Virgie Goes to School with Us Boys

By Elizabeth Fitzgerald Howard, Illustrated by E. B. Lewis ( Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers – 2000)

Inspired of historical family story of the author. In the post-Civil War South, a young African American girl, Virgie, is determined to prove that she can go to school just like her older brothers. But her brothers keep saying she’s too little for the long, seven-miles walk, and that girls don’t need school. Virgie doesn’t agree, and she’s not going to let anything stand in her way. >>> The author’s note about the background of the story is on the last page.

作者の家族の歴史に触発されて制作された絵本。南北戦争後の南部において、黒人少女Virgie は、兄たちと一緒に学校へ行くことを熱望した。しかし兄たちは、7マイルもの道を歩いて学校へ通うことは小さな子供には無理であり、女の子は学校へ行く必要もないと言い続けた。Virgie は納得せずに、いかなる困難にも立ち向かった。>>>巻末で作者が絵本の時代背景を説明している。

Meanwhile, Back at the Ranch

By Anne Isaacs, Illustrated by Kevin Hawks (schwartz & Wade Books – 2014)    

In 1870, Tulip Jones, a wealthy, self-reliant widow from England acquires the By-Golly Gully Ranch in Texas and soon find herself saddled with 1000 suitors. How she can handle their Wild West life style as keeping her English traditional way? It’s a funny, extraordinary, challenging, and loving story.


The Little Piano Girl : The Story of Mary Lou Williams, Jazz Legend

By Ann Ingalls & Maryann Macdonald, Illustrated by Giselle Potter (Houghton Mifflin Books for Children – 2009)

What if you loved music more than anything in the world? Suppose you had just learned to play the organ. Now, imagine that your family has to move far from home and you have to leave your beloved instrument behind. People don’t like you in the new city because of what you look like. What will you do? How will you make yourself feel better. Let’s listen to Mary L.W.’s story.

世界中で何よりも音楽が好きなら、どうする?多分オルガンの弾き方を習うかも。で、も家族が引っ越しをするので、そのオルガンを手放すことになったら。しかも新しい街では皆が不親切であったら、どうする?自分を勇気つける為に、何をする?そんな少女の絵本である。絵本のページをめくりながら、いつまでも語り継がれているジャズ音楽の演奏者Mary L.W.の自伝的話に、耳を傾けてみよう。

The Traveler’s Gift: A story of Loss and Hope

By Danielle Davison, Illustrated by Anne Lambelet ( Page Street Kids – 2019 )

Lima loves hearing stories of his father’s seafaring adventures. But when his father’s ship is lost at sea, Liam loses his love of storytelling, too. Then the Traveler, a mysterious man with marvelous stories and a magical beard, arrives. The way he weaves stories remains Liam of his father. They embark on the Traveler’s final voyage together and discover unusual curiosities, uncharted places, and unforgettable friendship.>>>”Maria the Matodor” is also by Anne Lambelt.

Limaは、船乗りである父親の冒険話を聞くのが大好きだった。しかし、父親の船が海で消息を絶ってから、物語への愛着をなくした。ところがある日、不思議なあご髭のある変わった旅人と呼ばれる人が現れ、多くの物語を話した。彼はLimaに父親を思い出させた。Limaとその旅人は、旅人の最後の航海を一緒にすることになり、Limaは限りない好奇心を満たし、未知の土地を訪れ、忘れられない友情を体験した。>>>”Maria the Matador” も Anne Lambelt の作品。

Henry’s Freedom Box : A True Story from the Underground Railroad

By Ellen Levine, Illustrated by Kadir Nelson  ( Scholastic Press – 2007 )

Henry dreams of a world where his life belongs to him. But when his family is sold, he risks everything for what he knows is right. With the strength and conviction of the best kind of hero, Henry makes a harrowing journey in a wooden crate-and mails himself to freedom! Henry “Box” Brown becomes one of the most famous runaway slaves on the underground Railroad.



Taj Mahal

By Caroline Arnold and Madeleine Comora, Illustrated by Rahul Bhushan  ( Carolrhoda Books, Inc. – 2007 )

The Taj Mahal, whose beauty has inspired poets and artists for centuries, is one of the world’s best-known monuments. Behind its creation lies the love story of Emperor Shah Jahan and his wife Mumtaz Mahal, in the Mughal era. >>> On the last pages, providing the detail information of this story and Indian culture.

数世紀にわたって、タージマハールの美しさは多くの詩人や芸術家を魅了してきた。世界で最も良く知られた記念建造物の一つであるタージマハールには、ムガル帝国時代のShah Jahan帝王と彼の妻Mumtaz Mahalの愛の物語が込められている。>>>巻末ページには物語の詳しい説明とインド文化の情報が記載されている。

The Tide

By Clare Helen Welsh, Illustrated by Ashling Lindsay  ( Tiger Tales  –  2019 )

A young girl loves her Grandpa so much. When they spend the day at the beach, she holds his hand as they go for a walk, and they build sand castles together. But sometimes it’s difficult, because her Grandpa’s memories are like the tide; they’re near and full of life sometimes, and other times they’re distant and quiet. Despite the challenges, the girls loves her Grandpa and he loves her.



A Computer called Katherine

By Suzanne Slade, Illustrated by Veronica Miller Jamison (Little, Brown and Company – 2019)

Inspired the life story of mathematician Katherine Johnson. Katherine knew it was wrong that African American didn’t have the same rights as others. She knew it was wrong that people thought women could only be teachers or nurses. And she proved everyone wrong by zooming ahead of her classmate, starting college at fifteen, and eventually joining NASA, where here calculation helped pioneer American’s first manned flight into space, is first manned orbit of Earth, and the world’s first trip to the moon!


Silas’ Seven Grandparents

By Anita Horrocks, Illustrated by Helen Flook ( Orca Book Publishers – 2010 )

Most of the time, Silas loves having seven adoring grandparents and step grandparents. When Silas’ parents go away on a business trip, all seven grandparents invite Silas to stay with them. But one Silas can’t stay with everyone at the same time! In the end, Silas comes up with an especially good idea that makes everyone happy.


Yuki and the one thousand carriers  

By Gloria Whelan, Illustrated by Yan Nascimbene (Sleeping Bear Press – 2008)

Inspired on the nineteenth-century Japanese artist Utagawa Hiroshige and his series of “The Fifty-three Stations of the Tokaido Road.” In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, Japanese provincial governors had to travel to Edo (modern-day Tokyo) as making a long line with thousand attendants (carriers).Yuki’s father has been called to Edo, and she and her mother must accompany him in this royal procession. To ease her homesickness, Yuki capture her thoughts and impression in Haiku, one of Japanese forms of poetry.

19世紀の日本人芸術家の歌川広重と彼の作品 ”東海道五十三次” にインスパイアされて生まれた絵本。17世紀、18世紀の日本の大名は、江戸への旅に、千人もの付き人からなる長蛇の行列で出かけた。Yukiの父親が江戸に呼ばれ、Yukiと母親も同行する為に、この行列に加わった。望郷の念を和らげる為に、Yukiは旅での思い出や印象を俳句にしたためた。(注:著者による江戸時代の参勤交代の説明が、江戸と京都に半分ずつ出向くとした解釈は、江戸以前の制度との混乱があるかも知れない。-N.T.M.)