The Dead Family Diaz

By P. J. Bracegirdle, Illustrated by Poly Bernatene ( Dial Books for Young Readers – 2012 )

It’s the Day of the Dead (a holiday celebrated in Mexico)! Angelito never met a real Living person before, and his sister tells him the Living have big red tongues and bulging eyes, and if we touch one, we feel all hot and squishy. That sound scared Angelito. Lucky for him, a holiday festa is the perfect place to make a new friend. But when Angelito’s new buddy isn’t quite what he expected, it’ll take the traditions of the day of the dead to reunite the two boys in time for some holiday fun.>>>Details of ‘the Day of the Dead’ found on the last page.

メキシコの祝日の”死者の日”である。Angelito は今までに生きている人に会ったことがなかった。姉の話では、生きている人は赤い舌があり、膨らんだ目があり、触ると熱くて弾力性があるそうだ。聞いていたAngelitoは怖くなった。幸いなことに祝いの日は友人を得るのに良い機会である。しかし、Angelitoの新たな友人は彼の期待に反して骸骨のお面をかぶった生きた少年であったが、伝統にのっとって、二人は一緒に大いに祝日を楽しんだ。>>>巻末に”死者の日”の説明あり。

May Your Life be Deliciousa

By Michael Genhart, Illustrated by Loris Lora ( Cameron Kids – 2021 )

Every year on Christmas Eve, Rosie and her mama, tia, sister and cousins all gather together in Abuela’s kitchen to make tamales and to tell stories. Immersed in Abuela’s rich memories, Rosie learns not only how to make a delicious tamale, but how to make a delicious LIFE, one filled with love, lots of spice, and family. >>>Author’s and Illustrator’s notes are on the last pages.

毎年クリスマスイブには、Rosieと母親と叔母と姉妹といとこ達と一緒に祖母のキッチンに集まって、tamales を作りながら話に花を咲かせる。祖母との様々な思い出の中でも、特別な思い出は、美味しいtamales の作り方を覚えただけでなく、愛情と一杯のスバイスと家族から成る素敵な人生の作り方も教わったことである。>>>巻末に作者とイラストレーターからの言葉がある。

The heart of mi familia

By Carrie Lara, PsyD, Illustrated by Christine Battuz ( Magination Press ~ 2020)

A young girl has her mother who was born in the United States and her father was born in Central America, and in her home two worlds become one. Following the girl as she works with her abuela (grandma in Spanish) and grandma to create a wonderful birthday for her brother that celebrates her multicultural family and honors both sides and all generations of her family.


I love you, Baby Burrito

By Angela Dominguez (Roaring Book Press – 2021 )

This is the book to celebrate a newly born baby boy with full of love feeling by his parents. Swaddling a baby is just like a Burrito as wrapping tightly, and several Spanish words are added. At the end of the book, there is Glossary to translate those Spanish words into English as well as pronunciation.


Numero Uno

By Alex Dorros and Arthur Dorros, Illustrated by Susan Guevara (Abrams Books for Young Readers – 2007)

In a small village, Hercules is known for his great strength and Socrates for his keen intelligence. Whenever the village have a problem, they need one or the other for help. Each man argues that he is the most important person in the village. >>> With characteristic mix of Spanish and English, the author, Arthur Dorros inspired the story which his son, Alex Dorros wrote as being at twelve years old.

小さな村に、力持ちのヘラクレスと頭の良いソクラテスがいた。村で問題が起こると、どちらかに解決を村人たちは期待した。しかし、二人は互いに、村で一番重要な人物は自分だとばかりに口論ばかりしていた。>>>英語の中にスペイン語もちらつくこの話は、作者Aurhur Dorrosが、息子のAlex Dorrosが12歳の時に書いた話を基にして制作した。

Green is a Chile Pepper : A book of Colors

By Roseanne Greenfield Thong, Illustrated by John Parra  ( Chronicle Books – 2014 )

In this living concept book children discover a rainbow of colors in the world around them: Red is spices and swirling skirts, yellow is masa, tortillas, and sweet corn cake. Many of the features objects are Hispanic in origin, but all are universal in appeal. >>>Informative Glossary of Spanish are found on the last pages.



Too Many Tamales

By Gary Soto, Illustrated by Ed Martinez  ( G.P.Putnam’s Sons – 1993 )

Maria tries on her mother’s wedding ring while helping make tamales for a Christmas family get-together. Hours later, her panic ensues when she realizes the ring is missing. This is the story of a treasure thought to be lost in a batch of tamales; of a desperate and funny attempt by Maria and her cousins to eat their way out of trouble; and of the warm way a family pulls together to make it a perfect Christmas after all.


The Princess and the Warrior : A tale of two Volcanoes

By Duncan Tonatiuh (Abrams Books for Young Readers – 2016)

Izta was the most beautiful princess in the land, and suitors traveled from far and wide to woo her. But Izta had no desire to marry a man of wealth and power. Instead she fell in love with Popoca, a brave warrior who fought in her father’s army – and a man who did no offer her riches but a promise to stay by her side forever. Today two majestic volcanoes-Popocatelpetl and Iztaccihuart-stand overlooking Mexico City. They have been admired and created many myths. The author and illustrator, Duncan Tonatiuh, retells one of Mexico’s cherished legends.


Iztaは国中で最も美しい王女で、求婚者がいつもやってきた。しかし、Iztaは権力者ともお金持ちとも結婚を望んでいなかった。代わりに、父親の軍隊として戦った勇敢なる戦士Popocaに恋をしていた。Popocaは王女に富を提供できないが、永遠に王女のそばを離れない約束をしていた。今日でも二つの火山ーPopocatelpetl(ポポカテペトルはメキシコ富士とも日系人が呼ぶ活火山)とIztaccihuart(イスタシワトルは女性が横になっている姿のような死火山)は、メキシコシティーを見下ろしている。昔から人々を感嘆させてきたこの二つの火山には、様々な言い伝えが存在している。著者兼イラストレーターのDuncan Tonatiuhは、メキシコの歴史ある物語をこの絵本に蘇らせた。

Margaret and Margarita

By Lynn Reiser (Greenwillow Books – 1993)

Margaret speaks English but not Spanish. Margarita speaks Spanish but not English. On that day in the park, there are no kids but them. Can they still play together? Margaret and Margarita, two robust girls, show the readers how to become play-friends as crossing over their language barrier. English text colored in Pink and Spanish text colored in Blue, therefore we can enjoy their friend-ship process visually as well.


Margaretは英語を話し、スペイン語は話せない。Margaritaはスペイン語を話し、英語を話せない。その日公園には、彼女達二人以外に他の子どもはいなかった。この二人は一緒に遊べれるのだろうか?元気で活発なMargaret と Margaritaが、言葉の壁を越えてどのように遊び友達を得られるのか、読者に示してくれる。英語言葉はピンクでスペイン語言葉はブルーと色分けしてあるので、二人が親しくなる過程が、視覚的にも楽しく理解出来る。

I love Saturdays y domingos

By Alma Flor Ada, Illustrated by Elivia Savadier (Atheneum Books for Young Readers – 2002)

Saturdays and Sundays are very exciting days for the little girl in this story. On Saturdays, she visits her father’s parents who come from an European-American background, and on Sunday/domingos she visits her mother’s parents who are Mexican-American. While the two sets of grandparents are different in many ways, they also have a great deal in common-in particular, their love for their granddaughter. The depth and joy of both cultures are conveyed in Spanish and English, and the affirmation of both heritages speaks to all children who want to learn about their own families and ethnic backgrounds.

