Egyptian Lullaby

By Zeena M. Pliska, Illustrated by Hatem Aly ( Roaring Brook Press – 2023 )

“ Every night, while we drink our steaming sahlab……my Auntie Fatma sings a lullaby to me.  It is filled with memories of the flowing Nile, the busy streets, and the vibrant city.  When she returns to Cairo, she leaves me with the sounds and sights of Egypt.  And even though I am here, and she is there, her lullaby reminds me of home.”   This picture book shows a wonderful way to share Egyptian life, language and people with every readers, especially with little children. >>> On the back pages, found the author’s and the illustrator’s notes as well as the Glossary of some Arabic words.  >>>> Hatem Aly’s books in SHI collection.

[毎晩湯気の立つsahlab(サハラブーアラビア語、トルコ語ではサレップ、ペルシャ語ではサラップ。ランの仲間の塊茎から作られる粉で、15世紀のオスマン帝国時代に飲み物やデザートとして使われてから普及した。)を飲みながら、大叔母の、大叔母のFatmaは、子守唄を私に歌ってくれた。それはナイル川への思いや、通りから聞こえる様々な音や街の生き生きとした描写が歌詞となっていた。彼女がカイロに戻る時には、私の脳裏にエジプトの音や光景がしみ込んでいた。彼女と私は地球の反対側にいるけど、彼女の子守唄は私に故郷を与えてくれる。]この絵本は、エジプトの生活、言葉、人々を素晴らしい方法で紹介する効果を果たしている。読者は、とりわけ幼い子どもたちは、その効果に満足するに違いない。>>>巻末に作者と読者からの言葉、そしてこの絵本で使われているアラビア語の言葉集がある。>>>> SHIコレクションにあるHatem Alyの作品

Imani’s Moon

By JaNay Brown-Wood, Illustrated by Hazel Mitchell (Charlesbridge – 2014)

Imani wants to touch the moon. She is eager to achieve something great, just like the heroes do in the stories Mama tells her each night. But how can a tiny girl soar so high in she sky? Day after day the other children tease and taunt her, yet Imani stays determined to reach the moon. Will little Imani ever find a way to make her BIG dream come true? With the beautiful illustrations and amazing story of backgrounding the Maasai tribe, this book encourages everyone to keep own dream.


I am You : A book about UBUNTU

By Refiloe Moahloli, Illustrated by Zinelda McDonald ( Amazon Crossing Kids – 2022 )

In South Africa, there is a belief called UBUNTU-the idea that we are all connected. No matter where we’re from, what we like to do, or who we are, a person is a a person through their connections to other people. With simple, lyrical text and charming artwork, this lively picture book is the perfect introducing to the concept of UBUNTU for young kids. A celebration of friendship and kindness, the book shows children the many ways that we are all one.>>> First published in South Africa is in 2020 and the title was “We are one”.

南アフリカにはUBUNTUと呼ばれる信念があり、これは私達総てが繋がっているという信念である。何処から来た人であれ、何をする人であれ、誰であれ、あらゆる人が人として互いに結ばれている。この絵本は、優しい軽快な言葉と魅力あるイラストで、子ども達にUBUNTUの紹介を解かり易くしている。友情と親切心を共有することによって、人類の一体化を謳歌している。>>>南アフリカで初版が出版されたのは2020年で、その時のタイトルは”We are One”。

Catch That Chicken!

By Atinuke, Illustrated by Angela Brooksbank (Candlewick Press – 2020)

Lami is the best chicken catcher in the whole village. And while her sister may be speedy at spelling, her friend fast at braiding hair, and her brother brave with bulls, when it comes to chickens, nobody is faster or braver than Lami. But then she chases a chicken all around and up a baobab tree and – Ouch! How can Lami catch chickens with an ankle that’s puffed up like an angry lizard? Could there be, as Nana Nadia says, another secret to catching chickens? This amusing book with vibrant illustration celebrates childhood ingenuity.


A Sweet Meeting on Mimouna Night

By Allison Ofanansky, Illustrated by Rotem Teplow (Groundwood Books – 2020. First published in Hebrew in 2019 as “A sack of Luck: A Mimouna Night Tale” by Kinneret, Zmora, Dvir- publishing House Ltd.)
It’s Mimouna-the Moroccan Jewish holiday that marks the end of Passover, when blessing are given for a year of prosperity and good luck. Miriam wants to help her mother make the sweet moufletot they always eat at their Mimouna party, but they don’t have any flour! (Note: Flour is not allowed in the house during Passover) Luckily, Miriam’s mother knows just what to do, and they set off to visit their Muslim neighbors. It’s a wonderful story featured a Jewish traditional festivity in Morocco, as well as friendship between a Jewish girl and a Muslim girl. >>> On the last pages, included an explanation of Mimouna and a recipe for making moufletot, the paper-thin pancakes enjoyed at Mimouna.


Nana Akua goes to school

By Tricia Elam Walker, Illustrated by April Harrison (Schwartz & Wada books – 2020)

Next Monday is Grandparents Day at school, and Zura is bringing her favorite person in the whole universe – Nana Akua. But what will her classmates think about the African traditional tribal marks on Nana’s face? Will they be frightened? What if they’re means to Nana? Luckily, Nana Akua knows just what to do. This moving picture book is a simple reminder that what makes us different is also what makes us special.>>>Glossary is in the las page, and “Adinkra Symbols of Akan people of Ghana and the Symbols meanings” found inside of the front and back cover.

次の月曜日は学校で祖父母の日となり、Zuraは全宇宙で一番大好きなNana Akuaを学校へ連れてゆくつもりだ。しかし、彼女の顔に彫られたアフリカの部族伝統のマークを、クラスメイト達がどう思うか心配であった。怖がるのか、又は祖母を嫌うのか、、、。幸いNana Akua は、対応の仕方を心得ていた。この感動的な話の絵本は、人々の異質性は人々の特徴そのものだ(十人十色)との大事なことを思い起こさせてくれる。>>>言葉の説明は巻末にあり。表と裏表紙の内側に、ガーナのAkan人達によるAdrinkra Symbols and their meaningsが紹介されている。

The Storyteller

By Evan Turk ( Atheneum Books for Young Readers – 2016 )

Long ago, the fertile Kingdom of Morocco formed near the edge of the great, dry Sahara. It had fountains of cool, delicious water to quench the dangerous thirst of the desert, and storytellers to bring the people together. But as the Kingdom grew, all the people forgot the dangers of the desert, and they forgot about the storytellers, too. All but one young boy, who came to the Great Square for a drink and found something that quenched his thirst even better: wonderful stories by the last storyteller.

URL of “The Storyteller”.


I just want to say Good Night

By Rachel Isadora ( Nancy Paulsen Books – 2017 )

The sun has set. The moon is rising. It’s bedtime. But Lala is not ready to go to sleep! First she needs to say good night to the cat. And then the goat, and the chicken, and, and, and…….. This delightful bedtime ritual sets on the African , and rings true for all parents whose little ones aren’t ready to say good-bye to the day. >>> Other books by Rachel Isadora in SHI collection.


Boundless Grace : Sequel to “Amazing Grace”

By Mary Hoffman, Illustrated by Caroline Binch (Dial Books for Young Readers – 1995) Note: Published in Great Britain in 1995 as “Grace and Family”

Grace is reunited with her father she barely remembers, as he left home when she was very small. Now he lives in Africa with his new wife and children. Naturally Grace feels strange when he invites her to visit. Nana is with Grace to offer support and advice, and Papa and his new family do their best to make Grace welcome. Nana helps Grace to deal with dilemma shared by millions of children whose parent no longer live together.

Graceは、父親とは幼い時に別れたので、彼の記憶はあまりなかった。今、 彼女の父親はアフリカに住み、新しい家族と暮らしている。その父親がGraceを、彼のアフリカの家に招いてくれたので、当然不思議な感覚がGraceに起こった。彼女を育ててくれたナニが、Graceと一緒にアフリカへ行ってくれた。父親と彼の家族は、出来る限りGraceを歓迎して迎えてくれた。両親が別れてしまった大勢の子ども達と同じように、Graceも心の痛みを抱いたが、ナニが助けてくれた。

The Fisherman and His Wife

Retold and Illustrated by Rachel Isadora (G. P. Putnam’s Sons – 2008)

Everyone knows enchanted fish can grant wishes. But one wish is not enough for the kind fisherman’s greedy wife. Just how far can she push her luck? That’s what she’s about to find out. >>> The author’s captivating collage-style artwork, featuring the African landscape and increasingly turbulent ocean, provides a wonderful new backdrop for this classic Brothers Grimm story. ” Old Mikamba had a Farm” is the same author.

魔力を持った魚は願い事を叶えてくれる。しかし、優しい漁師の貪欲な妻は、一つの願い事では満足しなかった。彼女の願い事がどこまでエスカレートするのか、ページをめくりながら結果へと導かれる。>>>見事な貼り絵スタイルのイラストでアフリカの風景と海の荒立ち具合を表現しながら、グリム兄弟の童話を再現した作品。同じ作者の絵本で “Old Mikamba had a Farm” がある。