Festival of Colors

By Kabir Sehgal & Surishtha Sehgal, illustrated by Vashti Harrison ( Beach Lane Books – 2018 )

Spring is here, and it’s almost time for Holi, the Indian Festival of Colors. Siblings Chintoo and Mintoo are busy gathering flowers to make into colorful powders to toss during the festival. And when at last the big day comes, they gather with their friends, family, and neighbors for a vibrant celebration of fresh starts, friendship, forgiveness, and, of course, fun! >>> On the last page, found more explanation of Holi.>>>> Kabir Sehgal & Surishtha Sehgal are son and mother team. Kabir Sehgal & Surishtha Sehga’s books in SHI collection.

春がやって来る、そして色のお祭りHoliもやって来る。Chintoo と Mintoo の姉弟も、祭りに使う色の粉を準備する為に、花を摘むのに忙しくなった。そして、とうとうその日がやって来ると、友達や家族や近所の人達が集まり 新しい季節、友情、許し、などを祝う色鮮やかな粉を互いに浴びた。それは何よりも楽しい祭りであった。>>>巻末にHoliについてのより詳しい説明がある。>>>>Kabir Sehgal と Surishtha Sehgalは、息子と母親のチームである。SHIコレクションにあるKabir Sehgal & Surishtha Sehgalの作品

A Persian Princess

By Barbara Diamond Goldin, Illustrated by Steliyana Doneva ( Apple & Honey Press – 2020 )

Raya can’t be in the Purim play this year–Purim will be no fun at all! But her grandmother, Maman joon, shares with Raya her sparkly scarves and Persian traditions. Together they discover how to make their American Purim uniquely Persian, delicious, and fun. >>> On the last page, found ” A Note for Families”.


Wait! It’s Friday

By Chris Barash, Illustrated by Christine Grove ( Apples and Honey Press – 2019 )

Today is Friday. On Fridays, I wait…and I wait…and I wait. A young child waits for something special as he plays with the cat, makes challah with Daddy, paints a picture with Nana, and takes a trip to the grocery store. Finally, the waiting is over. It’s Shabbat!


Masala Chai, Fast and Slow

By Rajani LaRocca, Illustrated by Neha Rawat ( Candlewick Press – 2023 )

Aarav is fast, fast, fast…..and his grandfather, or thatha, is slow, slow, slow. Every day, Thatha makes masala chai for the family, and no matter how much Aarav urges him to hurry, Thatha insists on taking his time “Masala chai cannot be rushed, ” said Tahatha. “It must be made carefully.” When a minor accident leaves Thatha resting on the couch, Aarav wants to make the chai himself to help his grandfather feel better. But, no matter how hard he tries, everything turns into a big mess. Will Aarav be able to slow down and get the recipe right? >>> On the last pages, found Author’s note and the recipe of masala chai.


Memory Garden

By Zohreh Ghahremani, Illustrated by Susie Ghahremani ( Henry Holt and Company – 2024 )

A lively afternoon together in Nana’s garden is full of laughter, discovery, and connection. In lyrical text that blends past and present, this book takes us to the place we leave behind but never forget. Written and illustrated by a loving mother and daughter duo, the nostalgic text and vibrant illustrations invite us to enjoy the beauty of Iranian garden – and culture – in an adventure that will resonate with readers of all backgrounds. >>> Author’s and Illustrator’s notes found on the last pages.

祖母の庭で活動的な午後を祖母と一緒に過ごすのは、笑いと発見と繋がりで満ちている。 現在と過去を織りませた抒情的な文章で、この絵本は過去に置いて来たけど決して忘れることのない場所に、読者を招いてくれる。作者である母親とイラストレーターである娘によるコンビで、懐かしさのこもったテキストと生き生きとしたイラストは、誰もが共鳴できるアドベンチャーの中で、イラン風庭園と文化の美しさを満喫させてくれる。>>>巻末に作者とイラストレーターからの言葉がある。

A Dupatta Is …

By Marzieh Abbas, Illustrated by Anu Chouhan ( Feiwel and Friends – 2023 )

A dupatta is so much more than a beautiful piece of fabric. These shawls – traditionally worn in various cultures of South Asia – are eye catching and colorful, of course. But they are also fun and functional, and they carry the sounds and smells of family and identity. >>> On the last pages, found more information and glossary.>>>>Anu Chouhan’s books in SHI collection.

ドゥパタは、一枚の美しい布以上の意味がある。南アジアの多くの文化の中で伝統的に身に付けられてきたこのショールは、もちろん色鮮やかで、人目を引く。そして楽しく、機能的でもある。更にドゥパタは、家族やアイデンティティに繋がる音や匂いさえも含んでいるのだ。>>> 巻末に更なる説明と言葉の解説あり。>>>>SHIコレクションにあるAnu Chouhanの作品

My Mother’s Tongues : A Weaving of Languages

By Uma Menon , Illustrated by Rahele Jomepour Bell ( Candlewick Press – 2024 )

Sumi’s mother can speak two languages, and she can switch between them with lightning speed. Could it be that Sumi’s mother possesses a superpower? Does she have two tongues in her mouth? Sumi can see only one. Reveling in her mother’s abilities, young Sumi recalls the story of her mother’s migration from India and how it led her to grow two ‘tongues”. Sumi also shares that some family members have even more tongues than her mother does! And what about Sumi? Where might her language journey lead?


Nour’s Secret Library

By Wafa’ Tarnowska, Illustrated by Vali Mintzi ( Barefoot Books – 2022 )

Forced to take shelter when their Syrian city is plagued with bombings, young Nour and her cousin, Amir, begin to bravely build a secret underground library. Amir starts picking up books he found in the streets, and then his friends join them to collect books from their destroyed city. Nour’s Secret Library is about the power of books to heal, transport and create safe spaces during difficult times. Illustrations by Romanian artist Vali Mintzi superimpose the colorful world the children construct over black-and-white charcoal depictions of the battered city. >>>Based on the author’s own life experience and inspired by a true story in Daraya, Syria. In the last pages, found background stories of this book.>>>>Vali Mintzi’s books in SHI collection.

シリアで街が爆撃に襲われ地下のシェルターに住んだ時に、勇敢なるNour少女は従弟Amirと一緒に秘密の地下図書館を作り始めた。Amirが道で見つけた本を拾ってきたのが始まりであった。そしたら友達も協力して破壊された街から本を集めてきた。Nourの図書館は、本がもたらしてくれる癒しの場となり、困難な環境から抜け出して別世界に導いてくれる安らぎの場となった。ルーマニア人のイラストレータ-Vali Mintzi は、色彩のある子どもの世界に、チャコールで白黒に描いた破壊された街を重ねて、その対比効果を見事に描いている。>>>作者の実体験とシリアのDarayaでの実話を基にした絵本。>>>>SHIコレクションにあるVali Mintziの作品

The Babka Sisters

By Lesléa Newman, Illustrated by Tika and Tata Bobokhidze (Kar-Ben Publishing – 2013)

The great Babaka Bake-Off is on for sisters Esther and Hester. The two siters always compete each other especially about baking. Their new neighbor, Sylvester, will decide which sister makes the best Babka. Sylvester testes the both Babka, and the sisters want to know whose Babka is the best in the world. He declares ” Esther makes the best Chocolate babka in the world! and Hester makes the best Cinnamon babka in the world!” Now the sisters and Sylvester enjoy together delicious Shabbat. Then Sylvester wonders who can make the best Kugel for the next Shabbat. Now the Kugel Bake-Off is on. >>> The more information about Babka included. Lesléa Newman’s books in SHI collection.

EstherとEstherの姉妹の間で、バブカ(ユダヤ系のパン)焼きの競争が始まった。この二人姉妹は何かにつけ競い合ったが、とりわけベーキングに関しては熱が入った。新しく隣人となったSylvester氏は、どちらが一番おいしいバブカか決める羽目になってしまった。両方のバブカを味見した彼は、宣言をした。Estherのバブカは世界一美味しいチョコレートバブカであり、Estherのバブカは世界一美味しいシナモンバブカであると。お陰で、3人で一緒に美味しいバブカの安息日を楽しんだ。そして、Sylvester氏は次の安息日には世界一美味しいクーゲルを食べたいと言ったので、クーゲル焼き競争が姉妹の間で始まってしまった。>>>バブカについてのより詳しい情報が記載されている。SHIコレクションにあるLesléa Newmanの作品

A Concert in the Sand

By Tami Shem-Tov and Rachella Sandbank, Illustrated by Avi Ofer (Kar-Ben Publishing – 2017)

Uri’s parents are busy with lots of construction workers who come in their delicatessen to buy sandwiches for lunch, so Uri’s parents don’t have time for him. But his grandmother has time. The problem is that his grandmother only speaks German and Uri doesn’t. His grandmother invites him to take a walk with her. Uri follows to her, but no idea where she wants to go. They walk together along a Tel Aviv street and they can communicate anyhow as Uri guesses well. But Uri never imagine that they encounter the conductor and musicians of the orchestra that become the Israel Philharmonic. >>> Including historical background of Israel Philharmonic Orchestra.
