Papa, Do You Love Me?

By Barbara M. Joosse, Illustrated by Barbara Lavallee (Chronicle Books LLC ~ in 2005)

This follow-up to ” Mama, do you love me?” captures the universal love between a father and child. Setting in Africa, and featuring the Massai culture.

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Mama, Do You Love Me? (アラスカの母娘)と同じ作者とイラストレイター。今回はアフリカ・マサイ族の父と息子の会話だが、マサイ族の生活観と親子のたくましくも暖かい愛情が伝わってくる。絵本作家の人たちの多くが、実に色々な文化に精通していることに驚くが、この二人もアラスカのみならずアフリカにも実際に訪れ、深くその文化に感銘をしていればこそ、このように素晴らしい絵本が生まれるのであろう。

The day of Ahmed’s Secret 

By Florence Parry Heide & Judith Heide Gilliland, illustrated by Ted Lewin           (Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Books – in 1990, 1995)                                          

Ahmed, young delivery boy, works to deliver butane gas to customer all over the city of Cairo, Egypt. As riding his donkey cart through streets, Ahmed hardly keep his secret in his minds. However he knows he should reveal it only to his family, only when her returns home, only at the end of the day. 



Masai and I

By Virginia Kroll, illustrated by Nancy Carpenter (Four Winds Press ~ in 1997)

When a little girl learns in school about Masai, tall African people, she cannot stop to expand her images of comparing and sharing her life with them in Africa. >>>The author is the mother of 6 children, and a former school teacher.


Sosu’s Call

By Meshack Asare (Kane/Miller Book Publish – La Jolla, CA in 2002. Original one published by Su-Saharan Publisher­­-Lagon, Accra, Ghana in 1997)

African boy, Sosu lives in a beautiful small village by ocean. During all village youth    go to fish for their living, Sosu has to stay home with his dog as he is not able to walk.   One day when a big storm is threaten the village, Sosu hits the drum with wishing the village youth can hear the warning sounds to save the village elders & little children.      >The author,  Meshack Asare is born in 1945 Ghana, and “Sosu’s Call” received “UNESCO Children & Youth’s Literature in the Service of Tolerance” award in 1999.


海と入り江に挟まれた土地に、小さな村があった。そこに住むSosu少年は歩くことが出来ず、いつも家にいて愛犬と一緒であった。ある日、村の若者達が漁に出た後に、嵐が襲ってきた。残された老人や幼子を助ける為に、Sosuは使ったこともないドラムをたたいて、村の危機を伝えた。1945年ガーナ生まれの制作者Asare氏は、この作品のイラストも描いている。1999年度UNESCO Children & Youth’s Literature in the Service of Toleranceの受賞作品でもあり、ほのぼのとした絵と物語の絵本。

The Soccer Fence: A story of Friendship and Apartheid in South Africa

By Phil Bildner, Illustrated by Jesse Joshua Watson (G.P. Putnam’s Sons – New York, NY in 2014)

Inspired story by the 2010 World Cup in South Africa.  After Apartheid ended in South Africa, a young boy learns that the change takes time in the history of friendship and of nation healing.



The herd boy

By Niki Daly  (Eerdmans Books for Young Readers – Grand Rapids, Michigan in 2012)

Malusi cares for his grandfather’s sheep in a small African village . It’s not easy job for Malusi, but he does his best.  Malusi has a dream of becoming a president someday, but his friend laughs at his dream. One day a big car stopped at Malusi’s village, and the passenger (whom many recognized as Nelson Mandela) tells the boys that he also looked after sheep when he was young.

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First come the Zebra

By Lynne Barasch (Lee & Low Books Inc. – New York in 2009)

Masssai boy Abaani takes his family’s cattle out to graze, and sees Kikuyu boy Haki sets a new fruit and vegetable stall alongside the road. The boys know their traditional conflict between the Massai and the Kikuyu, and dislike each other. However an unexpected event is happened, Abaani and Haki work instantly together. Encouraging tribute to the potential of today’s youth to take a step toward peaceful coexistence beyond current conflicts.                                  >>>Inspired by a story of a local guide told when the author traveled in Kenya with her family in 2007.

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Africa Dream

By Eloise Greenfield, Illustrated by Carole Byard  (Harper Collins Publishers in 1977)

The cover is painted with some colored,  but all pages inside are black-white only to present a girl’s dream of African nature, town, culture and thoughts of her ancestors in Africa. The author and the illustrator are both origin of Africa.

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My rows and piles of Coins

By Tololwa M. Mollel, Illustrated by E. B. Lewis   (Clarion Books – New York in 1999)

A heartwarming family story in 1960s Tanzania. Saruni receives coins from his mother to cart goods to town each market day, and he has a secret plan to buy a bicycle once saving enough coins. One day, Saruni goes to a bicycle shop with all his coins, but the seller laughs at him as his total coin amount is too small for a new bicycle.

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Lala Salama -A Tanzanian Lullaby

By Patricia MacLachlan, Illustrated by Elizabeth Zunon                                                            (Candlewick Press – Massachusetts in 2011)

A day of Tanzanian family living by the lake, from dawn until the time to sleep. “Lala Salama” means Good Night (direct translation is to sleep peacefully) in Swahili.

タイトルはスワヒリ語の「おやすみなさい」,直訳は「やすらか・平安に眠りなさい」。    「子ども達が眠りにつく時、世界中のどの言語でも、子ども達に言う愛情のこもった言葉がある」と作者のPatricia が言うとおり、ララ サラマの響きはタンザニアの子ども達に心地の良い言葉に違いない。そんな安らかさが、各ページ毎のイラストに溢れている。湖の湖畔に暮らす家族の一日を描いた絵本だが、読者をなにげない幸福感に満たしてくれる。