decide to try out for the school team in their favorite sport, soccer. But when only one of the girls is selected, the inselparable pair face a challenge – what do you say when your best friend is terribly disappointed? But even though some disappointments can’t be avoided, Carrie learns ( with some help from her mother and her old friend Lazlo) that while she may not be good at everything, she has undiscovered talents waiting to bloom, if she has the courage to try something new.



By Sacha Cotter. Illustrated by Josh Morgan ( Sourcebooks – 2020 in USA, Original book : Huia Press – 2018 in New Zealand )

He is ready to make a splash! He is ready to pull off the perfect cannonball, but everyone has advice. “Need more weigt!”. ” Bigger shorts!”. “More musscles!” All it really takes is listening to his own voice and finding the courage to make the perfect cannonball.>>> Glossary is on the last page.


A Kid is a Kid is a Kid

By Sara O’Leary, Illustrated by Qin Leng ( Groundwood Books – 2021 )

“Being the new kid is hard,” a child in the school playground tells us. “I can think of better things to ask than if I’m a boy or a girl.” Another child is asked why she always has her nose in a book. Someone else is asked where they come from. One after another children share the questions they’re tired of hearing – as opposed to what they believe are the most important or interesting things about themselves! This book tells a triumphant story about children who are all different, all themselves, all just kids. >>> Sara O’Leary and Qin Leng’s another book in SHI collection : A Family is a Family is a Family.

「転校生は楽じゃない」校庭で一人の子が言った。「女の子か男の子と聞く以外他の質問が出来ないのかしら。」他の子は、どうしていつも本ばかり見ているのかと言われるし、また他の子はどこから来たのかばかリ尋ねられる。次々と子ども達が聞き飽きてげっそりしている質問を公表した。自分達にとって何が大事で何に関心があるのか尋ねることなく、何故同じ質問ばかりするのか。この絵本は子ども達は夫々異なり、自分自身の個性があり、そして子どもであることを、心から誇っていることを告げている。>>>同じ制作者達による、A Family is a Family is a FamilyがSHIのコレクションにあり。

Brother Sun, Sister Moon : Saint Francis of Assisi’s Canticle of the Creatures

Reimagined by Katherine Paterson, Illustrated by Pamela Dalton ( Handprint Books – 2011 )

In 1224, Saint Francis of Assisi wrote a simple hymn of praise that beautifully encompasses all that he experienced in the Italian countryside. Written in the plain Umbrian dialect of his homeland. Francis’s words celebrate the breadth of creation, from the sun, moon, wind, and fire to community, family, work, and contemplation. Almost eight hundred years later, beloved children’s book author Katherine Paterson reimagines the hymn in poetic languages that shares Francis’s honest and direct gaze at all aspect of life, and resonates with the joy, light and shadow found there. Pamela Dalton’s exquisite cut-paper illustrations illuminate the text with images that perfectly match the spirit of Saint Francis’s song of praise.

1224年にアッシジの聖フランチェスコは、イタリアの田舎で彼自身が体験したあらゆる自然を称賛した讃美歌を書いた。それは、イタリア語のウンブリア方言で書かれた。彼の言葉は、太陽、月、風、火から社会、家族、仕事、思考までの総てへの称賛に満ちていた。約8百年の後に、児童絵本作家として活躍する Katherine Patersonが、人生の明暗と喜びと共に人生のあらゆる側面を称える聖フランチェスコの「 あらゆる被造物の賛歌」を、詩的な素直で解かり易い表現で再現したのが、この絵本である。Pamela Daltonsの素晴らしい切り絵のイラストは、「 あらゆる被造物の賛歌」を完璧なほどに可視化している。

Rafa Counts on Papá

By Joe Cepeda (Little, Brown and Company – 2022 )

Rafa and his papá love to count and measure together. They know how many branches to climb to their favorite spot, they know how high their dog, Euclid, can jump, and they know how far they can run. But there’s something even Rafa can’t count nor measure because it is so big: the love he and his papá shares. This book celebrates curiosity and shows the tender and playful relationship between father and son on every inch of the page. >>> Joe Cepeda’s books in SHI collection. 
