We add the page of “About Human Interconnection Corner ( HIC ) “,
under the button of Children’s Picture Books on the top bar.
You are very welcome to visit the new page.

We add the page of “About Human Interconnection Corner ( HIC ) “,
under the button of Children’s Picture Books on the top bar.
You are very welcome to visit the new page.
The new page titled
” About conflict of violence” is
added with our resources.
-Top bar of Children’s Picture Book > About Conflict of Violence
Children’s Picture Book is not only for children, but also for grow-up people who almost forget universal mind which all babies are born with.
I have been collecting, from public libraries, the information of Children’s Picture Book relating with multicultural understanding for last 20 years, as they provide me Inner-Happiness Vitamins and help to remind of my universal mind.
The year of 2020 is hard experience for everyone in any case, especially for children. I hope some children’s picture books will give you and your children Inner-Happiness to light up your universal minds.
Nobuko T. M.
How to find a book to light up your universal mind from our collection?
* By Idea > Visit the page of 2020 Year-end gift idea! (12 sample books)
* By Image > Visit the page of Visual Library (Book number is limited)
* By Category > Visit the page of Children’s Book (More than 500 books categorized)
We wish a healthy, peaceful, and joyful holiday-season to all of you!!!
~~~School House International~~~
Online Story Telling : History and Lives of Black Children is added.
Children’s Books > Online Story Telling : History and lives of Black Children.
~ School House International ~
Online Story Telling Children’s Book > online story telling
Literacy ~ Resources Libraries/Literacy > Literacy ~ Resources
~ School House International ~
In our human history, so many events have occurred resulting in crossing borders, mixing ethnicities, and blending cultures………….and yet we still cannot help but to put ourselves in a tiny box?!
Here are some quotes:
12 Films related to Wold’s Racial Matter
(Some images of the list bellowed)
South Africa Background:
European Countries Background:
U.S.A. Background:
Enjoy your quality time!
~ School House International ~
To get better understanding Black History with your children, you will find the resources in Black History Month.
Nelson Mandela Quotes will encourage you and your children:
Enjoy your quality time!
~ School House International~
Hi everyone!
Have you taken Inner-Happiness Vitamins today? Especially in these days, everyone needs to take special Vitamins! Agree? IH Vitamins A is for Appreciation. IH Vitamins B is for Building. IH Vitamins C is for Compassion. IH Vitamins D is for Diligence. IH Vitamins E is for Engagement. Or you can create your own Inner-Happiness Vitamins!!!
To strengthen your Inner-Happiness Vitamins, our new page is added for you. As presenting not only the books of multicultural-resources, but in wide range, and with real voices and videos, you will feel more personal connection to these story-readers. Listen and Enjoy ~ Reading Time. ( Click the button of Meet Friends on the top bar.)
Be safe and strong, and let’s show our human-resilience to our younger generation.
~ School House International~
Note: On our Website some images of Children’s Picture Book are incorrectly appearing now. Sorry for your inconvenient until complete fixing.>>>Fixing Done on May 1, 2020.
Some images of resources are invisible and it will take a while to rearrange all.
Deeply sorry to cause you inconvenience.
-Thank you!
~School House International~
~スクール ハウス インターナショナル~
<Author and Illustrator of Children’s Picture Book>
Please meet Daria Peoples-Riley : Author and Illustrator of “America My Love America My Heart“.
She is also a mother and an educator, and lives in Las Vegas with her family!!! She presented her first children’s picture book which taken 3 years-journey to actually be published since she got her inspirational idea. And her another books are coming in 2019!!! Please visit https://www.dariapeoples.com/
ダリア P.R.は、写真で紹介している絵本の作者兼イラストレーターですが、母親でもあり教育者でもあります。家族と一緒にラスベガスに在住です。彼女の最初に出版したこの素敵な絵本は、最初の着想から3年の年月を得て出版が実現しました。継続して新しい本も、2019年には出版を待っているそうです。同じラスベガスの住民としても、彼女の活躍を大いに楽しみにしています。