Green Pants

By Kenneth Kraegel (Candlewick Press – 2017)

Jameson loves his green pants. When he wears green pants, he can do anything. But if he wants to be in his cousin’s wedding, he is going to have to wear a tuxedo, and that means black pants! Jameson cannot make his decision until the last minute…but he makes everyone happy, including himself. While insisting his individualism, Jameson shows his wonderful cooperation to celebrate the wedding.



The Great Spruce

By John Duvall, Illustrated by Rebecca Gibbon (G.P.Putnam’s Sons – 2016)

Alec loves to climb trees, especially the great spruce which his grandfather planted near their house long before Alec was born. Every Christmas, Alec and his grandpa decorate this tree, stringing tinsel and lights through its branches. The one winter, three men from the nearby city ask if they can take it to be part of the city’s Christmas celebration. Alec doesn’t want to chop down the spruce, and comes up with a plan to save his tree and the diverse people’s city celebration in this delightful holiday tale.



Grace for President

By Kelly DiPucchio, Illustrated by LeUyen Pham (Hyperion Books for Children – 2008)

When Grace’s teacher reveals that the United States has never had a female president, Grace decides to be the first. And she immediately starts off her political career as a candidate in the school’s mock election. But soon she realizes that she has entered a tough race. The author not only gives readers a fun introduction to the American electoral system, but also teaches them the value of hard work, courage, and independent thought.



Angels, Angels Everywhere

By Tomie dePaola (G.P.Putnam’s Sons – 2005)

This is about angels, but angels who look after ordinary activities like waking up and going to school. Whether it’s a kitchen angel, a music angel, or even a tea party angel, you’ll find an angel for every occasion in the author’s fresco-style illustrations.
>>>Other books of Tomie dePaola in SHI collection: Nana Upstairs & Nana Downstairs, Strega Nona takes vacation, The Legend of the Bluebonnet.


天使についての絵本であるが、ここに登場するのは天使でも普通の生活を見守ってくれている天使である。台所の天使もいれば音楽の天使や更にはお茶会の天使も現われ、トミエ デパオラのフラスコ画スタイルのイラストの中で、あちらこちらと天使達が飛んでいる。
>>>SHI コレクションにあるTomie dePaola の他の作品:Nana Upstairs & Nana Downstairs, Strega Nona takes vacation, The Legend of the Bluebonnet.


By Julia Denos, Illustrated by E.B. Goodale (Candlewick Press – 2017)

Walking his dog at dusk, one boy catches glimpses of the lives around him in this lovely ode to autumn evenings, exploring neighborhood, and coming home.  As showing idea of home and the magic of curiosity, also the book tells us about how a sense of safety and belonging is something to which every child is entitled.



Hooray for Reading Day!

By Margery Cuyler, Illustrated by Arthur Howard                                                                        (Simon & Schuster Books for young readers – 2008)

First-grader Jessica, a big worrier, is especially afraid that she will make a mistake when she is reading in front of her class and parents on Reading Theater day, but after lots of practice reading to her dog Wiggles, she performs perfectly.



Each Kindness

By Jacqueline Woodson, Illustrated by E.B. Lewis (Nancy Paulsen Books – 2012)

Chloe doesn’t really know why she turns away from the new student, Maya, when Maya asks if she can play with Chloe and the other girls, the answer is always no. So Maya ends up playing alone. And then one day she’s gone. When Ms. Albert teaches a lesson on Kindness, Chloe realized that she and her friends have been wrong in making fun of Maya’s shabby clothes and refusing to play with her. >>>Jacqueline Woodson’s books in SHI collection.


Chloe は、新しいクラスメイトの Maya を何故遠ざけたのか自分でも解らなかった。他の女友達と一緒に遊んでいる時も、いつも Maya を仲間に入れなかった。結局 Maya は一人ぽっちで、そのうち転校してしまった。Albert 先生から思いやりの話を聞いた時、Maya の服装をからかったり仲間はずれにしたことは、思いやりに欠けていた行為であったことを Chloe は気ずいた。>>> SHIコレクションにあるJacqueline Woodsonの作品

Skin Again

By Bell Hooks, Illustrated by Chris Raschka (Disney – 2004)

“The skin I’m in is just a covering. It cannot tell my story.” and then show us how to know each other. With powerful texts and dynamic illustrations, blessing to be a human being. >>> Chris Raschka is also the author/illustrator of Yo!Yes?, Ring!Yo?.


「肌はただ身体をカバーしているだけで、私自身のことは何も語っていない」との言葉で、いかにお互いが知り合うかを示してくれる。力強い言葉と、ダイナミックなイラストで、人間としての喜びを伝えてくれる。>>>イラストレーターのChris Raschka の他の作品は、Yo!Yes?Ring!Yo? もある。

Cozy Light, Cozy Night

By Elisa Kleven (Creston Books, LLC.- 2013)

As following to 4 seasons, the poetic texts and enchanting pictures invite us to bless many different coziness surrounding us. Heartwarming and beautiful picture book for kids and for adults.



Willow and the Snow Day Dance

By Denise Brennan-Nelson, Illustrated by Cyd Moore (Sleeping Bear Press-2011)

When Willow’s family moves to a new home, Willow makes friends with all of the neighbors, even unsmiling Mr. Larch, through her letters inviting each to be as generous as she is.

