Raise your Hand

By Alice Paul Tapper, Illustrated by Marta Kissi  ( Penguin Workshop – 2019 )

Based on eleven-year-old Alice Paul Tapper’s own experience. This inspiring story shows how Alice took an idea and turned it into a national movement to give girls more confidence. After noticing that girls at school weren’t participating as much as boys, she put a plan into action and use her vice to encourage others to use theirs.

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11歳のAlice Paul Tapperの実体験を基にした絵本。アリスは、学校で女生徒の方が男生徒よりも手を上げないことに気ずいた。自分自身その理由を分析し、女生徒達が自信をもつ為のアイデアを他の女生徒達と話し合いながら、行動を起こした。その行動は全国に広がる運動となった。

A Boy like You

By Frank Murphy, Illustrated by Kayla Harren  ( Sleeping Bear Press – 2019 )

This picture book encourages every boy to embrace all the things that make him unique, to follow his dreams, to be brave and ask for help, to tell his own story and listen to the stories of those around him. In an age when boys are expected to fit into a particular mold, this book celebrates all the wonderful ways to be a boy.>>> Frank Murphy’s books in SHI Collection.

この絵本は総ての少年に多くの励ましを与えている。例えば、自分自身を大事にすること、夢を追うこと、助けを求める勇気を持つこと、自分の話を語り周囲の人達の話に耳を傾けること。歳と共に成長していく少年を、そして少年であることの素晴らしさを大いに祝福している。古い男性への固定観念を壊し、もっと自由に自分らしく生きることを少年たちに励ましている。>>>SHIのコレクションにある Frank Murphyの作品

God’s Dream

By Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Douglas Carlton Abrams, Illustrated LeUyen Pham (Candlewick Press – 2008)

This book is a lovely introduction to Archbishop Tutu’s unique message of forgiveness and empathy and a beckoning pathway toward joy that even very young readers will delight in following. With warm and beautiful collaboration between authors and illustrator, the message will be able to reach to all children on the earth. >>>Archbishop Desmond Tutu was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984 for his lifelong struggle to bring equality, justice and peace to his native country of South Africa. The same two authors also wrote: Desmond and the very mean word


この絵本は、ツツ元大主教からのメッセージである、許しと共感と真の喜びを得るための方法を、若い読者にも解かり易く楽しく紹介している。心温まる美しい作品は、制作者達の熱意の賜物であり、世界中の子ども達に貴重なメッセージを届けてくれる。>>>ツツ元大主教は、祖国南アフリカの公平で平等で平和な社会実現の功績が認められ、1984年にノーベル平和賞を受賞。この絵本と同じ2人の作者でDesmond and the very mean wordもある。

Didi and Daddy on the Promenade

By Marilyn Singer, Illustrated by Marie-Louise Gay  ( Clarion Books – 2001 )

This delightful picture book captures all the sights and sounds of one of Brooklyn’s main attraction and its spectacular view of the Manhattan skyline, as well as the very special relationship between one spirited little girl and her dad.



Girls Hold Up This World

By Jada Pinkett Smith, Photographs by Donyell Kennedy-McCullough (Scholastic Inc. – 2005)

The inspiring poem brings warmth and heart to celebrate young women. Accompanied by exuberant and poignant photographs, the words capture the strength, unity and beauty that all girls have inside.



There is a tribe of Kids

By Lane Smith  ( Roaring Book Press – 2016 )

Simple text and enchanting illustrations follows a child on a journey and a series of encounters with animals and other inhabitants of natural world. Each has a tribe of their own, but the child is alone. He finds fun, companionship, and new experiences among those he meets, but always continue his journey until he finds his tribe.



Octopus’s Garden

By Ringo Starr, Illustrated by Ben Cort  ( Aladdin – 2013 )

How wouldn’t like to visit an octopus’s garden? You can enjoy underwater adventure in this lively picture book, complete with a CD of a new recording of the song and a read-aloud by Ringo Starr, a member of the Beatles. In this glorious picture book we can celebrate peace, love and octopuses so much.



What If Everybody Thought that?

By Ellen Javernick, Illustrated by Colleen Madden(Two Lions – 2019)

If you see someone in a wheelchair, you might think he or she couldn’t compete in a race. But…you might be wrong. What about if you see a child with no hair? Do you think that she is embarrassed all the time? As presenting several different cases, this book explores the preconceived notions we have about the world and encourages kids to be more thoughtful. >>>This is the companion book to “What If Everybody Did That?” and “What If Everybody Said That?” by the same author and illustrator.


もしも車いすの人を見かけたら、その人は競争に勝てないと思うかもしれない。しかし、、、それは間違っていることもある。髪の毛のない子を見かけたら、彼女がいつもそのことを恥じているだろうか?様々な場面を語りながら、私たちの持つ先入観を取り上げて、子ども達に深く考えることを促している。>>>同じ作者とイラストレーターによる姉妹本、”What If Everybody Did That?“と “What If Everybody Said That?” もある。

Can you say Peace?              

By Karen Katz (Henry Holt and Company, LLC – 2006)

On International Day of Peace, and every day throughout the year, children all over the world wish for Peace. 11 Children say Peace in their own language and on the last page show more way to say Peace. >>>The United Nations has declared September 21 ” International Day of Peace”


Peace is an Offering                

By Annette LeBox, Illustrated by Stephanie Graegin (Dial Books for Young Readers – 2015)

Follow these neighborhood children as they find love in everyday things – in sunlight shining through leaves and cookies shared with friends – and learn that peace is all around if you just look for it. Illustrations and simple, rhyming text show different way that peace can be found, made and shared.
