Last stop on market street

By Matt De La Pena, Illustrated by Christian Robinson                                                    (An imprint of Penguin Group ~ in 2015)

After church on Sunday, CJ and his grandma ride the bus across town and they see many different people. But today CJ asks a series of questions to his grandma. With each question, she points out something for CJ to appreciate about his life.



A place where sunflowers grow

By Amy Lee-Tai, Illustrated by Felicia Hoshino                                                               (Children’s Book Press  ~ in 2006 )

Based on the experiences of the author’s Japanese-American grandparents and her mother at Uta’s Topaz Relocation Center during WWII. In the harsh desert landscape, young Mari feels sad and lonely.  Her parents are worried about Mari’s silence and listlessness, but an art class offers her a means of expressing her feelings. The story is told in both English and Japanese.

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Night of the Moon : A Muslim Holiday Story         

By Hena Khan, Illustrated by Julie Paschkis(Chronicle Books LLC. ~ in 2008)

Yasmeen, a seven-years-old Pakistani-American girl, celebrates the Muslim holidays of Ramadan, ” The Night of the Moon”, and Eid. With lush illustrations that evoke Islamic art, this beautiful story offers a window into modern Muslim culture and into the ancient roots from within its traditions have grown.>>>Hena Khan’s books in SHI collection.

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息子2人の母親であるパキスタン系米国人である作者が、身近な人々の為にイスラムの祝日を書いたのが始まりであった。以来多くの読者を得て、とりわけ子ども向けの話を書くのが好きな作者である。イスラム圏の伝統的な祝日の季節を、夜の月の満ち欠けを通して語ってい「る。イラストレーターもイスラム圏のタイルの柄から影響を得たデザインを見事に子ども向けに再現しているので、目にも楽しい絵本である。>>>SHIコレクションにあるHena Khanの作品

The way we do it in Japan

By Geneva Cobb Iijima, Illustrated by Paige Billin-Frye  (Albert Whitman & Company ~ in 2002)

Gregory lives in San Francisco with his American mother and Japanese father until his father trampers his job to Tokyo and they need to move over there. Once Gregory arrives in Japan, goes to a new school which is different from his imagination.  >>> Introducing Japanese way for children, and based on the experience of the author’s son. This book is also dedicated to her grandson.

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Grandma calls me Beautiful

By Barbara M. Joosse, Illustrated by Barbara Lavallee  (Chronicle Books ~ in 2008)

The same author and illustrator with “Mama, do you love me?” & “Papa, do you love me?”. Set in Hawaii, featured the beautiful bond between grandmother and her granddaughter. Explanations of Hawaiian culture and language are provided on the last pages.

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Traditionに集録されている Mama, do you love me? (アラスカの母と娘)、Papa, do you love me? (マサイ族の父と息子)と、同じ作者とイラストレーターのコンビで、ハワイの祖母と孫娘の話。ハワイ語やハワイの文化を散りばめながら、祖母の孫娘への愛情が、ほとばしるように描かれている。巻末には、ハワイ語や文化の解説もあり、ハワイの香りいっぱいの素敵な絵本である。

The Doorbell Rang

By Pat Hutchins (Greenwillow Books ~ in 1986)

Mam bakes cookies for her two children, and her children love Mam’s cookies as telling they are so good just like their grandmother made one. While they enjoy the cookies, their doorbell ring. Neighbor kids come and Mam invite them into the house to share her cookies. And then, another doorbells ring. Each ring of the doorbell brings more kids to share the delicious cookies………….and Again, the doorbell ring!

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A Mango in the Hand~A story told through proverbs

By Antonio Sacre, Illustrated by Sebastia Serra                (Abrams Books for Young Readers ~  in 2011)

A little boy Francisco ties to get mangos from the mango grove all by himself, but some problem happened forces him to return to his home. Each time his returning, his father shares a different proverb to encourage Francisco to continue trying. Finally Francisco gathers some mangoes, and one the way home he shares them with his relatives until nothing left for his own home.  >>> A glossary of Spanish words is provided.


When Jessie Came Across the Sea

By Amy Hest, Illustrated by P. J. Lynch    (Candlewick-2003)

From a small village in Eastern Europe, 13 years old Jessie takes a long boat trip to New York. As Jessie learns the skill of lacemaking from her grandmother in the village, it helps her to find a job in the dressmaker’s shop in the big city. After Jessie successfully establishes her new life in America, she invites her beloved grandmother to the new world.

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Pop’s Bridge

By Eve Bunting, Illustrated by C.F. Payne                                                                     (Harcourt Children’s Books-2006)

During the time of constructing the Golden Gate Bridge, Robert and his friend Charlie Shu spend together to watch from afar the constructing sight where both fathers work. Robert’s father is a skywalker, a high-iron man which Robert believes in more important and dangerous job than painting that Charlie Shu’s father works for. One day a scaffold falls and several men die, Robert realizes the wok is equally dangerous for all crew members.

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サンフランシスコの金門橋建設工事に父親が携わっている少年は、その勇敢なる父親を誇りに思っていた。少年の友達である中国系少年の父親も、同じく建設工事に関わっていたがペンキ塗りの仕事で、自分の父親の方が重要な仕事をしていると内心信じていた。ところが工事現場で事故が起こり多くの犠牲者が出た時、少年は自分の誇りを全ての工事労働者にささげる様になった 。金門橋工事の歴史書でもあり、多くの人の勤労によって完成した偉業を、少年の視線でとらえた絵本。

Mama & Papa have a store          

Story & Pictures by Amelia Lau Carling (Dial publisher ~ in 1998)

A Chinese family immigrates to Guatemala, and the parents work hard at a store for all day long. Their customers speaking Spanish, Chinese, and Mayan, come to buy cloth, buttons, and thread in many different colors. The children of Chinese store owner observe how their parents manage the business, as providing warmly service for all their customers.

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