
Directed by Diane Crespo (2008)

Rochel is an Orthodox Jew, and Nasira is a Muslim of Syrian origin. They are both young teachers at the same public school in Brooklyn NY, and also have a similar difficulty with their own family who try to arrange a traditional marriage for their beloved daughter. Rochel and Nasira rely on each other and their friendship to pull through this difficult time of their lives, striving to be strong women in charge of their own happiness, while keeping their deep religious and cultural convictions.



Directed by Cherien Dabis (2009)                                                                           Inspired by Dabis’s family memories of their lives in rural America during the first Iraq War.  A single mother with her teenage son move to a small town Illinois, as dreaming of an exciting future in the promised land called America. With struggling and adjusting lifestyle, they find their new lives in their way.


The Joy Luck Club

Directed by Wayne Wang (1993)

Based on the best selling book “The Joy Luck Club” by Amy Tan.  As living in San Francisco four remarkable female friends play Mah-Jong (Game) together, and tell  each one’s life story of immigrating from China to settle in America. And how these experiences have affected the hopes and dreams they hold for each of their children.

サンフランシスコに住むマージャン仲間4人の女性には、それぞれ娘がいた。母達の米国への移民までのドラマと、二世として生きる娘達のドラマ。時代や状況が交差して織り成される様々なドラマの中でも、ゆるぎなく流れていく母と娘の絆。2000年頃に初めて鑑賞した時の感動は、幾度観ても変わらない。この映画に出演したアジア系俳優や製作者達が、その後世界の映画産業に様々な道を開いた。原作は同じタイトルである、エイミー タンのベストセラー小説。

A Thousand Years of Good Prayers

Directed by Wayne Wang (2007)

Mr. Shi, a Chinese widower, travels to America to visit his American -resident daughter after her recent divorce.  As staying in her apartment, he realizes a generational and geographical divide has developed between them. Finally he can talk about her mother, and resets their father-daughter bond. The same director with ” The Joy Luck Club”.

アメリカに住む離婚した一人娘を、北京で一人暮らしの父が訪ねてくる。同じ民族文化を持ちながらも、大きな世代文化の違いからか、父娘の心の距離は大きい。父は一人公園でイランの高齢女性に出会い、言葉が不便ながらも、世代文化を共有する。そして娘との心の隔たりには、家族の長年に渡るわだかまりがあった。在米中国人を描いた画期的映画 “The Joy Luck Club” と同じ監督。様々な文化の絡み合いが繰り広げるドラマには、日常性があるだけに、同じ境遇の多くの人達の共感を呼ぶに違いない。

The Blind Side

Directed by John Lee Hancock(2009)

Based on the true story of Michael Oher who is an American football player of NLF. Michael, homeless teen, knows little about family, but he likes to play football. Leigh Anne Tuohy knows little about his world. Yet when she and Michael meet, he’s found a home. The Black football player becomes a member of the white family, and the Tuohys have found something just as life-changing; a beloved new son and brother. Michael’s success story starts with his new but his real family.


アメフト選手, マイケル・オアーの実話を映画化。白人裕福階級の女性と黒人の希望のない青年とが、心を引き合ってゆく過程で、実際の家族となる。その結果得られた喜びは、お互いを大いに成長させた。黒人青年を受け入れた家族一人一人の絆も強まり、異文化を受け入れる勇気がもたらす熱い思いに、深く感動する。