Turkey Bowl

By Phil Bildner, Illustrated by C.F.Payne (Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers –New York, NY in 2008)

The thanksgiving family tradition is to play “Turkey Bowl” (football) with all relatives who gather on the special day. Ethan has waited to be old enough to join the game, and he is allowed to play it in this year. Despite his excitement, unexpected weather forces everyone to cancel the traditional gathering.


米国の感謝祭に親戚が集ると毎年皆でターキーボ­­-ルと呼んでフットボールをするのを観て育った少年が、やっと大きくなってターキーボールに参加できると喜んだ。ところがその年は大雪で親戚も集れず、ターキーボールは中止となった。失望の果に近所の少年達と考えついた名案は、、、家族の絆でもある家族の伝統が暖かく語られている。イラストレーターは、Papa’s Bridgeと同じ人物で、迫力の中にも温かみがある絵を描いている。

Seaside Dream

By Janet Costa Bates, Illustrated by Lambert Davis (Lee & Low Books Inc. – New York, NY in 2010)

Tomorrow is Cora’s grandma’s birthday to cerebrate with many family members. Her grandma will be 70 years old. Cora cannot find any gift yet for her, but she knows well grandma misses her home country, Cape Verde, the island country in Westside of African Continent despite immigrated to America 40 years ago. After spending time on the beach with grandma, Cora gets an idea of birthday gift to make grandma be pleased.


アフリカ大陸の西沖合いに位置する諸島国 Cape Verde (カーボベルデ共和国)から米国に移民した祖母の70歳の誕生日に、家族が集った。40年経っても祖国を忘れない祖母と、その祖母を思いやる孫娘との心暖まる会話が、キラキラ輝いている絵本。著者自身の祖母への愛情があふれ出ている。ニューボイス賞を受賞した作品でもあり、家族の絆の暖かさを再認識させてくれる。

Butterflies on Carmen Street

By Monica Brown, Illustrated by April Ward (Pinata Books – Houston, Texas in 2007)

Julianita excitedly tells her grandfather on the way to school in the morning, that she will have a class to learn about monarch butterflies. Julianita knows grandfather remembers seeing the monarch butterflies in his village in the highlands of Mexico as he shared incredible story of the monarch to fly from Mexico to Canada over generations.  >>> On the left side of each page Witten in English (upper part) and in Spanish(bottom part), and on the right side beautiful illustrations to enjoy.



Lucky Beans

By Becky Birtha, Illustrated by Nicole Tadgell  (Albert Whitman & Company – Merton Grove, Illinois in 2010)

During the Great Depression of the 1930’s, Marshall eats beans for every single supper without any other choice. One day, Marshall finds the contest posted in the store window. It’s a guessing contest to get the closest number of counting beans in the jar displayed in the window, and the prize is a brand new sewing machine which Marshall’s mother definitely needs.  Based on the memories of Becky Birtha’s grandmother.



The Soccer Fence: A story of Friendship and Apartheid in South Africa

By Phil Bildner, Illustrated by Jesse Joshua Watson (G.P. Putnam’s Sons – New York, NY in 2014)

Inspired story by the 2010 World Cup in South Africa.  After Apartheid ended in South Africa, a young boy learns that the change takes time in the history of friendship and of nation healing.



I have a Dream

By Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.¸ Kadir Nelson  (Schwartz & Wade Books – New York, NY in 2012)

The historical speech by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on August 28, 1963, is reappeared with text, CD and illustrations for younger generations.  The illustration shows the real scenes on that day and the historical events which described in his speech.



Best Friends

By Loretta Krupinski (Hyperion Books for Children – New York, NY in 1998)

Based on an inspired story about white settlers came in Northwest America in 1870’s.  A girl in white settlers’ group has a doll, and it’s her only friend.  One day, the girl meets accidentally a native girl speaking different language, but they become good friends.

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The herd boy

By Niki Daly  (Eerdmans Books for Young Readers – Grand Rapids, Michigan in 2012)

Malusi cares for his grandfather’s sheep in a small African village . It’s not easy job for Malusi, but he does his best.  Malusi has a dream of becoming a president someday, but his friend laughs at his dream. One day a big car stopped at Malusi’s village, and the passenger (whom many recognized as Nelson Mandela) tells the boys that he also looked after sheep when he was young.

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Squanto’s Journey

By Joseph Bruchac, Illustrated by Greg Shed (Harourt, Inc. – Orland, FL in 2000)

In 17th century middle, Squanto, Native American man is invited on a Spanish ship and taken away from his home land to Spain. Almost being sold as a slaver in Spain, Squanto escapes to England and he learns English language. As a translator, Squanto returns to the American continent and works with wishing to make a peaceful bridge between New Settlers and Native Americans. Telling an another history of the America from the Squanto’s point of view.

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Finding Joy

By Marion Coste, Illustrated by Yong Chen (Boyds Mills Press – Pennsylvania in 2006)

During the period of one-child policy in China (People’s Republic of China) in 1979 ~ 2015, it’s a boy who looks after their aging paints in China as their traditional custom, which caused of abandoning newborn baby girls. In 1991 Chinese Government accepted officially the international adaption system, 28,000 children crossed over the border to have a new home for the following 15 years, and most of them were girls.   This is one of stories of those girls.

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