Princess Kaiulani

Directed by Marc Forby (2009)

Based on a biography of Princess Kaiulani in the late of 1880s Hawaii.  Polynesian and Scottish mixed blooded 13 years old Princess Kaiulani is next in line for the Hawaiian throne. However, the Royal family and Hawaiian people struggle to keep their independence and right of self-governance away from the economical and political power of newly arrived people in the islands. Princess Kaiulani is exiled to father’s country, and almost settles in there for her new loving life. As receiving the heartbroken news of her uncle King kalakaua died, she decides to return to Hawaii for her beloved islands and people.



Directed by John Sayles (2010)

In the beginning of the 20th century Philippine, it’s the time to transfer the political and economical power from Spanish colony to American occupation. In a small village on Luzon Island, Philippine, some American soldiers come to occupy and even their language barrier, the soldiers need to communicate with the village people to learn how to live and manage their lives in the mysterious deep green nature.



Directed by Charles Burnett (1996)

Based on the novel by Gary Paulsen.  Twelve years old Sarny, a slave in the antebellum South, has the fortune to read and write. Despite literacy is not allowed for black slavers and it’s a crime punishable by death, a former runaway slaver, Nightjohn secretly teaches Sarny to read and write. Nightjohn and Sarny work together to free other slaves by forging passes to the North. But their planned escape is discovered.

米国の南北戦争以前の南部で使われていた黒人奴隷達は、読み書きを習うことが禁じられていた。しかしJohnという名の新しくやって来た黒人奴隷男性が、ある聡明な黒人奴隷少女に読み書きを内緒で教えた。識字の意義と喜びを学んだ少女は、白人プランテーション主達の世界に段々と足を踏み込んでゆく。危険と勇気の絡み合いの中で、文字は自由を手に入れる手段でもあった。米国黒人奴隷史の一コマを、勇敢なる少女によって描いた感動作品。少女役のAllison Jonesが好演をしている。

Cry, The Beloved Country

Directed by Darrell Roodt (1995)

A murder occurred in 1946 Johannesburg, in South Africa, and the tragic event is destined for connecting two different fathers. The well established white man is a father whose son is killed, and the black gentle preacher is a father whose son is convicted death sentence of the murder. Overwhelming sadness of lost own son suddenly starts emotional fighting in the minds of two fathers. Under the apartheid policy the fathers patiently understand the necessity of avoiding a violent collision.  And they find together the kind of mutual understanding that could heal a nation.  Based on the novel.


Carol’s Journey

Directed by Imanol Uribe (2004)

Carol is a Spanish-American twelve years old girl raised in New York, and she travels to Spain with her mother to meet mother’s family as the first time in the turbulent year of 1938. Separation form her beloved father is sad, but he is a pilot in the international brigades involved in the Spanish Civil War. In her mother’s native village, Carol finds her new life and experiences bittersweet days to be ready enter into the adulthood.



Directed by Raoul Peck (2000)

Based on a true event in 1960s Congo. Story of Congo’s independent from Belgium, and it’s not family-oriented film as including many violent and bloody scenes.  On the African continent, there are many tribes and ethnics have been living in their way. Western colonization raised disaster of  their original life values, and causes many conflicts. This is one example.  Starring: Eriq Ebouaney (French Actor)

1960年のベルギーから独立したコンゴの実話に基ずく歴史物語だが、衝撃的シーンもあるので、家族向けではない。ただ人類の歴史を紐解けば、異文化の醜い駆け引きにも、目を背けるわけにはゆかない。そういう事実を直視できる勇気ある大人達には、アフリカの心の痛みをより良く理解する為にも、鑑賞してほしい作品である。部族や価値観の異なる人達を一つにまとめる困難さは、決して過去のコンゴだけの問題ではなく、古今東西の永遠に人間が抱える問題とも言えるかもしれない。フランス生まれの俳優Eriq Ebouaney には、映画Malcom Xを演じたDenzel Washingtonを思い出す。,

Far From Heaven

Directed by Todd Haynes (2002)

In 1957 Hartford, Connecticut, Cathy lives with her husband and two children very happily.  Her husband is a successful business man promoted his position in his company step by step with more success expected. Being wonderful wife and mother, Cathy is a perfect housewife until she finds her husband’s secret of having male lover. She struggles to live with pretending her perfect family. A black gardener who maintains her family yard acknowledges her tensed behavior, and he starts caring her.

邦題:<エデンより彼方に >


Little Senegal

Directed by Rachid Bouchareb (2011)

Allounce, a widower living alone, decides to go to America after long time working as a tourist guide of Goree, Slave museum in Senegal. Goree is also the historical port sending out tons of African people to the mysterious places, and Allounce wants to search for his ancestors taken away from his village two hundreds years ago and sold as slaves in the other side of world. Finally Allounce finds a female relative at little Senegal in central Harlem, New York city, but he cannot tell her the truth immediately. Starring: Sotiqui Kouyate


Berlin Tunnel 21

Directed by Richard Michaels (1981)

In 1961, the Soviets cut off East Berlin from West Berlin, and a young US Army Lieutenant and his East German girlfriend cannot marry because she is forbidden to leave from her side of the city. Some brave people make daring escapes across the barrier, but their families and friends are still in the other side.  Determined to rescue their loved ones and bring them to the West, five young men attempt a daring rescue under the Berlin Wall.

ベルリンの壁が作られた20年後に製作されたこの映画は、ベルリンの壁が1989年に取り壊された後でも、人間の愚かさ を忘れさせない役目を果たしている。家族や恋人と壁によって引き離された男達が、密やかに壁の下を通って西ベルリンから東ベルリンへトンネルを掘った。東 西ベルリンを実際に訪れた者の1人として、イデオロギーによって家族を引き離す非情さを実体験したが、異文化への恐怖心を抱いていた時代が欧州でも近年ま で継続していたことを、再認識させてくれる映画。

Sarah’s Key

Directed by Gilles Paquet-Brenner (2010)

In 2009, an American journalist married to a Frenchman, is commissioned to write article about the historical tragedy in 1942 Paris. In the year of 1942, the French authority orders Jewish people to move to the stadium in Paris from all over France and the totally 76,000 Jewish roundup are deported. Ten years old Jewish girl, Sarah, is one of them and she locked up her 4 years old brother in a hidden closet in hope of returning to set him free later. But Sara cannot make escape herself for her brother.    As the American journalist is following Sarah’s story more and more, she uncovers surprisingly connection herself to Sarah.

2009年にパリで活躍する若いジャーナリスト達が、1942年のパリで起こった出来事を追って行く。当時フランスに住 んでいた76,000人ものユダヤ人が、パリのスタジアムにフランスの憲兵によって集められ、そこからナチスに引き渡された。その中に弟を逃がそうと、ア パートの壁の中に隠してきた少女Sarahがいた。必ず迎えに来るからとの約束を果たす為に、収容所キャンプへ送られる前に、少女は逃げ出した。第二次世 界大戦の人類の狂気を体験した世代が、世界中で老年期を迎えている。現代の平和で豊かになった社会と過去が交差しながら進んでゆくが、大事なものを次の世 代に伝えたいとの、製作者の意図が、ひしひしと伝わってくる。