The little bit SCARY people

By Emily Jenkins, Illustrated by Alexandra Boiger (Hyperion Books for Children – 2008)

A girl sees some people who are just a little bit scary on the road and in her school. But she imagines their positive side; what they like for breakfast, how they treat their pets, and how they sing along to show turns. Even her family members are sometimes scary. Scary people are not always scary.>>> This is a good book to discuss about scariness with children.



Words are not for Hurting

By Elizabeth Verdick, Illustrated by Marieka Heinlen (Free Spirit Publishing-2004)

This engaging book uses age-appropriate vocabulary and delightful illustrations to teach children that their words belong to them: they can think before they speak, then choose what to say and how to say it. ”Activities and discussion Starters” pages are found on the end.>>>This is one of Best Behavior series. (see the full series at

実用を目的としたこの絵本は、年相応の単語を使って明るく解りやすいイラストで、子ども達に言葉は自分のものであることを教えている。つまり、言葉を発する前に考え、そしてどんな言葉をどのような表現で選ぶのかを促している。巻末には、子ども達と話し合う指導案もついている。>>>この絵本はBest Behaviosrシリーズの中の一冊である。(すべてのシリーズは )

When Sophie Thinks She Can’t…

By Molly Bang (The Blue Sky Press – 2018)

Sophie is frustrating to put together a puzzle at home on a ranny day, and she feels she is not smart when she can’t solve a math problem at school. Her school friends feel the same way. But their teacher gives them some simple tools, including the most important word. They all try harder-together , until…”We did it!”>>>The same author of “When Sophie’s feelings are really, really hurt“.


雨の日にSophie は家でパズルが出来ずにフラストレーションを抱き、学校では数学の問題が解けずに自分はスマートではないと感じた。他の仲間も問題が解けずに、同じように感じていた。そこで学校の教師がヒントを与え、大事な言葉も教えてくれた。皆でさらに努力をして、、、ついにやり遂げた!>>>”When Sophie’s feelings are really, really hurt“と同じ作者兼イラストレーター。

The Word Collector

By Peter H. Reynolds (Orchard Books -2018 )

Just like as a stamp collector, Jerome discovers the magic of the words all around him. He starts to collect the words; short and sweet words, two-syllable treats, and multi-syllable words that sound like little songs. Words that connect, transform, and empower.>>>The same author of Sky Color, Rose Garden, and Going Places.


切手収集家のように、Jeromeは自分の身の回りにある単語の魅力に取り付かれた。彼は単語を収集し始めた。短い単語、素敵な単語、二音節の単語、そして多音節語は身近な歌のようだ。単語が繋がり、意味をなし、そして力強いメッセージにもなる。>>>この作者の他の作品は、Sky Color, Rose Garden, and Going Places.

Red Kite, Blue Kite

By Ji-li Jiang, Illustrated by Greg Ruth (Disney/Hyperion Books – 2013)

When Tai Shan and his father, Baba, fly kites from their roof and look down at the crowded city street below, they feel free, like the kites. Then, a bad time comes. People wearing red armband shut down the school, smash store signs, and search houses. Baba is sent away, and Tai Shan goes to live with Granny Wang. Though father and son are far apart, every day they greet each other by flying their kites-one red and one blue-until Baba can be free again, like the kites.>>> Historical note is included.


Tai Shanと父親のBabaは、屋根の上から街の人混みを見下ろしながら、いつも一緒に凧あげを楽しんだ。ところが暗い時代がやって来た。赤い腕章をつけた人達が、学校を閉鎖し、店の看板を壊し、家家を捜査して回った。Babaも遠くに連れてゆかれ、Tai Shanは祖母と暮らした。父と離れ離れになった息子だが、彼等は赤と青の凧を交互にあげては、お互いを確認し合っていた。そして、それはBabaが自由の身になるまで継続した。歴史に翻弄されながらも、父と子の変わらぬ絆が伝わってくる。>>>時代背景の説明も記載されている。

Jason Takes Responsibility (The Way I Act Books)

By Virginia Kroll, Illustrated by Nancy Cote (Albert Whitman & Company – 2005)

Jason has an important job to do. He has to take the invitations for his grandma’s birthday party to the mailbox right away. But then he sees Carson flying a new kite in the park. Jason stops to fly the kite for a minute, and in his rush to meet the mail track, he loses one of the invitations. Fortunately he is able to make it right at the last minute.



Two Parrots       

By Rashin, Inspired by Tale from Rumi who was a thirteenth-century Persian Poet.  (NorthSouth Books, Inc. – 2014)

In Persia, there was a wealthy merchant who traveled the world for his business. On one of his journeys to India, he received a beautiful parrot as a gift from a friend. The merchant loved the bird and fed the best food as keeping the parrot in a shiny golden cage. But, the parrot was sad, and asked the merchant to pass his message to his friend parrot in India while the merchant traveling there. It’s a story about communication of two parrots, and also life lesson for human being.



hello! hello!

By Matthew Cordell (Disney・Hyperion Books – 2012)

A child seeks a way to communicate with her parents and her brother who are busy with their electronic devices. She ventures outside, and there are so many things to say hello to! When she comes back home she decides to show her family what she has found, and it’s hello world and goodbye gadgets.



The Peanut-Free café

By Gloria Koster, Illustrated by Maryann Cocca-Leffler                                                                    ( Albeert Whitman & Company – 2006 )

Simon ate peanut butter everyday for lunch, and peanut butter was the most popular food at his school. But a new classmate, Grant had a peanut allergy and had to sit in a special area of the lunchroom. Simon reconsidered his love for peanut butter as understanding his new friend, Grant’s allergy problem. Note to parents and teachers about food allergy included at the end.



My Travelin’ Eye

By Jenny Sue Kostecki-Shaw (Henry Holt and Comany, LLC – 2008)

Based on the author’s experience as a seven-years-old girl. Jenny Sue’s eyes are different from other people’s eyes. Her right eye looks in one direction, while her left eye sometimes wanders. She loves that her “travelin’ eye” lets her see the world in a special way. But her teacher suggests her parents to take her to an ophthalmologist to fix the lazy eye.

