The Lotus Seed                

By Sherry Garland, Illustrated by Tatsuro Kiuchi                                                                        (Harcourt Brace & Company ~ in 1993, 1997)

A Vietnamese girl sees the last emperor cry on the day of his abdication, and she takes a lotus seed from the palace garden as a historical remembrance of her beloved country. When she is forced to leave Vietnam, she keeps the lotus seed with her, even after her new life starts in America.

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Grandfather Counts

By Andrea Cheng, Illustrations by Ange zhang (L& Low Books Inc.~ in 2000, 2003)

Helen’s grandfather comes from China and stays with her family in America. He disappoints all his grandchildren cannot speak Chinese. One day when Helen watches the trains, her grandfather comes to join her and starts to count the trains in Chinese. And Helen teaches him to count in English.  The family bond between Helen and her grandfather helps them overcome barriers of age and language.

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Tea with Milk

By Allen Say (Houghton Mifflin Company ~ in 1999, 2009)

Inspired by a real story of the Author’s mother’s experience. A Japanese American girl, Masako raised near San Francisco is uprooted after high school when her parents return to their Japanese homeland. Independent minded Masako straggles to accept Japanese traditional way of living and thinking.



Miss Tizzy

By Libba Moore Gray, illustrated by Jada Rowland                         (Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers ~ in 1993, 1998)

Miss. Tizzy lives alone in a pink house with an overgrown garden, and wears a purple hat with a white flower in it.  Neighborhood parents may think her peculiar, but their multiethnic children loves her. Miss Tizzy plays games, bakes cookies and does anything to enjoy with multicultural group of neighborhood children, until she falls ill.



Chicken Sunday

By Patricia Palacco (Philomel Books ~in 1998)

A young Russian American girl lives in the same community with a black family live in, and she joins the family’s events just like their family member. One day, she and two black brothers decide to buy their gramma Eula a beautiful Easter hat. >> >Inspired by the author’s childhood memories.



Mrs. Katz and Tush

By Patricia Polacco (Bantam Books  ~ in 1994)                                                         

Learnel asks to adopt an abandoned kitten to Mrs. Katz who is a widow without any children and lives lonely in his next door.  Mrs. Katz accepts the kitten named Tush, but she needs Learnel’s help to care of Tush. Learnel spends more time with Mrs. Katz and learns about the suffering and triumph back history shares with the Jewish heritage.


ポーランドから移民してきたユダヤ系のその年配の女性には子どももなく、ご主人をなくした後一人寂しく暮らしている。近くに住む黒人少年が、捨て猫を彼女に上げたことから交際が始まった。年齢も人種も関係なく、二人の友情が育ってゆく。文章は会話文が多く読みやすい英語である。Patricia 独特のイラストから、彼女の人間愛が伝わってくる。~神奈川県海老名市立図書館に寄贈本あり

Dumpling Soup

By Jama Kim Rattigan, illustrated by Lillian Hsu-Flanders              (Little, Brown and Company-Toronto, Canada, ~ 1998)

Merisa living in Hawaii is exciting to celebrate the New Years’ Eve with her diversity family members mixed with racial and cultural background. This year Merisa gets to help make dumplings, one of their family traditional dishes for special day, and she loves the taste of dumplings mixed different cooking ingredients, just like as her own big mixed family.            >>>This book won the first prize of “New Voice, New World contest” in 1990.

ハワイに住むアジア系の少女が、新年の祝いに集まる家族や親戚のために始めてダンプリング(様々な具を餃子の皮で包んだもの)を作らせてもらう嬉しさを語る。ハワイに住む平凡なファミリーパーティーから,ハワイの多文化社会のダイナッミックさが語られている。この本を出版した会社はNY, Boston, London でも出版事業を行っているが、1990年に多民族社会の豊かさをテーマにした児童書の発掘を目的にNew Voice, New World Contestを主催した。世界中から集まった500以上の作品の中から第一位に選ばれたのがこの本である。国際語である英語の認識を深めるためにも、英語学習の児童用テキストとしてお薦めしたい。~神奈川県海老名市立図書館に寄贈本あり

Me and Mr. Mah  

By Andrea Spalding, illustrated by Janet Wilson                                                                      (Orca Book Publishers ・Canada/WA USA ~ in 2001)  

After Ian’s parents separation, Ian moves to the new town with his mother. While waiting for his first day of new school,  Ian has no friend, no place to go, and nothing exited to do. One day Ian peeks through the fence and finds an old man next door owns the garden.  Mr. Mah and Ian become friends and Mr. Mah encourages Ian to accept change as showing his memory box of his past in China.



Joha Makes a Wish, a Middle Eastern Tale       

By Eric A. Kimmel, Illustrated by Omar Rayyan (Marshall Cavendish ~ in 2010)

Inspired by a folktale in the Middle East.  On the way to walk to Baghdad, Joha finds a whishing stick from the broken walls. No instruction how to use it, but Joha just wishes a new pair of slippers strong enough to continue his journey. But his old sandals disappear. When he wishes a donkey to carry him, he has to carry a donkey on his back. And the Sultan comes…..! How will Joha learn its secrets before he wishes himself into more trouble?



Father’s Chinese Opera

By Rich Lo   (Sky Pony Press ~ in  2014)

Inspired by the life story of the author’s father who moved with his family to Hong Kong from China in 1960’s. A young Chinese boy watches his father conduct opera in Hong Kong, and he enjoys watching the acrobats. He wants to become one and trains with his best. But it’s not easy for him, and his father explains his path to become a successful musician. One day when his family needs to immigrate to America, his father decides to seals up his musical career in Hong Kong. His father has worked as a cook for 25 years in America, even experienced struggling with discrimination.

