The Can Man

By Laura E. Williams, Illustrated by Craig Orback (Lee & Low Books Inc. – 2010)

After watching a homeless man collect empty soft drink cans for the redemption money, Tim decides to collect cans himself for buying his own skateboard. Tim works hard in early morning to collect cans before the homeless man comes. By the end of the week, Tim has almost reached his goal…..and finds out the real reason why the homeless man collects cans. This story is to celebrate the simple act of kindness and sharing that make a difference in people’s lives.



Melissa Parkington’s Beautiful, Beautiful Hair

By Pat Brisson, Illustrated by Suzanne Bloom (Boyds Mills Press – 2006)

Everyone admires Melissa Parkington’s hair which is long, thick and so shiny, but Mellissa would like to be known for more than her hair. She wants to do something spectacular, but everything she tries doesn’t seem to work out the way she plants. Then one day she discovers that she can do something special with her hair! Melissa donates her hair to kids who need wigs.



Mama’s Nightingale: A story of Immigration and Separation

By Edwidge Danticat, Illustrated by Leslie Staub (Dial Books for Young Readers – 2015)

When Saya’s mother is sent to an immigration detention center as illegal immigrant, she sends her daughter every week a cassette tape with a song and a bedtime story, which inspires Saya to write a story of her own – one that just might bring her mother home.



Armando and the blue tarp school               

By Edith Hope Fine and Judith Pinkerton Josephson, Illustrated by Harnan Sosa                  (Lee & Low Books Inc.~ in 2007)

Inspired by the work of David Lynch, a teacher from New York who first began working in a Colonia in Mexico in the early 1980’s. Armando’s family is trash picker, and they live in a Colonia. One day, Senor David arrives and begins teaching school on a blue tarp spread on the ground. Armando’s parents finally decided that learning may help Armando to find different work when he grows up, so he begins attending the blue tarp school.


メキシコのゴミ集積所のゴミを拾って生計を立てている人々のことを知って、ニューヨークからやってきた教育者David Lynchの実話を基に描かれた物語である。そこでDavidは、青い防水シートを敷いて教室とした。その上に集った子ども達の学ぶ真剣さに、David自身が感動させられたそうだ。ゴミだけあさっていれば良いと考えていた親達も、子ども達への教育の大切さを学んでゆく。国際的にも大きな社会反響を得た物語の絵本版である。

The Color of Home

By Mary Hoffman, Illustrated by Karin Littlewood (Phyllis Fogelman Books ~ 2002)

Hassan, a immigrant boy from the war zone in Somalia to America, straggles to fit himself in a new school, even his teacher and classmates are very nice with him. Especially language barrier is very effected to him. One day, his teacher distributes art supplies, and Hassan discovers a way to communicate. Hassan’s two different pictures of his home demonstrate the value of art therapy in helping him to make the transition to a new environment.

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Lily and the Paper Man

By Rebecca Upjohn, Illustrated by Renne Benoit (Second Story Press ~ in 2007)

One day when Lily is walking back to home with her mother after school, she runs straight into a gruff and untidy-looking man selling papers on the street. Frightened,   Lily insists on taking the bus home everyday for fear she will run into him again. But the weather turns cold, Lily start to see the Paper man differently….she comes up an idea and overcomes her fear.



Because Amelia Smiled                

By David Ezra Stein (Candlewick Press –2012)

Because Amelia smiles as she skip down the street, her neighbor Mrs. Higgins smiles too, and decides to send a care package of cookies to her grandson Lionel in Mexico. The cookies give Lionel an idea and his idea inspires a student who in turn inspires a ballet troupe in England……and so the good feelings make their way around the world. Lovely story to see how we inspire each other in good way.



Be My Neighbor

By Maya Ajmera & John D. Ivanko, Global Fund for Children, Fred Rogers (Charlesbridge – Watertown, MA in 2006)

The photo book of world children’s life and their face expression published by The Global Fund for Children, based on the wisdom word of Fred Rogers “Neighbors are people who care about and help each other. Sometimes they live in the same real neighborhood, but they can also be neighbors even if they live far away”.  >>> Fred Rogers was a well-known host of American TV show for children ” Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood” during 1968 ~ 2001.


「近所とは、隣に移り住む人達かもしれないし、遠くに距離が離れているかもしれない、、、、でも皆同じに生きている」とのテーマで、文化の違いと子ども達に共通する表情を集めた写真集。異なる生活の様子と、子ども達の共通する生き生きとした笑顔が、読者の心を結びつけてくれる。What we wearの写真集と同様に、The Global Fund for childrenの制作した意欲的な作品であり、1968年から30年以上も米国の子どもTV番組のホストをした今は亡きFred Rogers[ミスター・ロジャー]の名言から生まれた写真集でもある。

What we wear: Dressing up around the world

By Maya Ajmera, Elise Hofer Derstine, Cynthia Pon- The Global Fund for Children(Charlesbridge – Watertown, MA in 2012)

Photo book to celebrate our diversity of rich culture through children’s different clothes and accessories for different reasons. >>> The Global Fund for Children also publishes “Be My Neighbor”.


世界各地の子ども達が、祝いの服や祭りの衣装を披露してくれる写真集。伝統的な装飾やフェイスペイント等、どの子の表情も大変に明るい。各写真には国名が記され、世界地図も記載されている。更に色々な衣装を調べるように、子ども達にアドバイスを忘れていない。The Global Fund for Children と言う機関の制作した、将来の地球市民への作品の一つ。

We are All Born Free-The Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Pictures

In Association with Amnesty International,                                                           Illustrated by John Burningham, Niki Daly, Korky Paul, Jane Ray, Marie-Louise Fitzpatrick, Jan Spivey Gilchrist, Ole Konnecke, Piet Grobler, Fernando Vilela, Polly Dunbar, Bob Graham, Alan Lee, Hong Sung Dam, Frane Lessac, Sybille Hein, Marie-Louise Gay, Jessica Souhami, Debi Gliori, Satoshi Kitamura, Gusti, Catherine and Laurence Anholt, Jackie Morris, Brita Granstrom, Gilles Rapaport, Nicholas Allan, Axel Scheffler, Chris Riddell, Marcia Williams,  Cover illustrated by Peter Sis.              (Frances Lincoln Children’s Books –London in 2008)

Proclaimed by the United Nations in 1948, these rights apply to every child and adult world widely. Amnesty International has taken 30 articles that comprise the Declaration and simplified to make easy understanding even for elementary school children. Each right is illustrated by an international array of well-known artistes.

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