
By Jess Hong ( Creston Books – 2017 )

The book explains the word LOVELY with showing the visual diversity of humans in out world. It is a lovely book that presents the lovely in all of us.

私達の世界に住む多様なる人間を描きながら、Lovelyの言葉を説明している絵本。総ての人、一人一人が持つLovely を示しているLovelyな絵本である。

Yoga Kids

By Fearne Cotton, Illustrated by Sheena Dempsey ( Barron’s – 2017 )

Yoga is such a wonderful activity for the whole family and has a hugely calming impact all around. Meet the yoga kids! The diverse of kids show us diffarent yoga pose like as Emily in the garden to Honey at bath time. This book was not written as a “How-to” guide, but the author recommends to play yoga for fun with your children and always need your supervision while kids are trying poses.


Baby Parade

BY Rebecca O’Connell, Illustrated by Susie Poole ( Albert Whitman & Company – 2013 )

Wave to the babies as they go by – in strollers, in the arms of momies and daddies, and even walking by themselves! Watchful toddlers will love picking out – and waving to – one baby after another in this delightfully bouncy and playful story from the author who is a children’s librarian.


Ten Little Fingers, Two Small Hands

By Kristy Dempsey, Illustrated by Jane Massey ( little bee books – 2016 )

The group of multiracial toddlers is ready to enjoy some delicious treats! Count one by one as one little finger points to cake, two little fingers tap a plate, three little fingers pinch a bite, and four little fingers squish it tight. But one piece just isn’t enough – they want more! Parents and little ones will love counting along with this sweet story!>>> Kristy Dempsey’s books in SHI collection.


Dear Grandma

By Susanna Leonard Hill, Illustrated by John Joseph ( Sourcebooks – 2021 )

Nothing compare to the special bond between grandma and grandchildren! This book of love, adventure and fun, demonstrated by several different Grandmas, is to celebrates all of the magical reasons why Grandma truly is, one of kind. This is a love letter from grandchild to grandma.


Around the Table that Grandad Built

By Melanie Heuiser Hill, Illustrated by Jaime Kim ( Candlewick Press – 2019 )

“This is the table that Grandad built. There are the sunflowers picked by my cousins, set on the table that Grandad built.” In this inviting cumulative picture book, a family gathers with friends and neighbors to share a meal around a very special table. With a diverse array of dishes and faces, this warm and welcoming story is sure to become a favorite around dinner tables everywhere.

“これはお爺ちゃんが作ったテーブル。従弟達が持ってきたヒマワリを飾るのは、お爺ちゃんが作ったテーブルの上。” 言葉が楽しく繰り返されながら、どんどんと連なってゆくこの絵本は、家族が友人達や隣人達と特別なテーブルを囲んで食事を共にする。多彩なる料理と顔ぶれが並ぶ心暖まる話は、どこであれ大勢でする食事が楽しくなるに違いない。

Something Smells!

By Blake Liliane Hellman, Illustrated by Steven Henry ( Atheneum Books for Young Readers – 2018 )

There was a smell. A most terrible smell! Was it the dog? Was it the baby? Was it the trash? Or could it be Grandma’s Gefartenschnaffel(a special meal)? And Elliot’s imagination was expanded to determine to find out what that something was! But after Elliot took bath, the terrible smell was gone. Elliot was excited to put on his new pajama, and he decided he was never ever going to take them off.

何か臭い匂いがした。匂いの原因は犬?赤ちゃん?それともゴミだったのか? おばあちゃんの特異料理かも知れなかった。Elliotの想像力は膨らみ、臭い匂いの原因を調べることに夢中であった。しかし、Elliotがお風呂に入るとその匂いは消えてしまった。新しいパジャマを着た彼は,それを大変に気に入り、決してそのパジャマを脱ぐことはしないと決めてしまった。

Peekaboo Bedtime

By Rachel Isadora ( G. P. Putnam’s Sons – 2008 )

It’s evening and an endearing toddler turns bedtime into a favorite game of peekaboo with parents, grandparents, pets and toys until it’s finally time to snuggle into bed. Children will enjoy playing along all the way to the surprise on the last page. >>> Rachel Isadora’s books in SHI collection.

夜になり、愛らしい幼児が、大好きな”いないいないばあ”のゲームを両親と、祖父母と、ペット達と、おもちゃ達と楽しんで、やっとベットに潜り込む。最後のページまで、幼子達を夢中にさせてくれる。>>>SHIコレクションにあるRachel Isadoraの作品

Shape Capers

By Cathryn Falwell ( Greenwillow Books – 2007 )

Five little children present the shapes; Circles, Squares, Triangles, Semicircles, and Rectangles. And they start to play with each shape, and they build their imagination with using five different shapes. With simple text and beautiful colored illustration, this picture book is full with lovely five children’s smiles.


Ravi’s Roar

By Tom Percival ( Bloomsbury Children’s Books – 2019 )

Ravi never minded being the smallest in his family until….one day, Ravi’s short arms can’t reach the monkey bars, he can’t find anyone during hide-and-seek. And he’s too little to ride the big slide. Ravi is so mad-so ferocious, roaring Tiger! Tigers can do anything they want! But who want to play with someone who won’t share or behave? Ravi is about discover something very important about voicing his feelings. >>>On the last page, found advices from the author. Tom Percival’s books in SHI collection.

Raviは家族のなかで一番小さかったが、気にしていなかった。ある日までは、、、Raviの手はモンキーバーにぶる下がるには短か過ぎたし、かくれんぼをしても誰も見つけられなかった。さらに、大きな滑り台に乗るには小さすぎた。Raviはおへそを曲げ、しまいには怒り狂ってライオンのようにわめきだした。ライオンなら何でも好きなことが出来る。でも、自分勝手で手のつけようもない子と、誰が一緒に遊んでくれる?Raviは感情を言葉にする大切さに気ずいた。>>>巻末に作者からのアドバイスがある。SHIコレクションにあるTom Percivalの作品。