King for a Day            

By Rukhsana Khan, Illustrated by Christiane Kromer (Lee & Low Books Inc. ~ in 2013)

In the city of Lahore, Pakistan, all children are exciting with annual and traditional Kite-flying festival. Malik, boy in a wheelchair, prepares his kite to fly and move very first for competing other boy’s kites. At the end of the day, actually Malik has a big pile of captured kites. But then the neighborhood bully comes and tries to take a kite from a girl. Malik finds the way to help the girl.


パキスタンのラホールの街で行われる Basant (Kite Festival)は、子ども達が楽しみにしている伝統的な行事である。特に、Kiteを空で戦わせるのに、子ども達は夢中になる。車椅子の少年は、最も早く動くKiteを作って、その日に備えた。その日の王者を自称していたこの少年は、意地悪な子への挑戦心と弱い子へのいたわりも示した。貼り絵を活用したイラストは、親しみと暖か味を含んでいる。ラホール生まれでカナダに住む著者は、多くの児童書を著作し受賞作品もあり、Big Red Lolipop も彼女の作品である。

Ramadan Moon

By Nafima B Robert, Illustrated by Shirin Adl                                                                   (Frances Lincoln Childrenfs Books~ in 2009)

Muslims all over the world celebrate Ramadan, the month of fasting, and joyful days of Eid at the end of the Ramadan as the most special time of year. This lyrical and inspiring picture book captures the wonder and joy of this special annual event, from the perspective of a child. And this book not only for all children who celebrate Ramadan but also for children in the wider communities who want to understand why this is such a special experience for Muslims.




Here is the world

By Leslea Newman, Illustrated by Susan Gal                                                                    (Abrams Books for Young Readers ~ in 2014)

As showing the subtitle “A year of Jewish Holidays” , the book introduces young children to a joyous year of Jewish holidays and celebrations in the traditional way. With rhyming text and digitally collaged illustrations will help to gain the meaning of these special festivities of the life. At the last pages, you will find Hebrew words and the more explanation of each special holidays with traditional foods and crafts.


副題にA Year of Jewish Holidaysとあり、ユダヤ人の祝日を子どもの誕生を通してからの一年の歳月の中で紹介している。貼り絵のようなタッチのイラストは親しみ易く温かみが伝わってくる。家族のつながりと愛情が、それぞれの伝統的な祝いの中で生き生きとしている。文中の英文は短く詩のようではあるが、巻末で詳しくヘブライ語の言葉や意味を解説し、それぞれの祝日に関係する伝統的な食べ物の作り方やクラフトの作り方もある。ユダヤ人の子ども達の伝統継承のみならず、ユダヤ文化理解にも大いに役立つ絵本である。

My Dadima wears a Sari                 

By Kashmira Sheth, Illustrated by Yoshiko Jaeggi (Peachtree ~ in 2007)

Everyday, Rupa’s grandmother, Dadima, wears a beautiful Indian traditional sari in America. Dadima shares with Rupa all the wonderful things that saris can do from an umbrella in a rainstorm to providing a deep pouch to carry seashells. Soon Rupa’s own imagination is sparked. A note from author and instructions for wrapping a sari are included.



Time to pray

By Maha Addashi, Arabic Translation by Nuha Albitar, Illustrated by Ned Gannon (Boyds Mills Press –Honesdale, Pennsylvania in 2010)

Yasmin visits her grandmother in the Middle East. During experience of traditional daily life, Yasmin learns how and when to pray.  Yasmin’s grandmother makes her prayer clothes, and buys her player rug. Written in English-Arabic Text.



The road to Mumbai

By Ruth Jeyaveeran (Houghton Mifflin Company – New York, NY in 2004)

Shoba and her friend Fuzzy, stuffed monkey, live in East India, and Shoba and Fuzzy leave to Mumbai to attend Fuzzy’s cousins’ wedding in the following day. On the way to Mumbai, Shoba and Fuzzy meet different persons and animals and ask them the direction, with wishing nobody follow to them.

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How Many Donkeys? – An Arabic Counting Tale

Retold by Margaret Read MacDonal and Nadia Jameel Taibah, Illustrated by Carol Liddiment (Albert Whitman & Company – Illinois in 2009)

Jouha is loading his ten donkeys with dates to sell at the market. As he rides along, he counts nine donkeys and believes one is lost. When he gets off his donkey, and count again ten donkeys that makes him to believe the missing donkey is back. As Jouha repeats to count his ten or nine donkeys several times, we can learn to count one to ten in Arabic.      >Phonetically sounds of counting in Arabic found @MRM site

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Tunjur! Tunjur! Tunjur! –A Palestinian Folktale

Retold by Margaret Read MacDonald, Collected by Ibrahim Muhawi and Sharif Kanaana, Illustrated by Alik Arzoumanian (Marshall Cavendish Children – New York in 2006)

A childless woman wishes to have a baby, and she gets a pot.  She loves the pot and take care of it, just like as her own child. The little pot wants to make her mother pleased and runs off from the house, but is not enough old to understand between right and wrong. >>> Tunjur! Tunjur! Tunjur! is the sound pot made when it rolls everywhere.  Margaret Read MacDonald travels around the world to search traditional folktales.


 タイトルはお鍋が転がる時の音を文字化したもので、パレスチナの民話の一つ。Margaret R.MacDonaldは、世界の民話を発掘する為に、旅行をしている。この民話は、ある女性が子ども代わりに可愛がっていた小さな鍋が、世の中の良し悪しも解らぬままに一人で出かけて、母親を喜ばせる為だけを考えて行動をした戒めの話。苦い経験をしながら子どもが成長してゆくのは、どこの世界でも変わらない。

Sitti’s Secrets

By Naomi Shihab Nye, Illustrated by Nancy Carpenter (Four Winds Press ­­–New York in 1994)

American girl Sitti travels with her father to visit her grandmother who lives in small Palestinian village on the West Bank. Sitti and her grandmother speak different language, but they can communicate each other. They don’t need words to understand each other’s heart. After Sitti’s returning to America, she writes a letter addressed to the President for describing her wish of world peace.


Azad’s Camel

Written and Illustrated by Erika Pal (Frances Lincoln ­­– London, GB in 2009)

In outside of town in Arabia, an orphan boy Azad demonstrates his balancing skill to his friends. A wealthy sheikh sees Azad’s demonstration, and arranges to have Azad trained as a camel rider. Camel racing is frightening and Azad dislikes it despite he is good at it. One day Azad and his camel decide not to stop at the finish line of the race, but run away to the desert. The next morning, some Bedouins discover them and offer them a safe home.

アラブのある国の孤児であったAzad少年が、町の隅で行っていた鉄棒が見初められ、競争ラクダのラクダ乗りにさせられる。しかし、この競争が嫌いであったAzad少年はラクダと共に逃げ出して、砂漠の民の人達から暖かく迎えられた。ブタペスト生まれの作者Erika Palは、幼少時代を冷戦中の東欧で過ごし、ロンドンでアニメーションを学んだ女性。シンプルなイラストながら、暖かさと力強さが出ている。