Nimoshom and His Bus

By Penny M. Thomas, Illustrated by Karen Hibbard ( Highwater Press – 2017 )

Nimoshom (My grandfather in Cree) loved to drive the school bus. Every day, on the way to and from school, he had something to say. Sometimes, he told the kids silly stories. Sometimes, he taught the kids a new word in Cree. This book introduces basic Cree words. >>> A glossary is included in the back of the book.

Nimoshom (クリー語で祖父。クリー語はカナダの一部および北米に住む先住民クリー族の言葉。)は、スクールバスを運転するのが大好きであった。毎日学校の生き帰りに、ドライバーの彼は、何か子ども達に語ることがあった。それは、時には面白い物語であり、時にはクリー語の言葉を教えてくれた。この絵本は、クリー語の基本を紹介してくれる。>>>巻末にクリー語の単語集がある。

First Laugh : Welcome, Baby!

By Rose Ann Toha and Nancy Bo Flood, Illustrated by Jonathan Nelson ( Charlesbridge – 2018 )

A Navajo baby spends time with members of his family, each of whom tries to get him to laugh for the first time. Will it happen while eating dinner in the family’s city apartment? Or maybe it’ll be while riding horseback with Grandmother across the mesa. Brother and sister both try. Papa tickles baby’s toes. Mama sings. Grandfather holds the baby up high. In Navajo families, the first person to get a new baby to lough hosts the First Laugh Ceremony. Who will it be? >>>On the last pages, found Authors’ Notes and Illustrator’s Note as well as presenting several cerebrations for children in different cultures.


Grandma’s Tipi : A Present-Day Lakota Story

By S. D. Nelson ( Abrams Books for Young Readers – 2023 )

Now that Clara is almost in third grade, she’s finally old enough to spend her first summer away from home visiting Grandma and her cousin Juniper on the Standing Rock Reservation. To welcome her visit, Uncle Louie brings an extra-special surprise in his pickup track: the family tipi that Grandma keeps, passed down for generations. The girls learn how to stack the poles and wrap the canvas covering around them, how to paint spirit pictures on its walls, and how the circle of the tipi reminds us all how to live in the great Circle of Life. During their summer days spent playing outside, doing beadwork together, telling stories, singing songs, and sleeping under the stars, the tipi brings the family closer together. >>> S. D. Nelson’s art style is inspired by 19 century Lakota ledger drawings. Author’s note is included.

Clara は3年生になるので、祖母や従弟のJuniperが住んでいるスタンデング・ロック居留地に滞在して、初めて家族と離れて一人で過ごす夏を体験できる歳となった。Louie叔父さんは、彼女を歓迎する為に、予期しなかった素晴らしいものをトラックの荷台に積んできた。それは祖母が保存していた、先代から数代も受け継がれてきたtipiであった。少女達は骨組みの立て方やその周りにキャンパズ地の布張りを教わり、壁にスピリチュアルな絵を描く方法を学び、tipiにぐるりと描かれた絵から偉大なる生命の循環を教えられた。夏の日々を外で遊び、ベットで寛ぎ、色々な話を楽しみ、歌を歌い、星空の下で眠り、遠く離れていた家族と一緒に過ごすことにより、家族の絆がより強まった。>>>S. D. Nelsonの絵のスタイルは、19世紀のLakota部族の伝統的な絵に影響を受けている。作者でもある彼の言葉も記載されている。

Powwow Day

By Traci Sorell, Illustrated by Madelyn Goodnight ( Charlesbridge – 2022 )

Because she has been ill and very weak, River cannot join in dancing at this year’s tribal Powwow, she can only watch from the sidelines as her sister and cousins dance the celebration – but as the drum beats she finds the faith to believe that she will recover and dance again. >>> Including information about Powwows.


You Hold Me Up : Gimanaadenim

By Monique Gray Smith, Illustrated by Danielle Daniel, Translated into Anishinaabemowin by Angela Mesic and Margaret Noodin ( Orca Book Publisher – 2017 in English only, 2021 in English and Anishinaabemowin)

An evocative picture book intended to foster Reconciliation among children and encourage them to show each other love and support. Written in English and Anishinaabemowin whichnalso called Ojibwemowin and it is an indigenous language of North America. >>> The author, Monique Grau Smith is a mixed heritage woman of Cree, Lakota and Scottish ancestry. Monique Gray Smith’s books in SHI collection.

独特なイラストのこの絵本は、子ども達の間に相手を受け入れる心を育むことを、そして愛と支援を奨励している。英語とアニシナーベ語で書かれている。アニシナーベ語とは、北米のミシガン州やカナダのケベック州周辺に住む少数先住民族オジブワ族の言語であり、オジブウェー語とも呼ばれている。>>>著者Moniquen Gray Smithは、クリー族、ラコタ族(またはスー族とも呼ばれる)そしてスコットランド人の祖先をもつ混血女性である。SHIコレクションにあるMoniquen Gray Smithの作品

Be a Good Ancestor

By Leona Prince, Gabrielle Prince, Illustrated by Carla Joseph (Orca Book Publishers – 2022 )

”Be a good Ancestor, Raindrops become puddles, Puddles become streams, Streams become rives, Rivers become LIFE….Be a good Ancestor with yourself, Children become adults, Adults become leaders, Leaders become Elders, Elders become Ancestors” repeated call action reminds young readers that everything in our world is connected. With beautiful illustration, wisdom and love of native people in north American continent are reproduced. >>>Two authors in Canada are sisters who are descendant of one of native tribes in North America.



By Hinaleimoana Wong-kalu, Dean Hamer, and Joe Wilson, Illustrated by Daniel Sousa

Long ago, four dual male and female spirits traveled from Tahiti to Hawaii. The name of their leader was Kapaemahu. They brought with them their gentle ways, miraculous cures, and healing arts. Beloved by the people, they imbued four boulders with their powers. The stones were taken care of for generations – until colonization buried them. Gorgeously rendered and powerful written, this book is a reclamation of this native Hawaiian legend and a reminder of the power of story to honor our ancestors. >>> Kapaemahu is based on an animated short film by the authors. It is available to view at


The Forever Sky

By Thomas Peacock, Illustrated by Annette S. Lee ( Minnesota Historical Society Press-2019 )

Two young Ojibwe brothers, Niigaanii and Bineshiinh, look to the stars and spin stories, some inspired by Uncle and some of their own making, as they remember their grandmother. With bold and beautiful artwork and thoughtful words, readers are guided to spiritual and timeless space of Ojibwe’s world.>>> On the last page, the glossary of Ojibwe language is found.

二人のオジブワ族(北米大陸北部に住んでいた北米大陸で3番目に大きな部族)の兄弟Niigaanii と Bineshiinhが夜空を見上げて語り合う。亡くなった祖母を思い出しながら、ある話は叔父からの語りついたものであり、ある話は自分達で想像をめぐらした話である。大胆で美しいイラストと思いやりの込められた言葉によって、オジブワ族の世界観にある精神的な次元を超えた空間に、読者達を導いてくれる。>>>巻末に、絵本で使われたオジブワ族の言葉の説明あり。

Stolen Words

By Melanie Florence, Illustrated by Gabrielle Grimard (Second Story Press – 2017)

When a little girl comes home from school one day and asks her grandpa how to say something in his Cree language, he is sad that he cannot teach her. He tells her that his words were stolen from him when he was taken to live at a residential school as a boy. The little girl then sets out to help her grandpa find his language again. It’s very emotional love story between grandpa and granddaughter.>>>At the end, there is English translation and pronunciation of the Cree words found in this tory.


Vivian and the legend of the Hoodoos

By Terry Catasus Jennings, Illustrated by Phyllis Saroff (Arbordale Publishing – 2017)

Long ago, the Old Ones were bad. They drank all the water, ate all the pine nuts, and left nothing for the other creatures. Sinawav the trickster coyote punished them by turning them into rocky hoodoos. Now when children misbehave, their Paiute elders remind them that they too could be turned into stone columns. This year as Vivian and her grandmother climb the mesa to pick pine nuts, Vivian is disrespectful to the trees and the land. Her grandmother reminds her of the legend of the hoodoos and how nature has made it possible for her people to live. >>>The detail information is included.

