We Belong Together

By Todd Parr (Hachette Book Group, Inc. – 2007)
”We belong together because…you needed a home and I had one to share. Now we are a family!” In a sensitive, Kid-friendly way, Todd Parr has captured what it means for a family to belong together. >>> Todd Parr’s books in SHI Collection.

”私達は互いに必要なんだ、、、何故なら、君は家が必要であり私には君を迎える家がある。そう私達は家族なのさ!”Todd Parr独特のイラストと彼独自の言葉で、互いを必要とする家族の意義を、子ども達に優しく解り易く語ってくれる絵本。>>>SHIコレクションにあるTodd Parrの作品。 

Ruby’s Sword

By Jacqueline Veissid, Illustrated by Paola Zakimi (Chronical Books – 2019)

Ruby is always racing after her big brothers. But no matter how hard she tries, she can never catch up. Then one day, she discovers some sticks in the grass. Not just any sticks – swords! And suddenly the world is her kingdom. Sweet and swashbuckling, the imaginative Roby reminds us that anyone, no matter how small, can be the hero of their own quest.



By Corrinne Averiss, Illustrated by Kirsti Beautyman (Words & Pictures – 2020)

Everyone loves everyone in Tess’s house. But when Tess has to start school for the first time, her family can’t come with her. Will the love be able to stretch that far? Emotional and uplifting, Love tackles the difficult topics of separation and anxiety in a gentle and reassuring way.>>>Corrinne Averiss’s books in SHI collection.

Tessの家族は、誰もが互いに愛し合っていた。しかし、Tessが初めて学校へ行くようになると、家族は誰も学校に一緒には来てくれなかった。愛は距離に関係なく届くのだろうか?感傷的で胸がどきどきしながらも、別れや心配で動揺する心に、愛は優しく心落ち着かせる方法で安らぎを満たしてくれる。>>>SHIコレクションにあるCorrinne Averissの作品。

ten days and nine nights : an adoption story

By Yumi Heo (schwartz & wade books – 2009)

A little girl marks a circle on the calendar. She has ten days and nine night. She eagerly counts down the days….what could she be waiting for? We watch how a family lovingly prepares for their new baby in this endearing adoption story.

少女がカレンダーに印をつける。彼女は10日と9夜を過ごさなくてはならないが、毎日カウントダウンを心待ちにしている、、、一体何を待っているのだろう? ある家族が養子縁組で新しい赤ちゃんを迎える準備の様子が、微笑ましく語られている。

Days with Dad

By Nari Hong ( Enchanted Lion Books – 2017 )

The heart-warming story, narrated by a young girl and based on the author’s own experience, revolves around a conversation between the two: a father who uses a wheelchair because he cannot walk and his daughter. The father concerns over what experiences his daughter might be missing out on with him. But she doesn’t care in the least about what her dad can’t do. Rather, she delights in the many wonderful things they often do together-from making music to looking out the window on rainy days.


I just want to say Good Night

By Rachel Isadora ( Nancy Paulsen Books – 2017 )

The sun has set. The moon is rising. It’s bedtime. But Lala is not ready to go to sleep! First she needs to say good night to the cat. And then the goat, and the chicken, and, and, and…….. This delightful bedtime ritual sets on the African , and rings true for all parents whose little ones aren’t ready to say good-bye to the day. >>> Other books by Rachel Isadora in SHI collection.


What a Family!:A fresh look at family trees

By Rachel Isadora ( G.P. Putnam’s sons – 2006 )

Ollie is the shortest kid in his kindergarten class. His grandpa Max says Olllie looks just like Max’s brother Winthrop did when he was the shortest kid in class. In fact, it turns out that Olllie is connected to lots of people, and this book shows exactly how, from dimples and freckles to ears that wiggle and hair that sticks up. This book celebrates family in all its similarity and diversity, as adding both humor and clarity to the wonder of our family trees. >>> Other books by Rachel Isadora in SHI collection.


Mission: New Baby ::Top-Secret Info for Big Brothers & Sisters

By Susan Hood, Illustrated by Mary Lundquist (Random House-2015)

Special Agent, who is going to be a big sibling, will receive super-secret guide to training the family’s newest recruit. There will be lots to do, like leading physical training (teaching your sibling to walk) and sharing intel (reading together), even that will be a big challenge. The book highlights 16 tasks for training a new recruit with welcoming a new sibling.


Daddy’s zigzagging bedtime story

By Alan Laurence Sitomer, Illustrated by Abby Carter (Disney・Hyperion Books ~ 2014)

When Jake and Jenny turn down every book Daddy tries to read before bed, he decides to make up his own story about a princess who drives a monster truck and battles aliens aided by a cupcake-baking union….This delightful and zany tale zigzags from hilarious to heartwarming and back. Of course they love it and request their father’s own story for the next night too.


Tuesday is Daddy’s Day

By Elliot Kreloff (Holiday House ~ 2021)

A young girl splits her time between Mommy’s house and Daddy’s apartment, which he shares with his partner Harry, but when Mommy picks her up on Daddy’s day the girl becomes sullen, not realizing Daddy has a wonderful surprise waiting for her at home.>>>The author Elliot Kreloff has a daughter, now grow, whom he co-parented with her mother, and Elliot lives with his partner Stephen just like in this book.

少女には母親の家に自分の部屋があり、父親がヘンリーというパートナーと一緒に住んでいるアパートにも自分の部屋があった。しかし、父親が学校へ迎えに来る日に、母親が来たので、少女は不機嫌になった。その理由は、父親が娘を驚かす為に家で準備に忙しかったのだが、少女はそのことを全く知らなかった。>>>作者のElliot Kreloffには娘(すでに成長)がいて、絵本の様に娘の母親と共同で娘の世話をし、作者はStephenというパートナーとニューヨーク市に住んでいる。