
By Matt De La Pena, Illustrated by Loren Long ( G. P. Putnam’s Sons-2018 )

In this string celebration of love, the author and the illustrator depict the many ways we experience this universal bond. With heartfelt illustrations and a smoothing lyrical text, this tender tale brings us a needed comfort and a new classic that will resonate with readers of every age.>>>Meet the author: Matt De La Pena


It takes a Village

By Hillary R. Clinton, Illustrated by Marla Frazee                                                                  (Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers – 2017)

The book tells the heartwarming and universal story of a diverse community coming together to make a difference. All kinds of people working together, playing together, and living together in harmony makes a better village and many villages coming together can make a better world. Together we can build a better life for one another.>>>The old African proverb “It takes a village to raise a child” is a timeless reminder that children will only thrive if their families thrives. And in today’s world that includes all kinds of families raising and loving children. ~ Author’s Note of Hillary Clinton.


“It takes a village to raise a child” (一人の子どもを育てるのには、村が総出で協力する)は、アフリカの諺であり、二人の孫の祖母となったヒラリー・クリントン女史は、その諺を独自の言葉で表した。簡単明瞭な短文の英語テキストとダイナミックなイラストで、年齢、特技、性別、人種など様々な人達が相互協力し、調和の取れた村の集合体が広がり、素晴らしい世界の実現が可能になることを、祝福している。

All the World

By Liz Garton Scanlon, Illustrated by Marla Frazee (Beach Lane Books – 2009)

With simple poetic text, following a circle of family and friends through the course of a day from morning until night, this book affirms the importance of all things great and small in our daily lives from the tiniest shell on the beach, to the warmth of family connections, to the wildest sunset sky.



The Busiest Street in Town

By Mara Rockliff, Illustrated by Sarah McMenemy (Alfred A. Knopf – 2009)

Agatha May Walker and Eulalie Scruggs are interracial and life-long best friends. They live separately on the opposite side of busy Rushmore Boulevard. But one day they inspire their neighbors to come together and make their street a much more pleasant place. >>> Mara Rockliff’s books in SHI collection.


白人のAgatha May Walker と 黒人のEulalie Scruggsは、幼い時から生涯を通じて最良の友人であった。ところが二人は、交通量が多く激しいRushmore大通りに面して、向かい合っていながらも離れて住んでいた。ある日二人は彼女達が出来る行動を起こしたことによって、この忙しない大通りは、近所の人達が声を掛け合いくつろぎやすい通りに、変わってしまった。>>>SHIコレクションにあるMara Rockliffの作品

Stepping Stones: A Refugee Family’s Journey

By Margriet Ruurs, Artwork by Nizar Ali Badr (Orca Book Publishers – 2016)

This unique picture book, as a dual-language ( English and Arabic) edition, was inspired by the stone artwork of Syrian artist Nizar Ali Badr, discovered by Canadian children’s writer Margriet Ruurs. The story is that Rama and her family who are forced to flee their once-peaceful village to escape the ravages of the civil war raging ever close to their home.


ユニークなこの絵本は、英語とアラビア語で書かれ、イメージは小石で作られた作品を使用している。この小石の芸術はシリアの芸術家Nizar Ali Badr の作品であり、彼の作品に感銘を受けたカナダの児童作家であるMargriet Ruursが、彼を探し出して、この児童本が制作された。この本の話は、平和に暮らしていた村の生活に戦争が迫ってきた為に、村を離れてはるか遠くの地へと移っていったラマと彼女の家族が主人公。副題の通り、シリア難民家族の平和を求めての逃避物語である。

Rose’s Garden

By Peter H. Reynolds ( Candlewick Press -2009 )                                                   

  After traveling the world in her fantastic teapot, Rose finds a neglected corner of bustling city where she can plant the flower seeds collected from her travel. And then she waits-through rain and cold and snow. Rose waits, never doubting that the garden she envisions will one day come to be. >>>The author wrote this book as a tribute to Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy, a woman who planted her own perennial garden.



ローズは不思議なティーポットで世界中を旅した後、賑やかな街の一角に忘れられた土地を見つけた。ローズは旅の間に集めた花の種を、そこに植えた。そして、雨でも雪でも、花が芽を出すのを待った。いつの日かそこに素晴らしい花園が出来ることを信じて、ローズは毎日待っていた。 >>>作者は、ローズ・フィッツジェラルド・ケネディ(ケネディ米国大統領の母親)へささげる為に、この絵本を制作した。

All of Me! : a book of thanks

By Molly Bang  ( The Blue Sky Press – 2004 )

From toes and elbows to kiss for Mommy and Daddy, colorful collages capture the curiosity  and sense of wonder felt by young children as they discover themselves and the world around them. The final pages are a simple guide to help young hands make their own pictures. >>>Other books by Molly Bang: When Sophie’s Feelings are Really, Really Hurt , The Paper Crane.


手足の先から両親への愛情まで、色鮮やかな貼り絵が幼い子どもの好奇心と不思議を導き、同時に自分の体の機能や日常の様子を発見してゆく。主役の子どもの両親は異民族カップルではあるが、ごく自然にそんな生活環境が伝えられている。巻末ページでは小さな手で色々な芸術が楽しめれるように、Molly Bang らしいアイデアが紹介されている。>>>Molly Bangの他の作品は:When Sophie’s Feelings are Really, Really Hurt , The Paper Crane.

Good Morning, City

By Pat Kiernan, Illustrated by Pascal Campion                                                                    (Farrar, Straus Giroux Books for young readers – 2016)

While the baker, the ferry boat captain, and the TV anchorman are busy at work, most people are cozily snuggled in bed. As the morning gets brighter, the city streets bustle with people ready to start the day. New day begins in the city of  diverse people.



Soccer Star

By Mina Javaherbin, Illustrated by Renato Alarcao (Candlewick Press – 2014)

An inspiring story of a Brazilian boy who dreams of being a soccer star. Paulo Marcelo Feliciano is a captain of soccer team in his favela. His mother has to work long hours, so he walks his little sister to her school every morning. He works all day on a fishing boat, and at day’s end, it’s time to play the game. This is an uplifting tale of transcending expectations and the power that comes from being brave enough to light up the world.


ブラジルのスラム街に住む少年達は、いつの日かサッカーのスター選手となることを夢見ている。Paulo Marcelo Felicianoも、そんな少年のひとりであった。家計を助けたり、妹の面倒をみたりしながらも、彼のサッカーチームのキャプテンである彼は練習に励んでいた。少年達のたくましさと夢を追いかける熱意が、ブラジルから伝わってくる。

Jason Takes Responsibility (The Way I Act Books)

By Virginia Kroll, Illustrated by Nancy Cote (Albert Whitman & Company – 2005)

Jason has an important job to do. He has to take the invitations for his grandma’s birthday party to the mailbox right away. But then he sees Carson flying a new kite in the park. Jason stops to fly the kite for a minute, and in his rush to meet the mail track, he loses one of the invitations. Fortunately he is able to make it right at the last minute.

