What If Everybody Did That?

By Ellen Javernick, Illustrated by Colleen M. Madden ( Two Lions – 2010 )

If you drop just one soda can out the window, it’s no big deal,,,,right? But what if everybody did that? What if everybody broke the rules,,,and spoke during story time, didn’t wash up, or splashed too much at the pool? Then the world would be a mess. But what if everybody obeyed the rules so that the world would become a better place? This book shows how each person’s small, everyday choices-good or bad- have consequences one way or the other. >>> The companion book to “What If Everybody Thought That?”, “What If Everybody Said That?” .

ソーダの空き缶をだった一つ窓から投げたら、、、大したことじゃない?でも、皆がそれをしたら、どうなる?ルールを皆が守らなかったら、、、話を聞くときに喋ったり、汚れた手を洗わなかったり、プールで水を跳ね飛ばしたり、大混乱が起こる。皆がルールを守れば、お互いに心地よく過ごせる。日常の些細なことでも、皆の行動によって良くも悪くも成果が現れる。>>>この絵本は、“What If Everybody Thought That?” や “What If Everybody Said That?” との姉妹本。

What If Everybody Said That?

By Ellen Javernick, Illustrated by Colleen Madden (Two Lions – 2018)

If you tell someone that they can’t play with you, there’s no harm done, right? but what everybody said that? What if everybody forgot to be kind…and made fun of other kid’s artwork at school, or told a fib, or refused to share with a person in need? As exploring the power of words, this book shows us that the things we say matter.>>> This is the companion book to “What If Everybody Thought That?” by same author and illustrator. 

誰かに一緒に遊べないと言っても、それは悪いことではないけど、もしもみんながそう言ったらどうなる?もしもみんなが親切心を忘れたら、、、学校で他の子が制作したアートを笑ったり、小さな嘘をついてみたり、助けが必要な子をのけ者にしたり、皆が同じように言ったらどうなる?発する言葉の影響を探りながら、言葉の使い方は大きな問題であることを教えてくれる。>>>同じ作者イラストレーターによる“What If Everybody Thought That?” の姉妹本である。

The Invisible String

By Patrice Karst, Illustrated by Joanne Lew-Vriethoff (Little, Brown and Company – 2018)

When Mom tells her two children that they’re all connected by an Invisible String, the children insist, “That’s impossible”. But they want to know more. She explains about an Invisible String made of love. Even though they can’t see it, they can feel it deep in their hearts and know that they are always connected to the ones you love. This joyful contemporary classic for all ages has helped comfort and heal countless readers by easing separation anxiety, loneliness, and loss, while also exploring the intangible yet unbreakable connections between us all.

母親が自分の二人の子ども達に見えない糸の話をした時、見えない糸が存在するはずはないと子ども達は思ったが、もっと話を聞きたくなった。母親は、愛を繋いでいる糸の説明をした。たとえ目で見えなくても心で感じることが出来るその糸で、愛する人達といつでも繋がっている確信がもてる、と。年代を問わず総ての読者に、別れの悲しさや孤独感や喪失感からの癒しと安らぎを与える実体はなくとも途切れない繋がりがあることを、再認識させてくれる。>>>日本語訳本のタイトルは「こころのいと つながっているよ」

Please is a Good Word to Say

By Barbara Joosse, Illustrated by Jennifer Plecas (Philomel Books – 2007)

Harriet gives examples of polite words: Please, Thank you, I’m sorry, Excuse me, May I help you!: and expressions to use in various social situations to make them more pleasant.

Harrietが礼儀正しい言葉(Please, Thank you, I’m sorry, Excuse me, May I help you!) の使い方の例を示し、様々な日常生活の中で、いかに言葉を生かせるか解説している。

I Hear a Pickle (and Smell, See, Touch, and Taste It, Too!)

By Rachel Isadora ( Nancy Paulsen Books – 2016 )

Children explore their five senses, learning what they can see, smell, hear, touch and taste. Simple texts and adorable illustrations can help children to understand how their five senses work.

子ども達が、見る、嗅ぐ、聞く、触る、味わうの自分に備わった五感を探索してゆく。 簡単明瞭なテキストと愛らしいイラストは、子ども達が自分の五感の働きを理解するのに、大いなる助けとなる。

The Invisible Leash

By Patrice Karst, Illustrated by Joanne Lew-Vriethoff (Little, Brown and Company – 2019)

“When our pets aren’t with us anymore, an Invisible Leash connects our hearts to each other. FOREVER.” That’s what Zack’s friend Emily tells him after his dog Jojo dies. Zack doesn’t believe it. He only believes in what he can see. But on an enlightening journey through their neighborhood – and through his grief- he comes feel the comforting tug of the Invisible Leash. And it feels like Love.


Red Again

By Barbara Lehman  ( Houghton Mifflin Harcourt – 2017 )

In this red book without any text , a child finds a mysterious red book. And inside that book, there is another child, who finds another red book-and an adventure! These magical red books can connect lonely islands with faraway cities, and they can connect the hearts of new friends who didn’t know that they had been waiting to discover a way to each other. >>>This is the companion to “The Red Book” by Barbara Lehman.


文字のないこの赤い本は、一人の子が不思議な赤い本を拾った。その本の中には知らない子が別の赤い本を拾って、お互いの子どもを赤い本が引き付けてゆく。街と遠い島が繋がり、見知らぬ子同士が赤い本によって知り合いになってゆく。>>>同じ作者による”The Red Book“につながっていく内容である。

What If Everybody Thought that?

By Ellen Javernick, Illustrated by Colleen Madden(Two Lions – 2019)

If you see someone in a wheelchair, you might think he or she couldn’t compete in a race. But…you might be wrong. What about if you see a child with no hair? Do you think that she is embarrassed all the time? As presenting several different cases, this book explores the preconceived notions we have about the world and encourages kids to be more thoughtful. >>>This is the companion book to “What If Everybody Did That?” and “What If Everybody Said That?” by the same author and illustrator.


もしも車いすの人を見かけたら、その人は競争に勝てないと思うかもしれない。しかし、、、それは間違っていることもある。髪の毛のない子を見かけたら、彼女がいつもそのことを恥じているだろうか?様々な場面を語りながら、私たちの持つ先入観を取り上げて、子ども達に深く考えることを促している。>>>同じ作者とイラストレーターによる姉妹本、”What If Everybody Did That?“と “What If Everybody Said That?” もある。

Infinity and Me

By Gabi Swiatkowska, Illustrated by Kate Hosford (Carolrhoda Books – 2012)

Uma can’t help feeling small when she peers up at the night sky. She begins to wonder about infinity. Is infinity a number that grows forever? Is it an endless racetrack? Could infinity be in an ice cream cone? Uma soon finds that the ways to think about this big idea may just be…..infinity. And then, Uma captures the personal side of infinity. It’s her Grandma’s love.>>>In the author’s note, she asks readers to find different definition of your infinity.



By Susan Lendroth, Illustrated by Priscilla Burris (G.P. Putnam’s Sons – 2018)

The festival of traditional Japanese arts is coming up, and little Natsumi’s big personality is too much for her family’s quieter traditions, until her grandfather introduces her to taiko drumming. Natsumi performs taiko beating on the stage of the festival! Even Natsumi is the smallest on the stage, she will be the loudest drummer one day.

