Our Day of the Dead Celebration

By Ana Aranda (Nancy Paulsen Books – 2022 )

The Day of the Dead is a happy day! It is a day for families to come together to share stories and laughts. There are favoirte dishes to cook, poems to be written, and. most impolrtantly, memories to relive. No one in the family is forgotten, because this is the day when the dead come to visit the living – and for this holiday, it is almost as if they are sitting beside us as we take pleasure in celebrating the things that made them special. >>>In the last page, the author tells the background about this story of Mexican celebration.


My Two Border Towns

By David Bowles, Illustrated by Erika Meza ( Kokila – 2021 )

Early one Saturday morning, a boy prepares for a trip to the Other Side. It’s close-just down the street from his school-and it’s a twin of where he lives. To get there, his father drives their truck along the Rio Grande and over the bridge, where they’re greeted by a giant statue of an eagle. This is a loving story of a father and son’s weekend ritual, a demonstration of community care, and a tribute to the fluidity, complexity, and vibrancy of life on the U.S.-Mexico border. >>> Erika Meza’s books in SHI collection.

ある土曜日の朝早く、少年は反対側に行く準備をした。反対側はそう遠くなく、彼の学校から少し行ったところで、彼が住んでいるところの双子の町のようなものであった。そこへ行くには父親がトラックをリオグランデ川に沿って運転し橋を渡るけど、橋の反対側では大きな鷲の像がが彼等を迎えてくれた。この絵本は父親と息子の慣例となっている週末の物語であり、互いを助け合うコミュニティーの人達との交流であり、親し気な言葉が溢れ出る、複雑な面もある、アメリカ合衆国とメキシコの国境で繰り広げられる生き生きとした人々の生活を描いている。>>>SHIのコレクションにある Erika Meza’sの作品

Hair Story

By NoNieqa Ramos, Illustrated by Keisha Morris ( Carolrhoda Books – 2021 )

Preciosa, non-Black Puerto Rican, has hair that won’t stay straight, won’t be confined. Rudine, Black girl, has hair that resists roller, flat irons, and rulers. Together, the girls play hair salon! They take inspiration from their moms, their neighbors, their ancestors, and cultural icons. They discover that their hair holds roots of the past and threads of the future. >>> On the last pages, there are names of prominent Black, Afro-Latinx, and non-Black Latinx figures known both for their accomplishments and their notable hairstyle, and also a glossary of Spanish words.


Feathered Serpent and the Five Suns : A Mesoamerican Creation Myth

By Duncan Tonatiuh ( Abrams Books for Young Readers – 2020 )

Long ago, the gods of Mesoamerica set out to create humans. They tried many times during each sun, or age. When all their attempts failed and the gods grew tired, only one did not give up. It was Feathered Serpent, the god of knowledge. To continue, he first had to retrieve the sacred bones of creation guarded by the lord of the underworld. Gathering his staff, shield, cloak, and shell ornament for good luck, Feathered Serpent embarked on the dangerous quest to create humankind.>>>On the last pages, found the Author’s note and Glossary. Duncan Tonatiuh’s books in SHI collection.

大昔、メソアメリカ(メキシコ及び中央アメリカ北西部)の神々は、人間を創ろうと試みた。時代ごとに多くの試みを繰り返したが、すべて失敗であった。しかし、知識の神であるFeathered Serpent(「羽毛のある蛇」という名前)は、諦めなかった。作業を継続する為に、先ずは地下の神の支配から創作の為の神聖なる骨を収得しなくてはならない。 杖と、盾と、マントと、幸運を導く貝殻の飾りと共に、Feathered Serpentは人間創作を拒む多くの困難に立ち向かった。>>>巻末ページに、作者の解説と用語集がある。SHIのコレクションにあるDuncan Tonatiuhの作品

Dia De Los Muertos

By Roseanne Greenfield Thong, Illustrated by Carles Ballesteros ( Albert Whitman & Company – 2015 )

El Dia de los Muertos, Day of the Dead, is here – a holiday for celebrating the lives of departed family and friends. Altas are decorated with sugar skulls and marigolds. Tamales and sweets are ready to eat. Soon it will be time for picnics, music, and a costume parade! Come join in these joyful and vibrant festivities that are tradition in Mexico and throughout Latin America. >>> On the last pages, found the information about Dia de los Muertos and Glossary.


Our Celebración!

By Susan Middleton Elya, Illustrated by Ana Aranda (Lee & Low Books Inc. – 2018 )

A Latino family joins the crowd headed for a summer celebración! They enjoy their town’s parade which include street foods, bands, a corn princess and fireworks. A brief rain shower does not dampen the Latino family’s excitement. >>> Spanish words, interspersed in the rhyming text, are defined in a glossary on the last page.


Between Us and Abuela : A Family Story from the Border

By Mitali Perkins, Illustrated by Sara Palacios ( Farrar Straus Giroux – 2019 )

It’s nearly Christmas in California. Maria and her little brother, Juan, and their mother are headed south with Mexico to visit their grandmother. They are exited to celebrate Las Posadas with her. Maria has knitted Abuela (grandmother in Spanish) a scarf, and Juan has drawn her a picture. But when Juan’s gift won’t fit through the tiny spaces in the border fence – barely big enough for little fingers to touch – Maria launches a cunning plan, using creativity and hope. >>> Author’s note is on the last pages with telling about La Posadas and the background story of this book.

カリフォルニアにクリスマスが近ずいた。Mariaと弟のJuanは、母親と共に、メキシコとの国境で祖母に会うために南へ向かった。祖母と共にLas Posadasを祝うのを楽しみにしていた。MariaはAbuela(スペイン語で祖母)にマフラーを編んだ。弟は祖母にプレゼントする絵を描いた。しかし、国境のフェンスは小さな指がかろうじて入るほどしか隙間がなく、Juanのプレゼントは渡せれなかった。そこで、Mariaは想像力に望みを託した、素晴らしい思い付きを得た。>>>巻末 にLas Posadasの説明と、この話のバックグランドが記されている。

Mama and Me

By Arthur Dorros, Illustrated by Rudy Gutierrez (Rayo, Harper Collins Publishers – 2011)

For a bilingual girl and her mama a loving bound is about being together….and independent. Arthur Dorros’s skillful and subtle blend of English and Spanish narrative, illustrated bold, striking paintings by Rudy Gutierrez offers readers a poignant reminder that every day with Mama is sweet ! >>> Arthur Dorros’s books in SHI Collection is here.

バイリンガルな少女と母親との愛の絆は、一緒に過ごすこと、、、しかも自立心を保ちながら。作者Arthur Dorrosは、英語の中にスペイン語をちりばめた独特のテクニックで、Arthur Dorrosの色鮮やかな生き生きとしたイラストと共に、毎日母親と過ごすことがどれほど素晴らしいことかを読者に思い起こしてくれる。>>>SHIのコレクションにある同じ作者の作品

Papá and Me

By Arthur Dorros, Illustrated by Rudy Gutierrez (Rayo, Harper Collins Publishers – 2008)

A bilingual boy and his father, who only speaks Spanish, spend a day together. The young boy and his father may speak both Spanish, and understand English, but most important language they speak is the language of love. Arthur Dorros portrays the close bond between father and son, with lush paintings by Rudy Gutierrez. >>> Arthur Dorros’s books in SHI Collection is here.

バイリンガルの少年とスペイン語しか話さない父親が、一日を一緒に過ごす。その少年と父親は互いにスペイン語が話せたであろうし英語も互いに理解できたかもしれないが、二人にとって最も大事な言葉は愛情そのものであった。Rudy Gutierrez による力強い生き生きとしたイラストと共に、作者のArthur Dorrosは、父と息子の絆を見事に描いている。>>>SHIコレクションにある同じ作者による作品

Dear Abuelo

By Grecia Huesca Dominguez, Illustrated by Teresa Martinez (Reycraft Books – 2019)

Through letters to her grandfather in Mexico, Juana details her move to New York, her first days of school, and her new friendship with a classmate who speaks both Spanish and English.
