The sounds around town

By Maria Carluccio (Barefoot Books – 2008)

The story follows a baby throughout his day in the town, focusing on the many sounds that he hear, from the singing of birds at dawn to the soft sounds of sleep. This simple, interactive picture book will revels many different sounds in our daily life.



Maybe something BEAUTIFUL: How art transformed a neighborhood

By F. Isabel Campoy & Theresa Howell, Illustrated by Rafael Lopez                              (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt – 2016)

Based on a true story of San Diego East Village, California. Mira, a girl, lived in a gray city, but she loved to doodle, draw, color, and paint. Her room was filled with color, and her heart was filled with joy. She gave her painted picture to people in her neighborhood. And then she met a guy who was painting beautiful colors on the bricks, and he welcomed Mira to join him to paint. Soon a neighbor joined in, then came others.



On the town: A Community Adventure

By Judith Caseley (Greenwillow Books – 2002)                

Charlie gets a homework to explore the people and place his community. He and his mother take a walk to find out. Each time Charlie meets a person, he describes him/her on his notebook with his words and drawings. And his assignment helps Charlie to understand the diversity of people and occupations in his neighborhood.



The Golden Rule

By Ilene Cooper, Illustrated by Gabi Swiatowska                                                                (Abrams Books for Young Readers – 2007)                                                                   

A grandfather and his young grandson find some words posted on a wall, and the grandfather says it’s the Golden Rule. The words are “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” The young boy asks his grandfather questions about the Golden Rule, and his grandfather answers him as using different religious expression, but all concepts is the same. At the end, the detail information of different religious expression are provided.


祖父と歩いていた少年が壁に貼ってある言葉を見つけた時、「これは人間にとっての鉄則」(この絵本ではGolden Ruleと表現)だと、祖父は言った。そこに書かれていた言葉は”あなたがして欲しいことを、他の人にもしなさい。”少年はGolden Ruleについて、祖父に色々と質問をした。祖父はそれに様々な宗教の言葉を使って、答えてゆく。宗教によっては表現が異なるが、概念は同じであると祖父は教える。巻末では、更に詳しく複数の異なる宗教の言葉を解説している。

Eddie Longpants

By Mireille Levert (Groundwood Book – 2005)                                                          

Eddie Longpants is so tall that this book has to be read vertically. Everyday at school, his classmates find new ways to bully him. One day the bullying goes too far and the teacher notices. Then Eddie shows his tormentor that there’s more than one way to behave. In the end Eddie and his classmates ralize that being big isn’t so bad after all, especially when you have a big heart.



I won’t comb my hair!

By Annette Langen, Illustrated by Erauke Bahr (North-South Books Inc. – 2010)     

Tanya is a daughter of interracial parents, and has a full head of glorious kinky hair that she refuses to comb. It keeps growing and gets bushier and bushier…and her imagination is growing as well. The front cover has an oval hologram that switches between Tanya in pigtails and Tanya with the jungle on her head.



On the Farm, at the Market

By G. Brian Karas (Henry Holt and Company – 2016)                                                   

On the farms, each workers prepare own products for the market. At the market the next day, the workers set up their stand for shoppers to arrive. Amy, the baker at the Café, picks all good stuff at the market for her special meal of the night. After closed market, all the farmers come to Amy’s café to enjoy the result of their hard work. This informative picture book introduce both local and urban greenmarket to learn interconnected community.



The Olive Tree

By Elsa Marston, Illustrated by Claire Ewart (Wisdom Tales – 2014)                   

Sameer’s neighbors left when war came to Lebanon, but now they have returned and instead of finding a friend to play with, Sameer meets an unfriendly girl, Muna. She confronts him about taking olive that fall from her family’s tree to his side of the wall. And then, one night lightning struck the Olive tree, and everything changed.



Circle of Seasons

By Gerda Muller  ( Dutton Children’s Book – 1995 )                                                        

The seasons form a circle that goes around the year. In charming pictures of different children and a brief evocative text, we celebrate the traditions of each passing season. Both Christmas and Hanukkah are mentioned at the end.




By Trudy Ludwing, Illustrated by Maurie J. Manning  ( Tricycle Press – 2006 )                

Charlie is a boy who does stuff he shouldn’t, and after that he just says “Sorry!”. Jack wants to be friend with Charlie, but Jack is not comfortable to follow Charlie’s way. Telling examples of apology in daily fife, this is to make to think about real apology. Details of apology and suggestions are included in the end pages.

