The girl who heard Colors

By Marie Harris, Illustrated by Vanessa Brantley-Newton (Nancy Paulsen Books – 2013)

What color is a dog’s bark? The ring of a school bell? Or the pattern of falling rain? Just ask Jullian, because for every sound she hears, she sees a color! This eye-opening picture book introduces readers to their five senses and to something called synesthesia-in which one sense triggers a perception, usually color. And for others, even numbers and letters have colors. This book makes synesthesia easy to understand and celebrate each person’s own way of seeing the world.

犬の鳴き声は何色?学校のベルの色は?そして、雨の音の色は? Jullianが言う様に、彼女は聞く音すべてに色が見えてしまう。知覚の意外な事実を教えてくれるこの絵本は、シナスタジア(共感覚)と呼ばれる特別な認識が他の感覚よりも強くなる(多くの場合は色の認識)ことを紹介している。人によっては、数字や文字に色がついて見える人もいる。シナスタジアの人達への理解を深め、目に見えるものの見方も人によって異なり、そんな多様性を祝福するのに役立つ絵本である。

nothing in common

By Kate Hoefler, Illustrated by Corinna Luyken (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt – 2020)

Two neighbors assume they have nothing in common until the same bright part of their day is gone: watching the love between an old man and his dog. Where would a missing dog be? They have the same ideas, but other than that, they have nothing in common. Or do they? With lyrical text and poetic illustration, the book explore how tow notices follow their heart, only begin to notice something new-each other- and how connection can sometimes float over us and land in extraordinary ways.


A world of Pausabilities : An exercise in Mindfulness

By Frank J. Sileo, PhD, Illustrated by Jennifer Zivoin ( Magination Press ~ 2017 )

Everyone has the capacity to be mindful, including (Especially!) children. A world of Pausabilities is a gentle reminder to stop, take a break, and notice details even as we go about our busy days. Sometimes the simplest moments are the most important ones – if we don’t let them pass us by! Follow a neighborhood on a summer day as children and adults alike apply mindfulness to simple, everyday moments.

誰もがマインドフルネスの許容には限度がある。とりわけ子ども達には。この絵本 (ポーズをとることが出来る生活)は、日常の忙しい動きを止めて深呼吸をする大切さを知らせてくれる。時には、シンプルな時間が最も大切な一時であることもある。それを見逃さなければ!夏の一日を大人と子どもと共に、近所での日常を追いながら、心満たされる一瞬一瞬を描いている。

E.T. : The Extra-Terrestrial

The film written by Melissa Mathison, The film directed by Steven Spielberg, The book illustrated by Kim Smith (Quirk Books – 2017)

Ten-years-old Elliott was looking for a friend. He found one from outer space! The well-known and beloved classic movie is now an illustrated storybook for the whole family-complete with flying bicycles, snooping scientists, and friendship that will warm your heart.


Yes, I can LISTEN!

By Steve Metzger, Illustrated by Susan Szecsi (Parenting Press – 2019)

In a world filled with distractions, being a good listener has become more important than ever! This essential life skill helps children achieve success at school, follow safety rules, and show others that they care. The playful rhymes in “Yes, I can listen!” encourage children to appreciate the rewards of attentive listening in a wide range of familiar situations. >>> Includes suggestion for parents who wish to explore fun activities that enhance listening skills with their children. Steve Metzger’s other book is “The way I act.“.

気を散らさせられる多くの情報や出来事がある今日では、真剣に耳を傾けて聞くことは、今までなく重要になっている。人間のもつ聞く能力は、学校生活や身の安全のため、そして他者との人間関係構築のためにも欠かせない。「はい、ちゃんと聞きます。」と繰り返すリズミカルな言葉は、日常生活の中での様々なケースで役立つので、子ども達に使う喜びをもたらしてくれる。>>>親向けに、子ども達の聞く能力をさらに伸ばすための楽しい提案も掲載されている。同じ作者の作品に”The way I act.”もある。

Rescue & Jessica : A life-changing friendship

By Jessica Kensky and Patrick Downes, Illustrated by Scott Magoon (Candlewick Press – 2018)

Rescue thought he’d grow up to be a Seeing Eye dog -it’s the family business, after all. But when he gets the news that he’s better suited to being a service dog, he’s worried that he’s not up to the task. Then he meets Jessica, a girl whose life turned out differently from the way she’d imagined it, too. >>> Jessica Kensky and Patrick Downes were married in 2012, and were injured during the Boston Marathon bombing in 2013.


Milo : Imagines the world

By Matt de la Peña, Illustrated by Christian Robinson (G. P. Putnam’s Sons – 2021 )

Milo is on a long subway ride. To pass the time, he studies the people around him and draws pictures of how he imagines their lives to be. But what if everyone’s life is different from how Milo first imagines it? From award-winning creators Matt de la Peña and Christian Robinson comes this timely and important picture book about how you can’t really know anyone’s story just by looking at them.>>>Matt de la Peña’s other books in SHI collection.

Miloは長時間地下鉄に乗った。時間が経つにつれ、周囲の人々を観察しては、彼らの生活を勝手に想像して描いた。でも、人々の生活がMiloの想像と異なっていたらどうなるのだろう?受賞作品のある制作者達が、時代に応じた大切なこの絵本を制作して、外見からだけの想像ではその人の本当の人生が読めないことを教えてくれる。>>>SHIコレクションにあるMatt de la Peñaの作品。 .

Penelope Perfect : A Tale of Perfectionism Gone Wild

By Shannon Anderson, Illustrated by Katie Kath (Free Spirit Publishing Inc. – 2015)

Penelope is an elementary school girl who wants to do everything on time, to straighten everything, and to do everything hard. From her morning daily routine until double-checking the list before falling asleep, her day should be perfect. But one night a sudden storm throws things way out of whack, and Penelope oversleeps. Penelope shows how to overcome her perfectionism and how to handle when things don’t go according to plan. On the last pages included tips and information to encourage adults to dialogue with children about Penelope’s case.


How Do You Dance?

By Thyra Heder  ( Abrams Books for Young Readers – 2019)

The author-illustrator Thyra Heder explores dance in all of its creativity, humor, and – most of all – joy, in a picture-book celebration of personal expression that will inspire young and old readers alike to get up and get moving.

作家兼イラストレターのThyra Helder氏は、ダンスを、豊富な想像力で、様々なユーモアで、そして何よりも楽しみを持って紹介している。絵本の中で繰り広げられるダンスによる自己表現を見ているうちに、年齢に関係なくどの読者も、立ち上がって体を動かしたくなる。

what happens next

By Susan Hughes, Illustrated by Carey Sookocheff ( Owlkids Books – 2017 )

Narrated in the striking, original voice of an outsider, and brought to life by deceptively spare illustrations, this book is an intimate look at the worlds of the bullied and the bully – and the way in which the universe connects them.
