The Legend of the Bluebonnet:An old tale of Texas

Retold and Illustrated by Tomie dePaola ( G. P. Putnam’s Sons – 1983 )

The lovely wild flowers, known by the name of bluebonnet, are the State flower of Texas. They cover the Texas hills in the springtime every year. This book is a retelling story of the Comanche People’s legend of how a little girl’s sacrifice brought the bluebonnet to Texas.



Grandma calls me Beautiful

By Barbara M. Joosse, Illustrated by Barbara Lavallee  (Chronicle Books ~ in 2008)

The same author and illustrator with “Mama, do you love me?” & “Papa, do you love me?”. Set in Hawaii, featured the beautiful bond between grandmother and her granddaughter. Explanations of Hawaiian culture and language are provided on the last pages.

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Traditionに集録されている Mama, do you love me? (アラスカの母と娘)、Papa, do you love me? (マサイ族の父と息子)と、同じ作者とイラストレーターのコンビで、ハワイの祖母と孫娘の話。ハワイ語やハワイの文化を散りばめながら、祖母の孫娘への愛情が、ほとばしるように描かれている。巻末には、ハワイ語や文化の解説もあり、ハワイの香りいっぱいの素敵な絵本である。

Mama, do you love me ?

By Barbara M. Joosse, illustrated by Barbara Lavellee (Chronicle Books ~in 1998)

An Inuit girl living in Alaska asks her mother several questions as attempting to find the limit of her mother’s love. Her mother expresses her love by using their traditional culture and familiar animals as examples to make her daughter understand easily. Lovely story for mothers and daughters.




Jingle Dancer          

By Cynthia Leitich Smith, Illustrated by Cornelius Van Wright & Ying-Hwa Hu                    (Morrow Junior Books ~ in 2000)

Jenna loves the tradition of jingle dancing that has been shared by generations of women in her family, and she hopes to dance at the next powwow (Native American’s gathering). She wants her dreaming dress will sing with jingles, and adults women surrounding her help to make her dream come true.



The way to start a day

By Byrd Baylor, Illustrated by Peter Parnaill (Charles Scribner’s Sons – New York in 1978)

Celebrating a new day begins with the ways various peoples from around the world.     Welcoming the morning sun is just like as others in the past and present to start a new life daily. >>>The same illustrator with “Annie and the old one“.

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一日の始まりを告げる太陽が昇ってくる時、様々な民族の思いを描いている視点が素晴らしい絵本。英文の文字も、文章と言うより、歌のように配列している。イラストレーターは、Annie and the old oneのイラストを手がけた同じ人であり、この絵本の価値に大いなる影響を与えて成功している。人類と太陽の切っても切れない関係を解り易く語る内容のこの絵本こそ、親子でしみじみと読んで、大事な時間を親子で共有したい。

The Girl who loved Wild Horses

By Paul Goble (Simon & Schuster – New York in 1979)

 A young Native American girl loved to care of her tribe’s horses. One heavy stormy day, the horses were frightening and run away from the tribe’s land, and the girl as well. The tribes searched for the girl, but nobody found her. One year latter, the tribes saw a girl with wild horses and she belonged to the world of wild horses.

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米国原住民の文化を良く理解している、Paul Gobleの数多くある作品の一つ。野生の馬をこよなく愛する少女が、ある日、雷雲におののく野生の馬の群れと消えてしまう。人々は少女を探したが、一年後に立派な野生の馬の群れと一緒にいる少女を見つける。人間の両親を慕いながらも、野生の馬の仲間になってしまう話が、独特の美しいイラストで力強く描かれている。

The Gift of the Sacred Dog

By Paul Goble (Bradbury Press – New York in 1980)

Long time ago, Native Americans lived with dogs who helped to carry heavy stuff, and accompanied them as needed. As following buffalos, one tribes didn’t have enough foods to eat. A brave boy form the tribes went to hills and prayed to the Great Spirit for help for his people. A rider on a magnificent animal came to him and said “This animal is called the Sacred Dog and he can many things your dogs cannot.”  The Great Spirit rewarded the boy’s courage, and the horse, or Sacred Dog, was given to his tribe.  >>> In a history, Spanish people brought horses to the American continent.

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Annie and the Old One

By Miska Miles, Illustrated by Peter Parnall (Little, Brown and Company – New York in 1971)

Native American Annie is a young girl of the Navajo tribe and she refuses to believe her grandmother, the Old One, will return to Earth once their weaving is completed. Annie hesitates to continue to weave as wishing her beloved Old One’s longer life. When the grandmother explains her beliefs, Annie understands and bravely continues to wave with her mother and her grandmother.

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The Boy who lived with the Seals

By Rafe Martin, Illustrated by David Shannon                     (G.P. Putnam’s Sons ­­–New York in 1993)

Inspired by an old folktale of Native American living in the northwest coast.  A boy played in the riverside is suddenly disappeared, and long time after he is spotted near an island, swimming with seals.  He returns to live with his people, but he is not the same as before. Although his parents re-educate him as in human ways, his memories of life with seals are always with him and he rejoins the seals. He carves a beautiful canoe for his human parents with his love belonged to his two different worlds.

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Minnow and Rose -An Oregon Trail Story

By Judy Young, Illustrated by Bill Farnsworth (Sleeping Bear Press – Chelsea, MI in 2009)

In the mid-1800s, Rose, who is a pioneer girl traveling west with her family by covered wagon, comes to riverside to pick some berries. She discovers a village of Native American on the other side of the river, and sees a Native American girl who comes to get water from the river. She acknowledges Rose, but they keep their distance.

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